The Examiner: "Commanders have serious interest in Cutler"

SkinsFan28;2693930 said:
I do watch the games, and you sound relatively foolish comparing a vertical passing game to a WCO system that JZ and a run heavy attack that Gibbs used. I am not saying Cutler is a bad QB just overrated, nor am I saying Campbell is an elite QB, but he is solid and trained in JZ's system. I would bet at the end of next year JC_R will be better reviewed than JC_D.

As to your question Romo or Campbell... you guys keep Romo, we keep Campbell. So far neither have lead their team to a playoff win.

Campbell is a good QB with a strong arm and his ability to manage a game went up considerably last year. He's worth looking at as a solid or better starting QB in this league. But he's not in the same league as Cutler....yet. And Cutler is not an elite QB in the league yet either. He has elite athletic skills but needs to grow as much as Campbell, just in different ways.

I don't believe the Skins are giving up on Campbell esp with Zorn there to develop him. That has got to be one of Zorn's most promising gifts. But right now almost any GM in this league would take Cutler over Campbell in a heartbeat.
Denver doesn't trade Cutler without a QB in return or at very high draft pick along with a boat load of talent. Cutler is worth way to much for that. The Skins don't have a QB to trade. Campbell sure as hell won't be enough!
jobberone;2694090 said:
I don't believe the Skins are giving up on Campbell esp with Zorn there to develop him. That has got to be one of Zorn's most promising gifts. But right now almost any GM in this league would take Cutler over Campbell in a heartbeat.

I'll go out on a limb and say Campbell won't be their unquestioned started in 2010. They can only hold his hand for so long, and I agree completely with AsthmaFields breakdown above. He looks slow going through his progressions, and he has a long windup like Leftwich's.

Kidding aside, he always struck me as much more accurate on his deep passes than the short and intermediate stuff, and given all that I thought the day Zorn was hired Campbell was a complete mismatch for that offense. Putting him on a 2 ft leash last year so he couldn't sink the team did nothing to dispell that notion, and I don't see Danny having the patience to go another year with him if/when he is a solid, nothing-special, bus driver again this season.
MAN! Cutler in the NFC East! This could be a problem, I'm gonna keep my finger, toes you name it I'm crossing it in hopes they dont get him.
Where they getting all this cash from, sheesh, Fat Albert 100 mil, now theyre talking about Cutler? It seems they manipulate the cap better than the boys do. If he goes there I hope it blows up in their face.
cobra;2694044 said:
3 yards from the original line of scrimmage? Or 3 yards from where he set up after his 11 yard drop back?

This is just too funny. He already knew the team has no confidence in him because of not signing him, and now he think the team is trying to throw him in on a trade. He already was a mentally-fragile player, and this is going to just fry him.

QCampbell #17

Quincy without the drugs.
Dude, you are using way too many stereotypes that don't even fit. No one has questioned his mental toughness, in fact most praise him. His biggest drawback is the GLACIER SLOW release, and that is true. He does 3 and 5 step drops, not 11??? (he also can't slide - it's scary to watch him try). And he has the confidence of the coach, and of Gibbs.

What is funny is you calling him a mentally-fragile player when we are discussing Cutler in the same thread. The whole reason this rumor started was a crybaby qb wants out cuz he doesn't have his coach. Ridiculous.

but obviously we won't agree now, so how about we put a sig on the line?? if Campbell torches your secondary in either game next year I give you one, If Romo torches our secondary either game next year you give me one?
Hypnotoad;2693780 said:
When ESPN kept quiet about Brett that was the opposite of integrity. They tried to protect Brett's reputation for some reason. Other media outlets like FOX and CBS were saying Favre talked to the Lions and gave them plays. It turned out that ESPN was wrong as Brett himself admitted to talking to the Lions but downplayed the amount of talking he did.

ESPN wants Brett to join their crew that's why they protected him. ESPN's ombudsmen even wrote a piece about explaining why they choose to stick to their 'source' (who was wrong) later about it.

If your keeping track, just believe the opposite of anything ESPN says.
thank you for the correction... i fudged it up and didn't notice. i meant to type That was they said. haha

But that brings up another thought. ESPN is the "world leader" in sports coverage, no doubt. The same way they went out of their way to try to protect Favre, I think they've taken equal pleasure in trying to bring some guys down...Terrell Owens in particular. Guys busted for drugs, fighting, guns, etc get less than 1/2 the crap Owens would get. INTEGRITY. I'm worried they're gonna try to do it to Romo now...we'll see though
jobberone;2694090 said:
Campbell is a good QB with a strong arm and his ability to manage a game went up considerably last year. He's worth looking at as a solid or better starting QB in this league. But he's not in the same league as Cutler....yet. And Cutler is not an elite QB in the league yet either. He has elite athletic skills but needs to grow as much as Campbell, just in different ways.

I don't believe the Skins are giving up on Campbell esp with Zorn there to develop him. That has got to be one of Zorn's most promising gifts. But right now almost any GM in this league would take Cutler over Campbell in a heartbeat.

See I can agree with this whole post except the last sentence. Let's see what the interest in Cutler is now, and if JC_R goes to FA next year lets see his then.
Let`s just hope they don`t do it, Cutler in my opinion will be a top 5 QB in this league for years to come.
wileedog;2694145 said:
I'll go out on a limb and say Campbell won't be their unquestioned started in 2010. They can only hold his hand for so long, and I agree completely with AsthmaFields breakdown above. He looks slow going through his progressions, and he has a long windup like Leftwich's.

Kidding aside, he always struck me as much more accurate on his deep passes than the short and intermediate stuff, and given all that I thought the day Zorn was hired Campbell was a complete mismatch for that offense. Putting him on a 2 ft leash last year so he couldn't sink the team did nothing to dispell that notion, and I don't see Danny having the patience to go another year with him if/when he is a solid, nothing-special, bus driver again this season.

And you may be right. The signs are not favoring him right now although I stand by my statement that Zorn knows how to work with QBs. And Campbell is not without some talent. It is true his biggest handicap is not athletic. I give him some slack as he was working in a new system last year and it wasn't his fault the Skins fell apart.
Aikmaniac;2693512 said:
Call me crazy, but I think it would make for some exciting matchups for the Skins to land Cutler...and have him and Romo face off twice a season.

I'm ready. Do it Danny boy.

Yeah they could trade turnovers :)

No on Cutler -- some of the trade ideas out there are just ridiculous...

Really, the best I can hope for is a lucky 10-win season so long as our GM looks like he just got an unexpected delivery to his back door:

BraveHeartFan;2693878 said:
It would be an instant upgrade to their team because they'd finally have a legit QB. Their offense, which is average at best right now, would instantly be better. Portis would find more holes because despite average WR's Cutler would still be a much greater threat at QB then Campbell. This would not be a good thing for the Cowboys, at all.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel that Jay Cutler should even be considered a legit QB. What has he done? Was it because he was drafted in the 1st round and has the pedigree? He obviously doesn't have the right attitude. Is it because he was overhyped during the draft, and to this day is still being overhyped?

Romo has yet to really do anything either, but should be graded higher than Cutler. Plus, Romo came out of nowhere (Eastern Illinois) and went undrafted.

Cutler doesn't scare me. Yeah, he has a big arm and he sure likes to talk about it, like when he dissed Elway (something you ought not to do in Denver). But Cutler's body language is horrible. Complete opposite of Romo. Go ahead Commanders, go and get Jay. Pay out the a** for him. You both deserve each other.
Fletch;2694258 said:
Cutler doesn't scare me. Yeah, he has a big arm and he sure likes to talk about it, like when he dissed Elway (something you ought not to do in Denver). But Cutler's body language is horrible. Complete opposite of Romo. Go ahead Commanders, go and get Jay. Pay out the a** for him. You both deserve each other.

So is Eli's and they won a Super Bowl..
SkinsFan28;2694177 said:
No one has questioned his mental toughness, in fact most praise him.

Uh.... bull****? Plenty of people have questioned his mental toughness. Looking comatose with a blank stare at all times is not the same as mental toughness. Maybe it makes you feel better to think of it as a sign of toughness, but it isn't.

SkinsFan28;2694177 said:
And he has the confidence of the coach, and of Gibbs.

Sure he does. Which is why there was discussion about letting Collins start over him, and JC had to have his widdle feelings paid attention to so that he wuddn't be cry. It must also be why they brought in Colt, which again hurt widdle Jason's widdle feelings. And it must be the confidence why two offensive cooridinators have "kept him on a short leash and not let him open up the offense."

And that confidence is really evident in the fact that THEY DID NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT EXTENDING HIM.

And now there are rumors of a trade for Cutler.


SkinsFan28;2694177 said:
but obviously we won't agree now, so how about we put a sig on the line?? if Campbell torches your secondary in either game next year I give you one, If Romo torches our secondary either game next year you give me one?

Do I look like someone who would waste his time with something as lame as a sig bet?

But if you want to put some serious money down on who will have a better game, Romo or Campbell, than I'll be your Huckleberry. We can set up the specifics if you want, and I know how to broker it. Hell, I got a decent chance of winning it by the end of training camp because QCampbell may not even have the job in DC.
Cutler is P.O'ed because Denver was talking about acquiring Cassal and dumping him.

Now The forskins are talking about acquiring Cutler and dumping Campbell.

Now if it falls thru, where's a P.O'ed Campbell gonna go?:lmao:
We better pray the Skins don't land Cutler, we can forget about the SB for the next 10 years unless their's an injury.
Judas;2694426 said:
We better pray the Skins don't land Cutler, we can forget about the SB for the next 10 years unless their's an injury.

Tom Brady won't last another 10 years.

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