I'll buy the
"IF" Dalley beats Philly, they'll be in 1st place -- and you'll deserve it. You should then take the NFC and go all the way and represent the NFC in the SB!
Listen Heavy "D", trolls don't talk like that. "Troll" calling without foundation is "False Troll Calling" (FTC).
YOU are a FTC! Check my record (in other words look at my posts). I NEVER initiate/engage in trolling. If you are interested in an education (I don't mean that literally

) visit another team's cite and engage/initiate some of the dialogue that you've become accustomed to; go to the Eagles cite (I'm there, I'm on Extremeskins, and some other location -- it's called being
I'm sure you then get a better understanding of what a troll really is. We (yes "we" because I'm an official member of this cite -- therefore if the mod-squad felt that I was a troll "D" I'd have been gone a Long time ago -- ask the "H-Man"
Here's the point, there are Dalley fans that have good football saavy; then there's you. Your posts are nothing but
nonsensical jabberwacky! Is there something worse than a Troll? Hello? Here's just one more caveat to make my point --- I hope dalley beats the socks off of the gnats (SIC). "SIC does Not mean ill "D-Boy."