That One Movie...

KJJ;3773332 said:
There were a few ridiculous rumors about the Wizard of Oz passed down through the years. I heard one years ago where several of the midgets were caught having an orgy.

Who said it was a rumor? :cool:
If you haven't seen some of the behind the scene video's of the Wizard of Oz regarding casting and other details surrounding the making of the movie they're very interesting. This link leads to several.
Phoenix;3773154 said:
LOTR trilogy
Die Hard
Pitch Black many more, but those immediately spring to mind

I own maybe 15 DVD's. Those are all in the collection.

Cousin Vinnie was on the other night, and it couldn't hold my attention. Sadly, I've seem to have outgrown Marissa, and that's a shame.

KJJ;3773351 said:
Here's 10 facts about the Wizard of Oz.

That's a pretty neat little list there, especially finding the writer's coat in a thrift store by complete and utter accident.
I noticed some people on this thread have talked about sports movies. One sports movie that I really like is The Express. I purchased a used copy of this movie on Blu-ray for only like $6 or $7. I saw an audio book of The Express online that I might get.
Saving Private Ryan
The Departed
Bourne movies
Oceans Eleven
lane;3771564 said:
that's you're opinion and you are certainly entitled to it.

the godfather is the best movie ever made.

I second that.
For those who prefer Forgetting Sarah Marshall over the are high on crack.
tupperware;3773111 said:
mmmmmm yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and get you to turn the channel the next time you begin watching Office Space, mmkay? Thanks Doomsday

Good stuff, but I just talked with the Bobs and they said it would be ok if I watched it again.
Any of the greatest trilogy of all time............................Porkys
Wow there are movies listed that I'm pissed off that I wasted my time watching them once. :laugh2:
Real Genius
Road House
Good Will Hunting
Oh man...several.

Braveheart, Casino, Good Fellas, The Negotiator, any of the Rocky movies, Rudy, Seven.

Those are just off the top of my head but they're all movies that I can watch every single time I see them on and never be bored with them.
I have too many to list. Two that just popped up this weekend though:

CaddyShack: I just bought the Blu-Ray.

StepBrothers: "It's the Catalina ******* Wine Mixer"
Young Guns - Both


Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
I am the type that can watch many movies over and over again if I like them. So there would be too list.

Now many of them have already been stated in previous threads.

I will say that most WWII movies will get the multiple viewing from me. Love WWII movies. Saw one recently I had not seen before, don't even remember hearing of it...something like Escape to Athena. Not great but I still thought it was ok....probably just because it was something I had not seen before.

Here are a few movies I did not see listed that I catch myself watching over and over when they are on...

The Patriot (Jason Iasaacs plays one of the best bad guys).
The 13th warrior..not sure why, maybe it is the one viking with the curly mullet.

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