Okay I had to come here to see how this discussion was going and it doesn't disappoint. Allow me a few moments to chime in.
To those asking the question of why Conor did this, as it was stated, his friend and teammate was cornered by Khabib and a group of his buddies. They a smacked him in his face and asked him "Where's Conor?"
Now let me address that first. Totally pathetic, bully, unprofessional behavior by Khabib. He's an idiot, and a thug, who went out of his way to bully someone because he wanted to get a huge rise out of a rabid dog in Conor. Well congrats Khabib, you moron, you got a rise out of him. Stupid way to handle the situation on Khabib's part. There is no justification or way to act like it was okay for him and a group of his guys to corner another guy and bully him with such weak *** behavior.
Now onto the Conor meltdown those actions led to. First off let me say that as a man I understand and respect the fact that Conor was coming here to defend a friend who had been done extremely wrong by a group of idiots. I get that. Respect and loyalty to your friends. I totally understand that. I respect that loyalty. But that's as far as I can ride with Conor on this.
So to the second part. While I understand why you came there, what your reasons for, and I respect them I do not understand, respect, or agree with, in anyway, the way you chose to handle this situation. If Conor had showed up there, got in Khabib's face when he got off the bus, and even if they got into a fist fight right then and there I'm 100% with Conor on this and understand what you're doing and why. Instead Conor took it an even more ugly, thuggish, stupid route then even Khabib did.
To attack a bus, and throw things through the windows, is just stupid, idiotic, moron behavior. There are tons of people on that bus that have absolutely NOTHING to do with any of this. They're in no way part of this. That is unprofessional, stupid, erratic, moronic behavior by Conor. He cost people fights, and thus money, who had nothing to do with this situation. He cost the company that has allowed you to become a very rich man, money and fights with this stupid thug behavior.
There is no excuse, explanation, or reason that can be given that makes the way Conor handled this okay. You want Khabib? Let him get of the bus, get in his face, and throw down if that's what you want. If you can't get him then, go to Dana right then and there and tell him to sign the fight. Whenever, wherever, for how much ever. If you want him that bad then get him. But don't do this stupid thuggish behavior that does absolutely nothing.
You've cost people money. You've hurt other people's careers who did nothing in this situation. You've cost yourself money. It's a stupid way to handle this and it's an absolute black eye on the sport. Crap like this is why people who think that MMA is barbaric can sit back and laugh today. See? Did you see what that moron is doing? Just disgusting. Conor should be absolutely ashamed of himself for his actions.
He shouldn't be ashamed or feel bad for wanting to defend and stick up for a friend but he should absolutely be embarrassed and ashamed of himself for the way he chose to handle the situation. Just absolutely moronic behavior.
That doesn't even take into the fact that you cost your buddies money, the idiots who let you in the place. They'll lose their access to these events now. You just cost them money as well with the way you chose to handle this.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. All around stupid.