Takk > Taco or Taco > Takk


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So what! So that excuses acting like an idiot on national tv? He knew he was going to be drafted for a long time. He did nothing but disrespect his grandmother who by the picture looked to be a classy church going lady. I doubt she would have been proud of him. He showed me just how dumb he really is and I don't want that in my lockeroom.

Wow you know a lot about him and his grandmother, and their relationship, and how she would've felt. I mean, god forbid a guy who just beat all the trash thrown at him in life be fired up about it.


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Maybe they were bummed when takk was picked because they only had one more suitable DE on their board, and were afraid he wouldn't make it to them?
Heck, the bills could have wanted him and if they didn't, they already traded back once.


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Referencing a fan (blogger) is meaningless, as in worthless, no meaning, value is zero.

Michael Sissemore responded back to my email:
He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.


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Your whole premise is to overspend.

Overspend for a mediocre corner so they can overspend on a draft pick with just as many warts as the one they ended up with.

Dallas has been down that route and it is perhaps the biggest reason for the SB drought that is now embarking on its 22nd year.

You think overspend = good ownership and those of us who have been fans for long enough know through experience that isn't the case.

times have changed since 2014. winners adjust their approach.


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Michael Sizemore writes a blog and writes an opinion that he formulates without any inside contacts or any press pass to interview team personnel. He is a freaking blogger and I'm calling him out to produce a quote from Eatman.

As to you believing me, we we Waldo. We we!

Sissemore was nice enough to respond: He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.


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According to Nick Eatman:
1. Cowboys really wanted Takk
2. Rumors were Falcons wanted to hop Dallas for a passrusher, which happened
3. Cowboys were probably aware but allowed it to happen. They settled for Taco because they did not want to give up the 3rd round pick that Atlanta gave up.

So we gave up the more explosive RDE because he had to draft more DBs.
This was because they were under pressure to draft a bunch of DBs because they were too cheap to resign at least Carr.
So for a couple Mil AAV, we had to settle for an inferior RDE candidate, even though we have cap space to spare.
More of the same bean counter at work...
Lets hope it is Spicy Taco and not Soft Taco...

We know the story by now for the Dallas Cowboys, they really wanted to take Takkarist McKinley. We know that to be a fact as reported by Nick Eatman, Takk was the pick at 28. However, often times, the draft throws a few curveballs. The day of the draft, rumors were swirling that the Atlanta Falcons wanted to trade up and hop Dallas for a pass rusher. They did just that by trading with Seahawks and snatching McKinley right at 26th overall.

That Takk guy seems like a serious head case to me. No class what so ever. The way he walked onto the stage when they were all being introduced was embarrassing. And then his ranting when he got picked? Thank God we passed on him.


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Considering they got not one but two quality corners since they "telegraphed" their intent, you would think that ship has sailed.

Given their relative sizes and how Taco did better in the shuttle and 10 yard sprint while significantly better in the 3 cone, Taco's ability to change direction ie bend the corner has a better potential.

His speed rush will be similar in velocity and ability to keep his frame free to McKinley, but Taco's rush will have much more momentum associated with it given the 11% increase in weight. Power and speed to power moves will be easier for Taco. You can try to ignore the shuttle, cone, and 10 yard scores but they are there just the same.

McKinley has going for him long speed and two years of production as opposed to Taco's one. The latter is the biggest concern with Taco but the former is inconsequential considering the average 7 step drop is only 9 yards.

Frankly, if Marinelli can motivate him to buy into the program and play to his potential Taco is going to be an absolute beast. A 280 lbs man should not have the feet to spin like he does. It's the type of thing you see from scat backs.

His balance is outstanding. He needs to work on his hand technique and footwork. There are few better tutors for that than Rod Marinelli.

1. here is the response from sissemore: He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.

2. 10 yard split times
Miles Garrett: 1.63 -- http://www.ninersnation.com/2017/3/...ertical-jump-40-time-10-yard-split-broad-jump
Takk: 1.60 -- https://relativeathleticscores.com/2017/04/13/takkarist-mckinley-ras/
Taco: 1.70 -- http://thefalconswire.usatoday.com/...otential-draft-pick-profile-dl-taco-charlton/


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Michael Sissemore responded back to my email:
He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.
I'm also sure they'd have rather had Garrett or Barnett.

Teams miss out on guys all the time. It'd also why you group players in tiers. What fans overestimate (and what you're doing here big league) is how much better a guy you rank 18 is verses a guy you have 19. Or even 23.

The gaps just aren't that big usually.


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I'm also sure they'd have rather had Garrett or Barnett.

Teams miss out on guys all the time. It'd also why you group players in tiers. What fans overestimate (and what you're doing here big league) is how much better a guy you rank 18 is verses a guy you have 19. Or even 23.

The gaps just aren't that big usually.

They probably did.
The passrush, or the lack of it, doomed the 2016 season.
It was the #1 priority.
Until the self-inflicted mess created in the defensive backfield.
Then the fans clamored for DBs as the #1 priority.
DBs are much easier to come by than war daddies.
Instead of focusing resources (trade up, drafting multiple DEs) on fixing the real problem, we had an inane mess that sidetracked the big picture of the offseason.
Kind of like the stupidity with Murray and how anyone can get 1000 yards behind the OL - the big picture was that is not the point, the point was to maximize the running game.


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Sissemore was nice enough to respond: He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.

He is a LIAR! And that is a FACT!

I again just listened to The Cowboys Break and at no time does Nick Eatman mentioned anything about what Sissemire is reporting.

So unlike you and Sissemire, I have proof. Just listen to the break and go look back at the Cowboys draft broadcast and you will see no reaction to Atlanta's pick. But yet you refuse to do simple research but choice to hang your hat on a blogger who I and several other posters have supplied contradictory facts.

It's also funny that when I send him an email calling his story (because that's what it is) out, he doesn't respond. But you say he responded to you.

Waldo I'm not trying to argue with you, but to point out that this article you are basing your opinion on is at best, questionable. But you're all in with so many facts against.

Maybe you are Mike Sissemire.

And after this I'm done. I can't help if you don't want to be helped. I was told you can't help a naive person.


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He is a LIAR! And that is a FACT!

I again just listened to The Cowboys Break and at no time does Nick Eatman mentioned anything about what Sissemire is reporting.

So unlike you and Sissemire, I have proof. Just listen to the break and go look back at the Cowboys draft broadcast and you will see no reaction to Atlanta's pick. But yet you refuse to do simple research but choice to hang your hat on a blogger who I and several other posters have supplied contradictory facts.

It's also funny that when I send him an email calling his story (because that's what it is) out, he doesn't respond. But you say he responded to you.

Waldo I'm not trying to argue with you, but to point out that this article you are basing your opinion on is at best, questionable. But you're all in with so many facts against.

Maybe you are Mike Sissemire.

And after this I'm done. I can't help if you don't want to be helped. I was told you can't help a naive person.

1. i am much more handsome than Michael Sissemore.

2. here is the email trail. but will take the time to listen to the podcast later today:

He said so on Talking Cowboys Break on Friday. He was adamant and said it's a fact that Takk was the guy until Atlanta traded up. The war room cam shows Stephen, Jerry, and McClay look bummed when Takk's name was called. It's a fact, they wanted Takk but are happy with Taco.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2017, at 11:24 PM, Wallace <erobot@aol.com> wrote:

Hi Michael

We had a big argument on your article - particularly on the point that the Nick Eatman said the Cowboys preferred Takk at 28 instead of Taco.
Would appreciate if you could tell us how you knew that.
From your article, it seemed like common knowledge.



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They probably did.
The passrush, or the lack of it, doomed the 2016 season.
It was the #1 priority.
Until the self-inflicted mess created in the defensive backfield.
Then the fans clamored for DBs as the #1 priority.
DBs are much easier to come by than war daddies.
Instead of focusing resources (trade up, drafting multiple DEs) on fixing the real problem, we had an inane mess that sidetracked the big picture of the offseason.
Kind of like the stupidity with Murray and how anyone can get 1000 yards behind the OL - the big picture was that is not the point, the point was to maximize the running game.
The number 1 offseason issue was to get better on defense. That involved not overpaying for our own talent or paying good players great money.

Your solution is to throw money after the problem and then diminish our draft capital in costly trade ups?

Because that's a strategy that has a proven track record of success? Joke.


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We wanted Shazier too a couple years ago, Steelers took him right in front of us, we had an equally rated player who turned out to be an even better player (Martin). I hope this is the same case, I prefer Taco and never really wanted Takk so Im good. Also we got Seattles Azz back as they wanted Taco and traded down after wee took him at 28


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That's a pretty weak argument. There are way more examples of overspenders not winning a championship than winning a championship.

before 2015, i would agree with you.
in fact, there would not even be an argument.
the cap has simply changed and strategies need to be adjusted to reflect the huge increase.
what you call overspend is appropriate spending to me.
by deleveraging from the cap in 2017, we have essentially squeezed $20 million or so from 2017.
deleveraging is a fine strategy, but you do that in a down year, not after 13-3.


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We wanted Shazier too a couple years ago, Steelers took him right in front of us, we had an equally rated player who turned out to be an even better player (Martin). I hope this is the same case, I prefer Taco and never really wanted Takk so Im good. Also we got Seattles Azz back as they wanted Taco and traded down after wee took him at 28

it is a crap shoot, but we handicapped ourselves with our offseason strategy.
that is the most frustrating.
it is as if we are trying to prove how smart we are instead of trying to take the lowest risk approach to build the team.
reminds me of what happened with murray after 2014.
that $2M per year was so important that we jeopardized the whole team for it.
the FO seems to be more worried about showing how smart they are rather than winning.
well we are stuck with him now, like it or not lol.
i am less interested in revenge than getting the guy we want.
we can get revenge on the field by flattening their QB, though that would be hard.