And take a few minutes to research what you are blathering on about (admins please dont delete this youll see the reason for the title) Dont stay away too long because Im sure the mods would concur that your opinion and that of us all is what drives this site. But you gotta take a look before you unequivocally state on the record that Henry isnt worth the money. Ill tell you what I see.
First I have done enough research on this kid to write a thesis about him. The single biggest remark that is made about him is that he has an uncanny knack for finding the ball and making a play on it. This kid is going to make many of you eat alot of your words that you posted here. He is a top notch corner he has only one problem.
Second, his name is Anthony Henry, and most of you dont know him and thats because he toiled in Cleveland which most of you wouldnt have nor take the time to watch play even under the guise of reviewing players.
Third, his name is Anthony Henry, its not Ty Law or Fred Smoot or Samari Rolle so according to the research hounds that you are hes not a top corner. Of course your research entails reading one writers opinion of him and immediately assuming that position on him.
Lastly, his name is Anthony Henry, heck any guy with two first names is just some pedestrian loser who is getting overpaid and we were stupid to sign him at all, much less for that kind of money, and even worse he was our first free agent signed. Just a travesty.
His name is Anthony Henry, and for alot of you talking about what a terrible thing it is that he is here and Ty Law or Fred Smoot isnt, hes gonna make you cry. Hes also gonna make you eat your words. He has unteachable skills, discipline and attitude in attacking players who have the ball. I am on record as saying that he will be the guy that everyone remembers from this signing period for Dallas. Not at all to slight the other two fine players that are staying in Dallas. This kid is just right for the position, hes big strong and low maitenance, hell be ready to play, hell do his job, and hell be a consumate teammate, and hell go to the pro bowl! His name is Anthony Henry! Dang glad to say it too!