ESPN's NFL Nation reporters and ESPN The Magazine contributors polled more than 100 players (not every player answered every question) and found a similarly sensible consensus. While 72 percent of respondents believe the Patriots were responsible for lowering air pressure of the footballs, only 16 percent said they were "upset" by it and 68 percent said they think other teams do the same thing. Sixty percent said the Patriots aren't "cheaters."
Why in bloody hades would any self-respecting media organization SELF-sanction a poll of this nature?
Are you telling me that a $40 billion dollar media corporation like
ESPN disregarded any perception of data legitimacy and conducted essentially an ESPNNation poll, instead of hiring an independent research firm? What? Did they think they would be outrageously billed?
How was the poll conducted?
Were telephone interviews, mailed questionnaires, etc. used?
How was the sampling decided?
Were poll questions open or closed oriented?
And those are just questions off the top of my head. "Over 100 players polled." Who says?
ESPN??? For all I know, 10 total Patriot players were contacted by email for this poll.
This is a joke and pathetic. E for Entertainment indeed. This is a significant issue for the National Football League, the New England Patriots, and sports fans. It should not be approached casually like some minor topic for building a SportsCenter graphic. Perhaps ESPN isn't being called on this nonsense because it is commonly known to produce unscientific poll data on a regular daily basis. That is not a good enough excuse however. Unprofessional.
ESPN should be ashamed of itself, do the right thing, and COMMISSION a poll by an independent firm.