Supposed terrorist attack kills as many as 8 people in NY


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Ive heard the "beard theory" before... but let's be real here.

What's the difference between these beards and that piece of human garbage?

Judging someone's appearance based on beards seems very reckless to me. more innocents would get killed than they already are.

If you worked at home depot and he rented a big truck, or a gun store and he wanted to purchase a gun, or came on your plane. Would you not be suspicious and wonder about contacting the feds, or getting off the plane? Another scenario you teach people to fly and he shows up wanting to learn how to take off and fly.


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If you worked at home depot and he rented a big truck, or a gun store and he wanted to purchase a gun, or came on your plane. Would you not be suspicious and wonder about contacting the feds, or getting off the plane? Another scenario you teach people to fly and he shows up wanting to learn how to take off and fly.

So I should be suspicious of people that look like TF and JH or people with long beards?


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Ive heard the "beard theory" before... but let's be real here.

What's the difference between these beards and that piece of human garbage?

Judging someone's appearance based on beards seems very reckless to me. more innocents would get killed than they already are.

Not just the beard, the accent too.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
So I should be suspicious of people that look like TF and JH or people with long beards?

It has minimal to do with a beard per say. He has the prototypical look of a terrorist. This type photo is what is plastered in the news daily. Many guys in the Middle East have beards. If there was a picture in the dictionary of an Islamic terrorist......that is it.

What happened to "see something, say something"? If I was the guy renting out a truck to him, you bet I would notify someone. That is what they do, run people over with trucks. Common sense needs to be applied in certain situations.

What is the worst that can happen if the employee did say something and it turned out to be a false accusation? Maybe he gets ridiculed by some for racial profiling but that guy(the falsely accused) would have went on to a normal life.

If the employee did notify someone in this instance, perhaps there would be 8 more people alive today.

We have to stop worrying about who is offended, if you see something, say something! This can be applied to any race. If a white guy with a history of mental illness applies/buys a gun, say something.

This does not have to be turned into an ethnical debate. This is what America is dealing with, terrorists trying to kill and disrupt our daily lives. I do know it is more difficult to identify them who are not from that region but this latest example should have been easy to deter IMO.
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So I should be suspicious of people that look like TF and JH or people with long beards?
Yes ....that is called is how you prevent and solve crimes..... but the beards are pretty unique in that they don't go above the lip in most cases

But it is just one can ask if they are Muslim if you are renting a truck or plane or selling a weapon to a young Middle Eastern man with a huge beard if you need to narrow it down further..... if they say "No..... I am a pro football player or NBA star" you can be pretty sure they aren't terrorists


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I'm not worried about offending anyone, especially if my life is at risk.

My thing is I am not an expert to identify and point out terrorists. The reason I posted pics of TF & JH because I've seen terrorists that look like either of those guys.

Muslims come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.

Asking whether someone is a Muslim is not satisfactory enough for me. It is easy to get around by simply answering "no." Assuming the guy I asked was a terrorist, it's not as he would admit to me that he is.

Also terrorism is not exclusive to muslims.

Yes ....that is called is how you prevent and solve crimes..... but the beards are pretty unique in that they don't go above the lip in most cases

But it is just one can ask if they are Muslim if you are renting a truck or plane or selling a weapon to a young Middle Eastern man with a huge beard if you need to narrow it down further..... if they say "No..... I am a pro football player or NBA star" you can be pretty sure they aren't terrorists

It has minimal to do with a beard per say. He has the prototypical look of a terrorist. This type photo is what is plastered in the news daily. Many guys in the Middle East have beards. If there was a picture in the dictionary of an Islamic terrorist......that is it.

What happened to "see something, say something"? If I was the guy renting out a truck to him, you bet I would notify someone. That is what they do, run people over with trucks. Common sense needs to be applied in certain situations.

What is the worst that can happen if the employee did say something and it turned out to be a false accusation? Maybe he gets ridiculed by some for racial profiling but that guy(the falsely accused) would have went on to a normal life.

If the employee did notify someone in this instance, perhaps there would be 8 more people alive today.

We have to stop worrying about who is offended, if you see something, say something! This can be applied to any race. If a white guy with a history of mental illness applies/buys a gun, say something.

This does not have to be turned into an ethnical debate. This is what America is dealing with, terrorists trying to kill and disrupt our daily lives. I do know it is more difficult to identify them who are not from that region but this latest example should have been easy to deter IMO.


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Yes ....that is called is how you prevent and solve crimes..... but the beards are pretty unique in that they don't go above the lip in most cases

But it is just one can ask if they are Muslim if you are renting a truck or plane or selling a weapon to a young Middle Eastern man with a huge beard if you need to narrow it down further..... if they say "No..... I am a pro football player or NBA star" you can be pretty sure they aren't terrorists

Found this about Israel and profiling which we could learn a thing or 3 from.

"Unlike the TSA that spends unimaginable resources looking for nail clippers and water bottles, Israeli security is based on the premise that it's not knives and bombs that bring planes down, it's people. It is for this reason that they spend more resources looking at the passenger rather than scanning what he's bringing on board (they don't even make you take your shoes off).

The way this is done is in layers that start even before you get to the terminal building. Some of the methods are unabtrusive and you may not even notice them, while others are more obvious.

The most obvious of the screenings takes place while you are waiting in line at the check-in counter. A young Israeli security guard will come over to you and start asking questions. Some of those questions seem quite normal (what was the purpose of your visit? Who packed your bags?), while others will sound quite random (What synagogue do you go to? Who was your Hebrew school teacher?).

The point of this questioning is to judge your reactions, assuming a terrorist with nefarious intentions would get quite nervous at the questioning and eye contact.

People with backgrounds that may make them prone to wanting to harm an Israeli plane (Arabs, "peace activists" with certain organizations, known trouble makers, etc.) will probably be pulled over for a more thorough examination.

If you fit into one of the above categories set aside some extra time at the airport while you plan your schedule (alternatively you may want to consider flying out of AMM)".


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"If you see something say something" doesn't work in parts of the country where political correctness is practiced.
That's the irony of those who are saying it. They would be the first to fire you for profiling and discrimination.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Talk political... Get benched.

Cannot make it more plain and simple than that.

And if you do get benched for talking politics... Nobody to blame but yourself.


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That's the irony of those who are saying it. They would be the first to fire you for profiling and discrimination.
It happens anywhere....... look at the Texans and their complaints over a metaphor

Maybe make it an anonymous hotline type thing and maybe people would share more.... though going from a potential tip to actionable intel would have to happen pretty quickly


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I wonder if securing our borders as our president suggests would help?
I guess that would be politically incorrect though huh?

Might prevent some radicals from coming to the United States, but it does nothing to address those who legally immigrate or visit. Nothing for those who are already here and become radicalized after establishing residency. Doesn't even speak to practicality of the issue. Thousands of miles of coastline and border, and only a fraction is guarded. "Securing our borders", doesn't mean they are going to watch every stretch of it. It just means those who are law abiding will get scrutinized to a greater extent. Last time I checked, terrorists generally don't care if they are breaking the law.

Terrorism is an issue for which there is no single solitary answer. There may not even be a combination of answers. If there was, the entire world would be free of terrorism.


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I say that any terrorists will be executed and buried next to a pig. Heck I will give you 72 pig virgins. See how many want to continue this Holy War? Dip the bullets in pigs blood when fighting them was the rumor of General Pershing.


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Might prevent some radicals from coming to the United States, but it does nothing to address those who legally immigrate or visit. Nothing for those who are already here and become radicalized after establishing residency. Doesn't even speak to practicality of the issue. Thousands of miles of coastline and border, and only a fraction is guarded. "Securing our borders", doesn't mean they are going to watch every stretch of it. It just means those who are law abiding will get scrutinized to a greater extent. Last time I checked, terrorists generally don't care if they are breaking the law.

Terrorism is an issue for which there is no single solitary answer. There may not even be a combination of answers. If there was, the entire world would be free of terrorism.

securing the borders would be a good start. PART of that process is that we take a harder look at people coming in. The ones screaming about profiling, etc refuse to face reality. If we are going to get anything accomplished we are going to have to get harder and tougher.

Now as regards those already here- that maybe the hardest thing to face: we ae going to have to find ways to detect those who are becoming radicalized. The internet is the primary source now so something has to be done there. The problems there are obvious but we have to start.

The soft and stupid need to sit down and shut up. we are not going to stamp on this by singing kumbaya and making nice.


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I wonder if he looked like that when renting the van. If so, that would be a red flag and HD should have notified the authorities. Maybe he was clean shaven and looked normal. Maybe someone else rented it.....

If those details were released, I missed them :cool:

The guy rented the truck in Paterson, N.J.
Paterson is partly Muslim population.
I live across the river in Fair Lawn. Been to the Home Depot there way too many times.
The people who go in there are a cross section of the area. So this person renting a truck would not have raised any flags.