The Judge is almost demanding a settlement but I don't see any middle ground.
The NFL needs to get a suspension of at least 2 games and Brady needs a total acquittal.
Fines would be absolutely meaningless.
I haven't really paid too close attention to this case, there's a lot of conflicting information out there, and I'm just too lazy and don't care enough to sort through it all. However, there does seem to be a substantial shift in perception among many media outlets since the transcripts of the appeal were released. A lot of people saying Goodell looks very bad in all of this, and I have no doubt he's bungled things up pretty good (just like in many other instances), regardless of Brady's guilt or innocence.
The Judge is almost demanding a settlement but I don't see any middle ground.
The NFL needs to get a suspension of at least 2 games and Brady needs a total acquittal.
Fines would be absolutely meaningless.
Because it's a union issue and the judge is being asked to interpret the CBA. If your wife was in a labor union and the CBA negotiated between her union and management said a uniform violation was a $50 fine, and she got fired for not wearing a proper uniform, then you bet she'd have a case in a court of law.I just do not understand how Federal Court has any interest or jurisdiction in deciding how a business doles out discipline in the workplace. I mean it would be like my wife not wearing proper uniform at work, getting written up and then going to Federal Court to have the writeup dismissed
Because it's a union issue and the judge is being asked to interpret the CBA. If your wife was in a labor union and the CBA negotiated between her union and management said a uniform violation was a $50 fine, and she got fired for not wearing a proper uniform, then you bet she'd have a case in a court of law.
Ok i was just not sure thanks for the clarification
I've seen enough here to come to the conclusion that Goodell should be fired. This is more about his ego than the "integrity of the game". If he was really concerned about that he would have corrected the erroneous statement that 11 of the 12 Patriots footballs were 2 pounds or more under pressure. Instead, he left it out there to mobilize public opinion against Brady. He also would quit pretending Brady destroying his phone is proof of Brady's guilt, not only because it is nonsense, but because he had no legal way to get Brady's phone anyway. Plus, Goodell essentially issued the verdict and penalty even though he had no direct evidence of guilt before he even heard from the defense, a practice isn't designed to be fair at all. He reminds me very much of Captain Queeg in "The Caine Mutiny", pursuing under-inflated footballs instead of strawberries.
I've seen enough here to come to the conclusion that Goodell should be fired. This is more about his ego than the "integrity of the game". If he was really concerned about that he would have corrected the erroneous statement that 11 of the 12 Patriots footballs were 2 pounds or more under pressure. Instead, he left it out there to mobilize public opinion against Brady. He also would quit pretending Brady destroying his phone is proof of Brady's guilt, not only because it is nonsense, but because he had no legal way to get Brady's phone anyway. Plus, Goodell essentially issued the verdict and penalty even though he had no direct evidence of guilt before he even heard from the defense, a practice isn't designed to be fair at all. He reminds me very much of Captain Queeg in "The Caine Mutiny", pursuing under-inflated footballs instead of strawberries.
Summary of the above poll of 100 NFL players
- Goodell SHOULD NOT BE sole arbiter in cases.
- Brady's suspension is over twice what it should be.
- The Patriots cheated, but it's not that big a deal with players...intent to injure is much more serious.
- Two out of three players think other teams also tamper with footballs like the Patriots.
- Nearly one out of three players think there are cheaters on their own team.