T.O. says Jerry 'blindsided' him - 3/28/09

SultanOfSix;2708303 said:
So, what you're saying is TO couldn't have be blind-sided because he should have known Jerry was lying to him? That he shouldn't have trusted him?
No I'm saying TO wasn't blind-sided because he went to him in the first place. It had to have crossed his mind.

Jerry's actions have nothing to do with him being blind-sided. If you go ask your employer about your job security, losing your job has crossed your mind.

Wouldn't that be the perfect situation to let TO go then? Absolutely perfect for the TO haters. It would have settled everything. LOL.
At the risk of dividing your locker room even more? I'll just say I can see why Jerry handled this the way that he did.
peplaw06;2708312 said:
No I'm saying TO wasn't blind-sided because he went to him in the first place. It had to have crossed his mind.

Jerry's actions have nothing to do with him being blind-sided. If you go ask your employer about your job security, losing your job has crossed your mind.

And I'm saying that is invalid. Just because you think your job is in danger and that leads you to get assurances from those who have power over you, doesn't mean you can't still be blind-sided. The mere fact that someone assures you invalidates your premise. The assurance portion is the key.

At the risk of dividing your locker room even more? I'll just say I can see why Jerry handled this the way that he did.

I'm not here to question what would have been his behavior and whether that would have been even more divisive to the locker room. If TO exploded, then I fail to see how that would have hurt the anti-TO case at all, and would have been even more divisive to the locke room. But, that is simply my belief.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
LMAO. So my comparison about human behavior related to job security is invalid because someone makes more money than another person? Are you serious? You're telling me I'm pitiful because I'm rational?
a. You definition of "job security" is illogical when you applying it for Terrell Owens' sake.
B. Of course. You obviously cannot be.
C. Rational people understand that you cannot be blindsided if you're actually thinking that something can happen. Your argument is that Terrell Owens was blindsided.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
LOL. You criticize me for making an invalid comparison about job security due to people's salary levels, and then subsequently generalize human behavior.
I'm guilty of generalization. I'm not guilty of making a valid argument based on that generalization. Or, at least I hope I'm not.

My generalization was taken from my personal belief that if someone is confronted with a question that they will contemplate what the answer to that question would be, and would not summarily erase of thoughts of that question and/or answer afterwards. If that's not true, then yes. I'm guilty of believing that individuals are capable of thinking beyond any given moment. Anything is possible, as I'm sure you will point out later.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
Seriously, why are you still persisting in your semantic garbage?
I suppose that as long as you can chunk it, I can toss it right back at ya.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
No one is disputing the reactions and thoughts that someone has when his job security is in question.
Who was the poster that introduced "job security" and assumed reactions based upon job security into this thread?


You're right, "No one is disputing the reactions and thoughts that someone has when his job security is in question.", because you're the only one trying to.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
It's being quelled about those concerns by someone who has power to determine your fate, and then having that same person turn around and then basically lie to you.
Now, who is generalizing human behavior? :rolleyes:

You're returning to the melodrama of Jerry Jones lying to him. Great. Who's arguing that Jerry Jones lied to him? Me? Of course not.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
That is the definition of being blind-sided.
No it's not. That's the definition that you, Terrell Owens and anyone sympathic to his position are attempting to take. Truthfully, Jerry Jones told him one thing. He believed him. Jones released him. He didn't anticipate that happening because of what Jones told him. It's one thing to be blindsided, which is to be taken completely unawares, and to not anticipate a result. I've posted the true definitions of both on this thread earlier.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
You're simply weaseling your way out of your baseless argument.
I'll agree that my argument is baseless if you state that, in your opinion, Terrell Owens is either a fool or a person who's thought processes are impaired. In other words, someone who questions his employer about speculation that he hears, and following his conversation with said employer, completely forgets what the reasons behind his questioning his employer in the first place.

What say you?
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
Who said he's making an "appearance" of being blind-sided?
He's quoted as saying he was "blindsided". He is taking the public stance that he was "blindsided". He is making himself appear to be "blindsided" by Jerry Jones to the publication's readership.

Question. Are you stating that he's not making himself appear to be "blindsided" according his comments? If not, I ask you why would he even make the comment in the first place in your opinion? Is he or is he not taking a stance? If he's taking a stance, is he not making his stance "seen" by publicly commenting about his reaction?
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
You can now gauge people's intentions, that he was "anticipating" his release, or is that something that's true because you dislike him?
While it's true that I dislike him, I refuse to believe that he's a stupid individual. Calculating? Yes. Ignorant? No.
SultanOfSix;2708265 said:
Basically your simply just questioning his credibility and not really arguing anything.
The questioning of Terrell Owens' credibility began well-before I started to do the same. However, there isn't any questioning or argument in this instance. Owens was not oblivious to what happened to him and was thus not blindsided. Those taking the position that he was are the ones who are, in fact, arguing.
SultanOfSix;2708289 said:
I know you have that right. You can waffle as much as you want.

I simply threw it out there to maybe let you think about your past behavior. For example, like the way TO's past behavior is used to judge him in the present, as the reason for why he was let go. Exactly the things which led you to ask the questions below based on invalid assumptions concerning my motive.

Where did I say or imply anywhere that Jerry was influenced by "anonymous sources" in making his decision?

You have been crying all throughout this thread that it was the media! I don't think you know what you are saying...

How embarassing is that?

5Stars;2708329 said:
You have been crying all throughout this thread that it was the media! I don't think you know what you are saying...

How embarassing is that?[/quote]

I don't know. Maybe as embarrassing as you thinking I don't know what I'm saying.

SultanOfSix;2708333 said:
How embarassing is that?

I don't know. Maybe as embarrassing as you thinking I don't know what I'm saying.


You don't....

SultanOfSix;2708289 said:
I know you have that right. You can waffle as much as you want.

One statement I made and I changed my mind is your definition of waffling? I don't think you really think through what you are saying. Waffling would be an inability to make a decision, or continually going back and forth about a given decision. I made one statement and changed my mind. One time.

I simply threw it out there to maybe let you think about your past behavior. For example, like the way TO's past behavior is used to judge him in the present, as the reason for why he was let go.

My past behavior? Talk about a reach. Equating my decision to comment about Owens and Owens being released from three different football teams while still performing at a very high level is utterly absurd.

Where did I say or imply anywhere that Jerry was influenced by "anonymous sources" in making his decision?

If you've posted in this thread ten times, on probably about 8 of those occasions you've made reference to the media and anonymous sources. Which, obviously, by your repeated mentioning of them, implies they were relevant to Owens release. Otherwise, why mention them at all?
SultanOfSix;2708317 said:
And I'm saying that is invalid. Just because you think your job is in danger and that leads you to get assurances from those who have power over you, doesn't mean you can't still be blind-sided. The mere fact that someone assures you invalidates your premise. The assurance portion is the key.
I'm sorry, it's not invalid. You have no idea what Jerry told TO, what his demeanor and body language were. Maybe he's assured more easily than most. Maybe TO has an axe to grind and wants Jerry to be made to look like the bad guy. I'm not gullible enough to believe that TO had no idea this was coming.

I'm not here to question what would have been his behavior and whether that would have been even more divisive to the locker room. If TO exploded, then I fail to see how that would have hurt the anti-TO case at all, and would have been even more divisive to the locke room. But, that is simply my belief.
You can't see how a TO that thinks he may be on the way out could be more divisive than one who thinks he will be here? I'm not concerned whether it would have hurt the anti-TO case. I'm concerned about whether it would hurt the team.
5Stars;2708335 said:
I don't know. Maybe as embarrassing as you thinking I don't know what I'm saying.


You don't....


Sure I do:

1) I don't agree with the media's incessant depersonalization and antagonism towards TO.
2) I don't agree that all of the reasons he was "released" from three teams (actually two) can be generalized under the category of simply being a team cancer. I think there were a multitude of dynamic reasons for them.
3) I believe one can be blind-sided when losing a job despite having previous qualms about job security due to the of an assurance from the one who has the power over it.
4) I believe everyone is responsible for their actions, but I think motives are what need to be assessed, and either party is rarely completely free from guilt.

Those are just some of them.
DallasEast;2708326 said:
a. You definition of "job security" is illogical when you applying it for Terrell Owens' sake.
TO's followers are more devout than Jim Jones'. It's impossible to reason with them, in spite of what's transpired this offseason.

Owens got fired and wound up in the NFL's version of Siberia.

I guess he really was concerned about job security. He knew that by his standards, he wouldn't be able to get a good job to replace his if he got fired in Dallas.
YoMick;2708290 said:
You forgot about Austin Miles. He is slated to pick up where TO left off :rolleyes:

Double digit TD's and over 1000 yards ;)

While I would love to see baby TO , I mean Miles Austin produce like that. I wouldnt put all my eggs in the Austin basket. Him with the ball scares me. I am still not over his 4 fumbles on kickoffs in 06'.

My question is..... If Romo has an 09' season like 08', who is going to be the offseason scapegoat? Romo or JG?
McCordsville Cowboy;2708385 said:
While I would love to see baby TO , I mean Miles Austin produce like that. I wouldnt put all my eggs in the Austin basket. Him with the ball scares me. I am still not over his 4 fumbles on kickoffs in 06'.

My question is..... If Romo has an 09' season like 08', who is going to be the offseason scapegoat? Romo or JG?
Brady Quinn
theebs;2708204 said:
Oh boy.

T.O. didnt do anything wrong because Tony Romo Sucks and so does Jason Garrett. The people who take up for this guy are just like him, they all have the same "I confess, He did it" attitude.

Its going to be a long summer on here.:mad:

So, you honestly think Romo's fumbles and bad decisions were not a problem?

Or do you think Romo's fumbles and bad decisions were Owens' fault?

Or how about the puzzling play calling? Garrett's fault or Owens'? I know if I see the fake slant into a draw play, I'll puke.

Or wait. When in the Commanders game we didn't use Felix Jones AT ALL and only ran the ball with Barber 8 freaking times, that was Romo's fault according to Garrett. And when Romo called Garrett out for some of the protection schemes, Garrett made sure that Romo knew that it was Romo's fault.

Again, passing the buck.

And I believe when the coaching staff starts passing the buck, eventually the players start doing it as well.

I think T.O. is going to retire a cowboy.
Probably will sign one of those 1 day contracts.
Texan_Eph89;2708427 said:
Jerry loves T.O. too much
What other owner feels that way about T.O.?
T.O. hates Jerry right now and if jerry loved him so much he wouldn't be a buffalo bill right now.
Texan_Eph89;2708420 said:
I think T.O. is going to retire a cowboy.
Probably will sign one of those 1 day contracts.
Owens: "Jerry, I know that you blindsided me when you released me and I've told everyone that, but that's in the past. How about I retire as a Cowboy?"

Jones: "Sure thang, TerREL. I'll get legal to draw up the PApers."

Owens: "Great Jerry and I'll have Drew look them over afterwards."

Jones: "Um... TerREL..? It's just gonna be a one day contract. That's it. There's nuthin' really to look over."

Owens: "Damn Jerry! There's no money involved???" *click!*

Jones: "TerREL? TerREL? Dang blast that Orville Redenbacher eating..."
Rampage;2708428 said:
T.O. hates Jerry right now and if jerry loved him so much he wouldn't be a buffalo bill right now.
No he doesn't
Read the statements again.
T.O. blames other Cowboys front office personnel for the "blindside"

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