Thank you Roger Goodell for target on every players back now


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I hate that because it makes it ok for the NFL to falsely accuse and punish a few innocents (assuming he was innocent) to make sure they get all the bad guys. Also now if he ever does get in trouble then they will throw the book at him because of that.
I understand but it’s better for their image than letting one slip away.


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And then he might have got off simply because of a discredible victim and circumstances.

His history of questionable conduct certainly wouldn’t surprise me he’s valuable of such especially if spurred on by a tramp.
I can’t disagree. He continued to put himself in bad bad places. Even during the investigation. Weed shop in preseason (even though it’s not illegal), a bar fight (even though he didn’t throw the punch). Then the boob incident, that alone could have warranted a suspension if they wanted. He put himself in a bad light. And was labeled a party animal and admits to using drugs in college. He should have been laying low.


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The booing is vindication for the owners to keep backing Goodell. Sure, they hear the booing and see the angry faces of the draft crowd. They also see the number of spectators AT the draft ALL three days DESPITE how 'outraged' fans of the league feel about Goodell.

...and it keeps happening every single year during the draft. It is exactly why some observers like myself have suggested draft participants do something other than boo Goodell--like stand up in unison and turn their backs whenever Goodell's on stage. Or get up out of their seats and start leaving whenever the commissioner appears.

There are some good alternatives draftniks could use in sending messages that could get the owners to second guess their support for Goodell. Alternatives are ignored though and people continue doing what makes them feel good inside, booing, while Goodell and the owners just laugh at the nonsense.
The NFL is crack, and millions of people are crack heads. That's why Jerry can continue losing and fans still show up.


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Many of us saw this coming, surely the NFL did too?
the nfl is about power and seems intent upon destroying the game of football one policy after the next. Its sad I have to root for foster, a 49er, but this is so wrong what's going on in the nfl and that this woman is not locked up immediately! Way to go Foster!

Reverend Conehead

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I'm normally against booing, but I was delighted that Dallas fans booed Goodell at the draft. He's turned the NFL into the National Feminazi League.


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the nfl is about power and seems intent upon destroying the game of football one policy after the next. Its sad I have to root for foster, a 49er, but this is so wrong what's going on in the nfl and that this woman is not locked up immediately! Way to go Foster!
7 years jail for any type of lying about rape, or abuse, or anything, will put an end to this immediately.


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It amazes me the extent we’ll go to defend our thuggish ball players.

If they weren’t on our team we’d want them locked up.


The Labeled One
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Lol. Where is this jury located? If it’s New York we would have to first pray for a judge not tied to the current CBA

You got a good point...the reach of the NFL/crookedness is unprecidented. Who knows how far their reach is right now...IMO it parallels with organized crime back in the depression era. :(


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It amazes me the extent we’ll go to defend our thuggish ball players.

If they weren’t on our team we’d want them locked up.
that isn't my opinion. And doesn't seem to be very many on this thread. I'm for whoever is in the right. Even if it was jerry sissy boy, let me get down or out of bounds rice!


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I said it all along: By punishing Elliott Goodell has invited vindictive, jilted lovers of athletes to use accusations of abuse to damage/ruin careers.

Maybe Elliott hit her, maybe he didn't, but the ONLY thing we ever had definitive proof of was that she fabricated at least some of the claims.

Exactly...……….this is what happens when you suspend players simply based on allegations.

Maybe Zeke is innocent, maybe he is not...……none of us will ever know for sure since we were not there.

But to suspend Zeke with such flimsy evidence sets a very bad precedent.


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Exactly...……….this is what happens when you suspend players simply based on allegations.

Maybe Zeke is innocent, maybe he is not...……none of us will ever know for sure since we were not there.

But to suspend Zeke with such flimsy evidence sets a very bad precedent.
But when your dealing with public perception allegations are enough to cause damage to the shield.

This isn’t about justice for the players , it’s about protecting the investments of the owners and sponsors .


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I'm normally against booing, but I was delighted that Dallas fans booed Goodell at the draft. He's turned the NFL into the National Feminazi League.
Fans are indirectly booing the NFL shield.

It’s interesting the lengths fans will go to defend this 1% of problem players .

Goodell represents and defending everything that’s good about the NFL which makes up about 99% of the players.


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The power Goodell has regarding these types of issues is asinine, the CBA needs to be renegotiated to only allow someone to be fined/suspended in these types of matters only if they're charged and found guilty in court of law. No more Goodell kangaroo courts just because he says so, NFL players lives shouldn't be allowed to be ****ed with in these kinds of manners just cause. This kind of stuff can ruin someones life and if we're gonna ruin someones life we better make sure its 100% proven fact that they did whatever is alleged. There's a reason people are innocent until proven guilty.

I hope the target it is Michael Bennett's back now. Pushing old ladies in wheel chairs, nah that ain't cool


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It amazes me the extent we’ll go to defend our thuggish ball players.

If they weren’t on our team we’d want them locked up.

That's a very broad statement....also I am going to hypothesize that you don't personally know any of our current players and are simply making that statement based on social media and what you perceive...


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That's a very broad statement....also I am going to hypothesize that you don't personally know any of our current players and are simply making that statement based on social media and what you perceive...
I’m making that statement from an owners perspective more concerned about protecting the shield and 99% of the players who abide by the rules and laws.

This is what Goodell is representing as well.


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Theres a reason the players union signed off on the Personal Conduct Policy. Because they aren’t will to give up money to protect this very small portion of problem players.

Like any sound entity it’s about protecting the interest of the sum which in this case is the NFL , the investments of the owners , their sponsors ,networks and about 99% of the players.

Are fans suggesting we risk all of this for a few problem players?


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I’m making that statement from an owners perspective more concerned about protecting the shield and 99% of the players who abide by the rules and laws.

This is what Goodell is representing as well.

While I understand the premise of the statement, again, there is perception based in large part to social media which is not always accurate. I think the owners have a complexity different view bc of the point of view they possess.

My point here is that I think a good amount of the narrative is inflated bc of social media and that things are sometimes overblown


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While I understand the premise of the statement, again, there is perception based in large part to social media which is not always accurate. I think the owners have a complexity different view bc of the point of view they possess.

My point here is that I think a good amount of the narrative is inflated bc of social media and that things are sometimes overblown
Where would your point of view be if you had billions invested in promoting and protecting the Shield?


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Where would your point of view be if you had billions invested in promoting and protecting the Shield?

i get it, and i don't dispute the fact that the owners should want to protect the brand

But you said "It amazes me the extent we’ll go to defend our thuggish ball players, If they weren’t on our team we’d want them locked up."

I have never heard any owner call any players "thuggish" or demand them be "locked up". So you can't say on one hand a statement that applies to fans and then try to apply it to the owners POV because they are not the same.

Protect the shield, yes agreed, but as fans i think sometimes many think they know what a player is simply by perceptions achieved through social media. Whereas, owners, are able to make decisions based on interactions and direct player personnel feedback.

I too am guilty for judging players based on the limited information i have on them, but i don't think its fair to make broad sweeping assumptions based on a very limited sample set. thats all im getting at.