Stephen: We will be selectively aggressive

Translation we will select Parsons and we will aggressively give him a contract that ruins the team.
That also means they will be selectively non aggressive. Rather interesting choice of words.
What does ... selectively aggressive ... really mean. Man than sound a bit familiar (volunteer).

It means they will do as they always have done.
With this comment along with other comments already. Tells me they will do nothing any different.
This is like saying...

Functional Management Flexibility
Systemized Logistical Capability

Sounds great but means absolutely nothing.
And they thin fans buy into this.
I hate there stupid buzz words they come out with every year.
Cowboys player signings compete with North Texas land purchases, new Papa John’s location, natural gas deals, and stock investments for using Jones family free cash flow from ALL sources.
Cowboys player signings compete with North Texas land purchases, new Papa John’s location, natural gas deals, and stock investments for using Jones family free cash flow from ALL sources.
Brian Broddus said as much, they asked if the Jones were lazy when it comes to Football and he said "Far from it, they are pulled in too many directions, they will have 10 meetings in a day and only 2 have to do with football" Makes sense actually. Flying multiple places daily he said...
The fan base has had more than enough from these two and we are no longer falling for the "we're very close to a Super Bowl" and "we're all in" comments.

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