The Bailey penalty


Cowboys Diehard
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My impression was that Bailey was grasping Murray's arm as though he just wanted to tell him something.

Charging the team with a penalty for something like that was just about as ticky-tack as a penalty can get.


Fattening up
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My impression was that Bailey was grasping Murray's arm as though he just wanted to tell him something.

Charging the team with a penalty for something like that was just about as ticky-tack as a penalty can get.

He looks like he's actually expecting to shake hands to me. He's slowly lifting his right hand for a shake or a fist bump.

But who cares? Murray took the money (less than OAK offered, btw) and is an Eagle. He deserves whatever he gets over there. He embarrassed himself today. (Though that play did deserve a fist bump. It was a beautiful move. )


Cowboys Diehard
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He looks like he's actually expecting to shake hands to me. He's slowly lifting his right hand for a shake or a fist bump.

But who cares? Murray took the money (less than OAK offered, btw) and is an Eagle. He deserves whatever he gets over there. He embarrassed himself today. (Though that play did deserve a fist bump. It was a beautiful move. )

He's not suited for the system that Kelly is forcing him into. He's first and foremost a straight, one-cut blaster who isn't suited to play in an offense that uses their RBs to run laterally for the sidelines. The fact that their inside blockers aren't suitable for ANY system unfortunately doesn't do Murray any favors either. DeMarco will miss the Cowboys' blocking significantly more than the Cowboys are likely to miss him, by the looks of things.


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The game is over regulated now. I didn't have a problem with the flag on Bailey though.


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He's not suited for the system that Kelly is forcing him into. He's first and foremost a straight, one-cut blaster who isn't suited to play in an offense that uses their RBs to run laterally for the sidelines. The fact that their inside blockers aren't suitable for ANY system unfortunately doesn't do Murray any favors either. DeMarco will miss the Cowboys' blocking significantly more than the Cowboys are likely to miss him, by the looks of things.
I don't know about that running part they both could use each other right about now. Our running game hasn't looked all that great either these first two games.


Cowboys Diehard
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I don't know about that running part they both could use each other right about now. Our running game hasn't looked all that great either these first two games.

For whatever reason, our OL isn't in sync to the extent they were last season. Maybe in time they'll get there.

Murray and our OL were totally in tune with one another as well. He was well suited for what they could do.

Let's recall it didn't happen overnight, either. They had spent significant time together before he excelled.
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Redball Express

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Now how in the world does he get called for a personal foul. He's a kicker. He was just on the sideline minding his own business when Murray ran into him. Chances are he was trying to hold him up. smh
I know..

Its gets to the point..

where it's obvious about the officialls..

I'm certainly done with the officiating.

It's abominable in the first 2 games.
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For whatever reason, our OL isn't in sync to the extent they were last season. Maybe in time they'll get there.
I hope so but maybe they both could use each other because I don't remember the giants stopping us like they did last year or maybe the tape is out on us too lol. I hope not though.

Redball Express

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I hope so but maybe they both could use each other because I don't remember the giants stopping us like they did last year or maybe the tape is out on us too lol. I hope not though.

I think it's about the off-season representation they have received.

I expected the OL to come under fire becuz of all the pre-season hype.

Let see own it plays out.


Cowboys Diehard
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I hope so but maybe they both could use each other because I don't remember the giants stopping us like they did last year or maybe the tape is out on us too lol. I hope not though.

Murray was well-suited for the type of offense we employed last year, moreso than the RBs we have now. Also, having Bernadeau in place at LG instead of Leary made a difference. Remember how the OL didn't get a chance to work fully intact together in TC? That made a difference as well. They're still trying to get their timing down right now. It'll get better, I'm pretty sure of that.
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Well-Known Member
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For whatever reason, our OL isn't in sync to the extent they were last season. Maybe in time they'll get there.

Murray and our OL were totally in tune with one another as well. He was well suited for what they could do.

Let's recall it didn't happen overnight, either. They had spent significant time together before he excelled.

Maybe losing Callahan has something to do with it. For what it's worth, Deadskins are running very well this year.


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Murray was well-suited for the type of offense we employed last year, moreso than the RBs we have now. Also, having Bernadeau in place at LG instead of Leary made a difference. Remember how the OL didn't get a chance to work fully intact together in TC? That made a difference as well. They're still trying to get their timing down right now. It'll get better, I'm pretty sure of that.
I hope so but right now how some of the fans are talking they must just be seeing. He end results because I'm not seeing the same umph from last year.


Cowboys Diehard
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Maybe losing Callahan has something to do with it. For what it's worth, Deadskins are running very well this year.

Supposedly, nothing's changed in our system but I wouldn't discount that possibility either.
Callahan was very good and highly respected by other staffs.
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Supposedly, nothing's changed in their system but I wouldn't discount that possibility either.
Callahan was very good and well respected by other staffs.

I'm hoping it's just lack of playing together during the pre-season but something is definitely little off. Granted EaGirls have a good run defense but I thought we should have ran much better against the Gints.


Cowboys Diehard
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I'm hoping it's just lack of playing together during the pre-season but something is definitely little off. Granted EaGirls have a good run defense but I thought we should have ran much better against the Gints.

If our OL doesn't straighten out as the season progresses, then I'd be inclined to get far more worried than I am right now. Admittedly, it's something to be concerned about but I'm hoping time and practice will help. There's not much else for us as fans to do but wait and hope things improve, though. Getting Leary back should hopefully make an appreciable difference.


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I'll say one thing, if Carr was a couple of inches taller, Demarco would be changing his name to Demarsha.