Fully standing and off balance going backwards...you are blind. It's fitting you're a ref/umpire.
And you're not. Therefore, you have no idea what you're talking about. But I speak from experience ...
SHARED EXPERIENCE. So I know what I'm talking about. You're just some Internet troll who thinks that collective experience comes from watching television.
Why even bring up how it COULD be interpreted? That's pointless.
Uh, because we're trying to determine why a flag was thrown on Bailey and
NOT Murray?
Uh, because when people don't know the truth in a given matter they tend to speculate?
The call was wrong, regardless of how it COULD be interpreted.
Wrong as determined by whom?
Who is the arbitrator of
right and
wrong in these situations?
I know. But I'd like to here your take on this since you seem to know.
If you want to make an excuse for the ref, go ahead, but it is irrelevant to whether or not it was the right call.
Actually, it's not irrelevant. Your opinion doesn't change the call. Bailey was flagged. That's the relevant issue; otherwise, you wouldn't be moaning and complaining.
Your opinion - or mine, for that matter - is IRREVELANT because it doesn't nothing to change the facts.
Now, if the league comes out and says it was the wrong call, I will - indeed - be wrong. But as of now, I'm on the side of facts.
You are just arguing to argue like you always do. You are proven wrong so you try switch things around and pretend you weren't making the point you were trying to make. Everyone sees through your game by now.

I'll remind you that
YOU quoted my post
FIRST. So if you believe I'm arguing to be arguing, blame yourself for not having enough discipline to ignore my comment or perspective. But you can't because you're one of these thin-skinned Cowboys fans who can't stomach dissenting voices. So you get your feelings hurt when
all Cowboys fans aren't in agreement on a particular issue, especially issues you're passionate about.
And notice how
you're the only one who has engaged in such childishness (how appropriate given your moniker). You're the only one who seems as if he can't handle me posting a different perspective than the norm. Everyone else who disagrees simply moves on. I'm not berating them for their perspective. I'm just stating mine.
I'm merely having a conversation and sharing my perspective. Maybe you need to grow up, move past your do-or-die/with-us-or-against-us, Borg collective mentality and embrace diversity of opinions and handle them without trying to insult people, which - even at that - you're weak.