The Dallas Cowboys are the Alex Smith-era Chiefs


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Haven't seen anyone suggest this but I'd be fine with the type of contract the Raiders gave to Derek carr...

The contract looked huge but it had an out after the first year that didn't cripple the team. I need to look more into it but it was a genius contract by the Raiders if I remember correctly and that's how they moved on after only 1 year of signing Derek Carr.

If Dak starts asking for his guarantees and no trade clause, just tell him you are not interested in signing another contract and that he should start to look for a new team and trade. If he refuses, tell him you will make him a June 1st cut.

But no matter what happens, we should draft a replacement at all costs to at least send a message of "accountability" it made Rodgers get back to back MVP seasons


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But the Chiefs never paid Alex Smith like he's Patrick Mahomes. Jerry and Stephen, on the other hand...
.....but Jerry been tossing money out there since Romo.......same results. What can you expect? This is not new.


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Haven't seen anyone suggest this but I'd be fine with the type of contract the Raiders gave to Derek carr...

The contract looked huge but it had an out after the first year that didn't cripple the team. I need to look more into it but it was a genius contract by the Raiders if I remember correctly and that's how they moved on after only 1 year of signing Derek Carr.

If Dak starts asking for his guarantees and no trade clause, just tell him you are not interested in signing another contract and that he should start to look for a new team and trade. If he refuses, tell him you will make him a June 1st cut.

But no matter what happens, we should draft a replacement at all costs to at least send a message of "accountability" it made Rodgers get back to back MVP seasons

That works for me imo, but, if they're not going to take a QB this year, then I'd put the out after year three (with year 1 being this season). That way, there's room to take one next season if they want to put priority on the oline this year. However, it'd force them to take a QB year 1 next year to prepare the replacement like Mahomes.


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We have a front office that gets blinded by it's own "stars" and refuses to look at the team objectively.
It's been going on for a long time now. Hell, we had a Head coach go out to events with his QB and TE.
It's not going to change until someone dies. And I don't mean I want anyone to die now or wish for it. Just saying Jerry and his son are firmly set in their ways and only answer to themselves.
Both of them fall in love with certain players and will stubbornly support the QB, RB, WR, TE, etc "star" they have until it's beyond obvious that player is doneso.


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We have a front office that gets blinded by it's own "stars" and refuses to look at the team objectively.
It's been going on for a long time now. Hell, we had a Head coach go out to events with his QB and TE.
It's not going to change until someone dies. And I don't mean I want anyone to die now or wish for it. Just saying Jerry and his son are firmly set in their ways and only answer to themselves.
Both of them fall in love with certain players and will stubbornly support the QB, RB, WR, TE, etc "star" they have until it's beyond obvious that player is doneso.

Sure, but, tbf, there were sometimes bigger issues than QB that had to be addressed, and, other than maybe last year, the QB classes were pathetic in the draft since 2021. I understand why they extended Dak. It bought them time to fix other issues. Now that the QB classes have improved, the time has come to explore possibilities. This would be one of the years to do it if Penix falls to us. However, if he doesn't (assuming we don't trade up for him), then I would probably be in favour of prioritising Oline, NT, and RB this year, then going QB round 1 next year. Thus, I'd have an out in year 3 of Dak's deal to account for the possibility of not having the QB available this year but being required to go QB next year to prepare behind Dak


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Sure, but, tbf, there were sometimes bigger issues than QB that had to be addressed, and, other than maybe last year, the QB classes were pathetic in the draft since 2021. I understand why they extended Dak. It bought them time to fix other issues. Now that the QB classes have improved, the time has come to explore possibilities. This would be one of the years to do it if Penix falls to us. However, if he doesn't (assuming we don't trade up for him), then I would probably be in favour of prioritising Oline, NT, and RB this year, then going QB round 1 next year. Thus, I'd have an out in year 3 of Dak's deal to account for the possibility of not having the QB available this year but being required to go QB next year to prepare behind Dak

The draft is a crapshoot. Improved draft class sounds great and all but it's all potential until they hit the field.
10 teams thought Mahomes was not worth their pick in the top 10. If teams thought he had a 5% chance of being what he is today, he goes 1st overall. Purdy being a "star" to me has a lot to do with coaching/talent around him and him not struggling under that pressure.

Can say the classes are pathetic, and sometimes they are but to me a lot of the time it's about landing the right QB and the right supporting talent/coaching unless the QB is truly elite/generational.

I'm all for the team drafting a QB high this year if one falls to us. Especially if Dak isn't re-signed by that point. From now till March that QB class after Williams/Maye will be on a rollercoaster of draft positioning till after the combine/prodays.

There always will be "bigger" issues to address when the team ignores a way to replenish talent in free agency. Hence, why I mentioned JJ/SJ being set in their ways.

NT is a useless position to draft high up unless they have a hint of a pass rush and the ones that do have that ability go high like Vea/Payne. For just a plugger they drop in the draft.


Safety third
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Help me understand how extending Dak for 3 years is going to help this team in the long run.

Giving Dak an extensions buys some short term cap relief BUT it only pushes the hit down the road so in three years you're looking at another huge cap hit. Dak isn't adding years for free. He is going to want market rate for an elite QB. Dak is exactly the wrong QB to use as a placeholder.

Dak could be a good placeholder, ala an Alex Smith, for his next team after he is released from Dallas and after he explores the market, eventually accepting the placeholder type deal he will be offered.

If you don't think you can win with Dak you must let him walk, take the hit for the next two years and get your own placeholder QB paid at a placehoider rate while you beat the bushes for the next franchise QB.


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If Andy Dalton had Higgins, Chase and Boyd he probably would’ve had more success.
Lol Dalton wouldn't have had the success that Burrow has had, the talent difference is not even close. Are people really trying to say Burrow is only good because of his receivers? Higgins best years came when Joe was healthy.
And before someone says, "Well Jake Browning did good". He has 12 tds and 7 ints, far from a success. My only concern is if Burrow can stay healthy, if he can, I got him just a notch below Mahomes


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100% been saying this too !!

Another great comparison is the Bengals with Andy Dalton.

The Bengals were perennial playoff team with Andy Dalton until they drafted Joe Burrow and made it to the SB.

Too many comparisons, too many examples of why Dak won't work out you'd figure our GM was smarter than us but goes to show money doesn't make a person smart lol
or the Bengals with Carson Palmer too, maybe our Romo/Prescott era is a comp for Palmer/Dalton


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The draft is a crapshoot. Improved draft class sounds great and all but it's all potential until they hit the field.
10 teams thought Mahomes was not worth their pick in the top 10. If teams thought he had a 5% chance of being what he is today, he goes 1st overall. Purdy being a "star" to me has a lot to do with coaching/talent around him and him not struggling under that pressure.

Can say the classes are pathetic, and sometimes they are but to me a lot of the time it's about landing the right QB and the right supporting talent/coaching unless the QB is truly elite/generational.

I'm all for the team drafting a QB high this year if one falls to us. Especially if Dak isn't re-signed by that point. From now till March that QB class after Williams/Maye will be on a rollercoaster of draft positioning till after the combine/prodays.

There always will be "bigger" issues to address when the team ignores a way to replenish talent in free agency. Hence, why I mentioned JJ/SJ being set in their ways.

NT is a useless position to draft high up unless they have a hint of a pass rush and the ones that do have that ability go high like Vea/Payne. For just a plugger they drop in the draft.

Sure, and I think NT would be well served to be drafted in round 5 or so. We can find quality ones there. As for QB, I think that's best addressed this year or next year.


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Help me understand how extending Dak for 3 years is going to help this team in the long run.

Giving Dak an extensions buys some short term cap relief BUT it only pushes the hit down the road so in three years you're looking at another huge cap hit. Dak isn't adding years for free. He is going to want market rate for an elite QB. Dak is exactly the wrong QB to use as a placeholder.

Dak could be a good placeholder, ala an Alex Smith, for his next team after he is released from Dallas and after he explores the market, eventually accepting the placeholder type deal he will be offered.

If you don't think you can win with Dak you must let him walk, take the hit for the next two years and get your own placeholder QB paid at a placehoider rate while you beat the bushes for the next franchise QB.

Because it buys us time to draft a QB within the next two years in the first round AND get him ready. Plus, he doesn't have to start all three years. If, after year two of the contract, the replacement is clearly ready, then you start him and either trade him or make him the backup like Romo ended up being for him.


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Sure, and I think NT would be well served to be drafted in round 5 or so. We can find quality ones there. As for QB, I think that's best addressed this year or next year.
A bit OT.
I think my biggest concern with 2 down DT's is that Quinn is similar to Rod where they prefer that quicker DT that can pass rush more than plug.
Now, Quinn did use Hankins and he's clearly no longer a pass rushing threat but it comes down to snaps given out and if that 5th round guy is physically ready for more than a few snaps here and there early on.
I feel like NT/DT rotation is best served getting a vet that at least is physically ready to be in a steady rotation. We would like that Ngata/Prime Pierce NT but as long as they can get someone competent that's a step up from what he had behind Hankins.

Seems like every year there's that Billings, Settle, Gaines level NT that isn't going to be the savior on the defense but at least provide a better push than some raw day 3 DT will his first few years. The DT that gets the 2 or 3 year at 4-6 mil AAV. But it seems Dallas is still seething from the Cedric Thornton signing or something.


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Lol Dalton wouldn't have had the success that Burrow has had, the talent difference is not even close. Are people really trying to say Burrow is only good because of his receivers? Higgins best years came when Joe was healthy.
And before someone says, "Well Jake Browning did good". He has 12 tds and 7 ints, far from a success. My only concern is if Burrow can stay healthy, if he can, I got him just a notch below Mahomes
But Jake Browning did do good lol. Joe Burrow is better than Dalton. That’s not the argument I’m making. I’m saying this Bengals team now is better than what Andy had. He wasn’t the one holding the back. Those Bengals teams had Marvin Lewis as head coach.


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But Jake Browning did do good lol. Joe Burrow is better than Dalton. That’s not the argument I’m making. I’m saying this Bengals team now is better than what Andy had. He wasn’t the one holding the back. Those Bengals teams had Marvin Lewis as head coach.
12tds and 7 ints is not good. If that's the case, then Trevor Lawrence had a good season lol


Safety third
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Because it buys us time to draft a QB within the next two years in the first round AND get him ready. Plus, he doesn't have to start all three years. If, after year two of the contract, the replacement is clearly ready, then you start him and either trade him or make him the backup like Romo ended up being for him.
That is entirely dependent on Dak accepting a second tier QB rate with little guaranteed money.

If you sign him for three years, 50 mill/yr and 100mil guaranteed how are you not right back in this same situation in three years? The existing cap responsibilities don't disappear with a new contract. They can be spread out over the new years but they still have to be accounted for along with the new guaranteed money. If Dak plays hardball again, and Jerry caves again they could actually be in a much worse position then they are now.

If you think Dak is the guy, by all means give him an extension, the longer the better. If you don't think he is the guy than I'm struggling to see the logic in paying him big dollars for a few years only to be right back in this same position salary cap wise.


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Not a good comparison. I am watching Get Up and they are talking about the Cowboys. I thought there was 4 playoff games this weekend. :huh: The Cowboys run ESPN and Fox Sports.

nate dizzle

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We are missing an elite quarterback and a run stuffing linebacker. If we had those 2 things the last 3 years we would have been at least in the NFCCG if not Super Bowl at least once or twice the past 3 years.