The Conor McGregor Show

He'll be even bigger after.

You know nothing.
Says the guy who “rose up” and proclaimed Dak a horrible pick and horrible QB. The same Dak that went out and set an NFL ALL TIME ROOKIE RECORD for QB’s. The whole year you were invisible hiding your head in the dirt. Then last year when he struggled along with the whole team, you rose up out from your hole proclamining how right you were. Talk about knowing nothing.
I don't follow this sport so please forgive the clueless question:

Why was McGregor there and so upset in the first place? I mean, what led to his temper tantrum?

One of Conor’s close friends Artem Lobov who is Russian and also in the UFC made an interview sorta disrespectful towards Khabib before the fight then Khabib and his team ran into Lobov and basically told him to keep Khabibs name out of his mouth. Conor came to New York with about 20 people and caused all this mess.
I saw the Khabib video where he cornered Artem. Didn’t look that bad and definitely didn’t warrant Conor’s melt down. Can’t be injuring random UFC fighters because you’re mad at one guy. I think he’ll get a one year ban/suspension.

Not sure if this will pay off in the long run but he already got paid already thanks to boxing.
Well the media won't tell it but yes. Khabib and his team cornered Conor's teammate Artem Lobov in a hallway a few days ago, grabbed him and even smacked him asking where is Conor? There's video of it. I saw it. So that's what led to this. If you just read the media you'd think he was a lunatic who flew across the ocean to just attack a van of fighters. He was looking for Khabib and wanted him to get out of that van.

An eventual Conor/Khabib fight will be incredibly one sided either way. Either Conor absolutely tattooes Khabib on the feet or Khabib mauls him on the ground. It won't be a back and forth affair. One or the other happens.

It'll be the biggest selling PPV in UFC history when it happens. Bank on it. Probably their first to sell 2 million.
The mainstream media might not they don’t care who Khabib is or really the story behind it. It is pretty known through the UFC media what happened leading up this. Conor put other fighters in jeopardy I think he is a moron more than a lunatic. This more than likely will not just lead to a ppv bout between Khabib and Conor. If it does it won’t happen soon enough.
Says the guy who “rose up” and proclaimed Dak a horrible pick and horrible QB. The same Dak that went out and set an NFL ALL TIME ROOKIE RECORD for QB’s. The whole year you were invisible hiding your head in the dirt. Then last year when he struggled along with the whole team, you rose up out from your hole proclamining how right you were. Talk about knowing nothing.

He must have slept through the 2017 season. (Go Cowboys!)

Oh, sorry for being invisible in 2016, guys. Ya know. I was hiding. In every forum. Daily. Stuff like that. No, you don't remember me saying Rayne was a bus driver being made to look good and would be exposed down the road (which is exactly what happened). That wasn't me. Couldn't be. I was in hiding. For a year.

Yeah, so anyway...getting back to the topic. This is nothing. It will cost Conor money but he'll make more money down the road from it. Guaranteed. In the grand scale of things when you have fighters coming back after rape convictions and hit and run DUIs, this incident is just a speck on the radar.
I saw the Khabib video where he cornered Artem. Didn’t look that bad and definitely didn’t warrant Conor’s melt down. Can’t be injuring random UFC fighters because you’re mad at one guy. I think he’ll get a one year ban/suspension.

Not sure if this will pay off in the long run but he already got paid already thanks to boxing.

Well then let me walk up to you with 10 of my friends, grab you around the neck and smack you.

You should be good with it. It's not that bad.

Ya know when it's really not that bad? When it's not happening to you.
One of Conor’s close friends Artem Lobov who is Russian and also in the UFC made an interview sorta disrespectful towards Khabib before the fight then Khabib and his team ran into Lobov and basically told him to keep Khabibs name out of his mouth. Conor came to New York with about 20 people and caused all this mess.

That would be the umm.....we todd it....version of events, yes.
That would be the umm.....we todd it....version of events, yes.
It’s on video....and to justify what conor did on your end I could say what would think if you were in the van and nothing to do with their drama but yet got glass in your eyes or lacerations on your face?

This isn’t a case of DWI this happened at a sanctioned event where employees were injured.
Well the media won't tell it but yes. Khabib and his team cornered Conor's teammate Artem Lobov in a hallway a few days ago, grabbed him and even smacked him asking where is Conor? There's video of it. I saw it. So that's what led to this. If you just read the media you'd think he was a lunatic who flew across the ocean to just attack a van of fighters. He was looking for Khabib and wanted him to get out of that van.

An eventual Conor/Khabib fight will be incredibly one sided either way. Either Conor absolutely tattooes Khabib on the feet or Khabib mauls him on the ground. It won't be a back and forth affair. One or the other happens.

It'll be the biggest selling PPV in UFC history when it happens. Bank on it. Probably their first to sell 2 million.

He flew in from Ireland with a bunch of goons, committed trespassing, and attacked & injured ufc employees and fighters who had nothing to do with this high school drama.

He could have easily sought redemption in the octagon, instead, he acted like an immature child and will now face the consequences.
Okay I had to come here to see how this discussion was going and it doesn't disappoint. Allow me a few moments to chime in.

To those asking the question of why Conor did this, as it was stated, his friend and teammate was cornered by Khabib and a group of his buddies. They a smacked him in his face and asked him "Where's Conor?"

Now let me address that first. Totally pathetic, bully, unprofessional behavior by Khabib. He's an idiot, and a thug, who went out of his way to bully someone because he wanted to get a huge rise out of a rabid dog in Conor. Well congrats Khabib, you moron, you got a rise out of him. Stupid way to handle the situation on Khabib's part. There is no justification or way to act like it was okay for him and a group of his guys to corner another guy and bully him with such weak *** behavior.

Now onto the Conor meltdown those actions led to. First off let me say that as a man I understand and respect the fact that Conor was coming here to defend a friend who had been done extremely wrong by a group of idiots. I get that. Respect and loyalty to your friends. I totally understand that. I respect that loyalty. But that's as far as I can ride with Conor on this.

So to the second part. While I understand why you came there, what your reasons for, and I respect them I do not understand, respect, or agree with, in anyway, the way you chose to handle this situation. If Conor had showed up there, got in Khabib's face when he got off the bus, and even if they got into a fist fight right then and there I'm 100% with Conor on this and understand what you're doing and why. Instead Conor took it an even more ugly, thuggish, stupid route then even Khabib did.

To attack a bus, and throw things through the windows, is just stupid, idiotic, moron behavior. There are tons of people on that bus that have absolutely NOTHING to do with any of this. They're in no way part of this. That is unprofessional, stupid, erratic, moronic behavior by Conor. He cost people fights, and thus money, who had nothing to do with this situation. He cost the company that has allowed you to become a very rich man, money and fights with this stupid thug behavior.

There is no excuse, explanation, or reason that can be given that makes the way Conor handled this okay. You want Khabib? Let him get of the bus, get in his face, and throw down if that's what you want. If you can't get him then, go to Dana right then and there and tell him to sign the fight. Whenever, wherever, for how much ever. If you want him that bad then get him. But don't do this stupid thuggish behavior that does absolutely nothing.

You've cost people money. You've hurt other people's careers who did nothing in this situation. You've cost yourself money. It's a stupid way to handle this and it's an absolute black eye on the sport. Crap like this is why people who think that MMA is barbaric can sit back and laugh today. See? Did you see what that moron is doing? Just disgusting. Conor should be absolutely ashamed of himself for his actions.

He shouldn't be ashamed or feel bad for wanting to defend and stick up for a friend but he should absolutely be embarrassed and ashamed of himself for the way he chose to handle the situation. Just absolutely moronic behavior.

That doesn't even take into the fact that you cost your buddies money, the idiots who let you in the place. They'll lose their access to these events now. You just cost them money as well with the way you chose to handle this.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. All around stupid.
The Khabib vid is all part of this marketing ploy, too. Like Risen said, when they fight it will be the most viewed UFC fight ever. This **** builds it up.

You guys are reading way too much into this stunt UFC is pulling
He flew in from Ireland with a bunch of goons, committed trespassing, and attacked & injured ufc employees and fighters who had nothing to do with this high school drama.

He could have easily sought redemption in the octagon, instead, he acted like an immature child and will now face the consequences.
Skip Bayless at his finest
LOL "the consequences"

The assault charges were misdemeanors, so evidently no GBI etc. The felony was the damage to the bus.

His lawyers will plea it down to a nothing charge. And he add's millions of dollars to his purse through hype and publicity that his shenanigans creates
The Khabib vid is all part of this marketing ploy, too. Like Risen said, when they fight it will be the most viewed UFC fight ever. This **** builds it up.

You guys are reading way too much into this stunt UFC is pulling
To the consumer you are absolutely correct. To the people directly affected the last thing they are worried about is how this can be marketed to make money.
To the consumer you are absolutely correct. To the people directly affected the last thing they are worried about is how this can be marketed to make money.

I don't care what people say about building a fight and all that jazz. I do not believe, in the slightest, that the UFC, or anyone else, was okay with him coming there like that, destroying property, and injuring fighters thus messing up their current card that Conor is in no way a part of.

Yes in the end Conor vs. Khabib will likely sell HUGE record numbers, and there for in the end it will work out financially for Conor, Khabib, and the UFC. But that does nothing for the people that yesterday's actions screwed up with his extremely stupid way of handling things.

To be honest, as much as a fan as I've been of Conor, I do not believe that either of these guys should be rewarded with title fights after these actions. They don't deserve to be rewarded for unprofessional, stupid, behavior.
Unless they make money from it, or their masters The UFC do
If innocent bystanders and employees are injured in the process to sell fights then you have a major issue. Dana White looks like someone that is realizing Conor might be someone that does more harm than good.

Who wins in a Hardy/McGregor fight?
Hardy would be gased by the 2nd rd
I don't care what people say about building a fight and all that jazz. I do not believe, in the slightest, that the UFC, or anyone else, was okay with him coming there like that, destroying property, and injuring fighters thus messing up their current card that Conor is in no way a part of.

Yes in the end Conor vs. Khabib will likely sell HUGE record numbers, and there for in the end it will work out financially for Conor, Khabib, and the UFC. But that does nothing for the people that yesterday's actions screwed up with his extremely stupid way of handling things.

To be honest, as much as a fan as I've been of Conor, I do not believe that either of these guys should be rewarded with title fights after these actions. They don't deserve to be rewarded for unprofessional, stupid, behavior.
I agree completely
The UFC has gradually gone towards the boxing way of promoting. Big pre-fights, showcase their stars... and it's good. It's something that was lacking from the UFC for some time. But this is straight up WWE-level campiness

I hope you guys are right, that this isn't condoned and is decried by the UFC. That they remain consistent and distance themselves from such theatrical behavior. I just don't see it. I think they are at least happy it went down, if not in cohorts with Conor's camp.

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