The Dark Knight Rises **merged**

StevenOtero;4627498 said:
Without a doubt. The popcorn fluff fans won't agree...but more power to em. I'm glad we have both to be honest.

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Avengers. But in a turn my mind off enjoy the movie kind of way.

All three of the new Batmans have been just all around great movies. Symbolism, heart ache, action, romance, realism (as "real" as a comic book movie could get, not saying that this stuff could actually happen).
cowboyeric8;4627513 said:
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Avengers. But in a turn my mind off enjoy the movie kind of way.

All three of the new Batmans have been just all around great movies. Symbolism, heart ache, action, romance, realism (as "real" as a comic book movie could get, not saying that this stuff could actually happen).
Exactly, and most people will never admit that.
I'll see it when it comes to Bluray. I hate movie theaters.

I'm also not that hyped about Batman.
Good film, by no means earthshattering.
TDK was better, the villian was better and it touched more on human morality and behavior.
casmith07;4627572 said:
I'll see it when it comes to Bluray. I hate movie theaters.

I'm also not that hyped about Batman.

Me too, can't stand them. I'm def going to see it though. If only they'd start making an option to rent them on demand through your cable box.
a_minimalist;4627656 said:
Me too, can't stand them. I'm def going to see it though. If only they'd start making an option to rent them on demand through your cable box.

This has already happened with quite a few movies, but they are usually smaller independent films.
WB has issued a statement directly from Christopher Nolan about the terrible Theater Shooting that happened earlier today.

Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of “The Dark Knight Rises”, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families. – Christopher Nolan
I saw The Dark Knight Rises last night. I loved the part when Bane said to Batman "SLGH SIHGTOSH VHSLO AOAOSAHF S GFLHL" and then Batman replied "Hsdghsdh sh shjosdtei mnvnv shgiesd rghd bjhdhjg" so Bane said "RLSJHGLKJH GH SERLODGH SOSOG A AGVBPB" and then that other guy came in and said "Hgd;oh sdghdshg dhd hsd sdr h d h dtj dj j d rtdpisjhgpihj".

What drama!
Rogah;4628130 said:
I saw The Dark Knight Rises last night. I loved the part when Bane said to Batman "SLGH SIHGTOSH VHSLO AOAOSAHF S GFLHL" and then Batman replied "Hsdghsdh sh shjosdtei mnvnv shgiesd rghd bjhdhjg" so Bane said "RLSJHGLKJH GH SERLODGH SOSOG A AGVBPB" and then that other guy came in and said "Hgd;oh sdghdshg dhd hsd sdr h d h dtj dj j d rtdpisjhgpihj".

What drama!
StevenOtero;4628135 said:
You may not like what I said or the way I said it, but it's a legitimate complaint of the movie and I'm certainly not the only one who thought the sound mixing was atrocious.

I like Christopher Nolan. I really do. In fact, I like him so much that I'm willing to ignore the fact that every single one of his movies has the identical soundtrack as the one before. As far as DKR is concerned, what little of it I could actually understand seemed like a decent movie. But I've seen 5 movies this summer, and DKR comes in at 3rd on that list.
Rogah;4628130 said:
I saw The Dark Knight Rises last night. I loved the part when Bane said to Batman "SLGH SIHGTOSH VHSLO AOAOSAHF S GFLHL" and then Batman replied "Hsdghsdh sh shjosdtei mnvnv shgiesd rghd bjhdhjg" so Bane said "RLSJHGLKJH GH SERLODGH SOSOG A AGVBPB" and then that other guy came in and said "Hgd;oh sdghdshg dhd hsd sdr h d h dtj dj j d rtdpisjhgpihj".

What drama!

I haven't even seen the movie yet, and this is one of the funniest comments I've read on this forum to date.

Growing up, I was a huge Star Trek fan, but there are few things I like more than Trek humor, especially related to Shatner's acting prowess.
casmith07;4627572 said:
I'll see it when it comes to Bluray. I hate movie theaters.

I'm also not that hyped about Batman.

This encapsulates my feelings about superhero and comic book movies in general. I have numerous friends who absolutely adore them, and my wife loves the the Batman movies.

I respect it, but I've never grasped the appeal.
Rogah;4628138 said:
You may not like what I said or the way I said it, but it's a legitimate complaint of the movie and I'm certainly not the only one who thought the sound mixing was atrocious.

I like Christopher Nolan. I really do. In fact, I like him so much that I'm willing to ignore the fact that every single one of his movies has the identical soundtrack as the one before. As far as DKR is concerned, what little of it I could actually understand seemed like a decent movie. But I've seen 5 movies this summer, and DKR comes in at 3rd on that list.
I could understand it just fine, my theater has their sound setup correctly. A lot don't, so you'll get a mix going through the wrong speakers.

I remember watching the bootleg version of TDKR prologue and having a hard time understanding Bane. ...when I saw the theatrical cut of the film in theaters he was much louder than before, a totally diff mix. Almost a big F-you from Nolan to all the people who complained about not being able to understand him.
Sean Gerber
Modern Myth Media

In 2005, director Christopher Nolan redefined the superhero origin film by grounding the first chapter in Bruce Wayne’s story in heightened realism on practical, emotional, and philosophical levels in “Batman Begins.” It was only three years later that Nolan would completely transcend the genre all other masked heroes called home with “The Dark Knight.” It was modern crime drama that forced Batman to wonder what his intended symbol of hope actually inspired, all while battling an anarchist who wore clown makeup and had a knack for predicting mankind’s wavering relationship with morality. Now, Christopher Nolan and his award-winning collaborators have returned to deliver the inevitable conclusion to the story of Bruce Wayne and the city he protects. “The Dark Knight Rises” is an all-out war movie with not just lives, but souls and the very nature of heroism at stake. It is a masterful epic that proves the final hour of this trilogy is also its finest.

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Great movie but the acting wasn't anything compared to the Dark Knight. Then again Heath Ledger gave an incredible performance. Entertainment wise I can't decide between the two. I got called out of the IMAX, got passes to return but had to go to the regular theatre because the IMAX was sold out. Big difference. I'll return soon to the IMAX and watch again.
StevenOtero;4628169 said:
I could understand it just fine, my theater has their sound setup correctly. A lot don't, so you'll get a mix going through the wrong speakers.
Sorry, but there's too many people with the exact same complaint to blame it on a couple theaters who don't have the audio equipment set up properly. I've seen many movies at my local IMAX theater and never had this problem before.

I honestly believe I'll enjoy it a heck of alot more when I get it on blu-ray and watch it with the subtitles turned on. But for now, I stand by my statement that the sound mixing was atrocious and seriously impacted the quality and enjoyment of the film.
I find it amusing how people who like darker movies are not only so certain they are right about their opinions, but they show incredible amounts of disdain for anyone who dares disagree. As if they are somehow more enlightened than all the rest of us. :rolleyes:
Saw it this morning. It was fantastic, enjoyed it from start to finish. Still a little annoyed Nolan left out any reference to the Joker whatsoever not because it made any sense to the story but because of Heath passed away. I think he could have managed to recognize, on film, what Ledger brought to the franchise. In fact I think it would have been a rather fitting tribute, it'll be the main role he's remembered for.

The end was so great, a perfect sunsetting of this imagining of The Dark Knight.

I had no problem understanding Bane for the most part, there were a couple of times where I wished they'd turn up the dialog part of the mix a little bit. I liked Hardy's take on Bane, he had his work cut out for him with only his eyes to work with in terms of conveying emotion.

I'd gladly see it again, that's for sure. Puts Spiderman to shame. ;)
a_minimalist;4627656 said:
Me too, can't stand them. I'm def going to see it though. If only they'd start making an option to rent them on demand through your cable box.

They do, you just have to wait months. Why would they steam new releases to your tv, that wouldn't make any sense financially.

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