Video: The Herd on Garrett


1st Round Pick
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I cannot think of a single move the front office could make to jump start this team more than firing garrett. not at the season's end. but now. today. make Richard the interim head coach for the rest of the season, and then do their due diligence in vetting the next head coach.

We need a player that will bring a jolt of energy to the team as well as a better coaching staff.

This year Rookie class is providing nothing so far.


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“yeah, but, what if the sun rises in the west tomorrow? Hunh? Hunh?”

You got me

Good luck in life with that 5th grade logic


There is no logic involved. It's a question.
Nothing complicated here.

If he wins the Superbowl do you still move on from him?

You stated championship coach. He would thus be a championship coach. But if you believe he only got there on "talent".

Hence the question.

The follow up question was what do you think about Andy Reid?


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There is no logic involved. It's a question.
Nothing complicated here.

If he wins the Superbowl do you still move on from him?

You stated championship coach. He would thus be a championship coach. But if you believe he only got there on "talent".

Hence the question.

The follow up question was what do you think about Andy Reid?

IF does not apply. It won’t happen!


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If you are convinced Garett cannot win I see your point. I'm just not there.

I see us as a bad Deano Bladino call away from possibly a huge success.

Garett is an offensive mind. Our offense has always been good to great under him.

I'd rather bark up another tree. Yes that still falls under Garrett but there is a much easier immediate fix to our problem area. Don't want to jeopardize the talent we have assembled completly transitioning to something anew.

Anyway, like folks have already stated, this is off season talk not leading your division getting ready for playoffs talk.
What exactly has the clapper done to make you feel like he can win a super bowl? I’ll wait.


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It baffles me that there can be anybody left in the world that could actually argue in favor of Garrett. You've had 9 years with him as head coach and 12 years with his hands on the team. What is there possibly left to see? He has proved nothing. It's over. Time to move on.


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Why do some of you torment yourselves by watching a sorry coached football team then? Why watch if you know/think he's not going to do anything? I don't get it.


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I cannot think of a single move the front office could make to jump start this team more than firing garrett. not at the season's end. but now. today. make Richard the interim head coach for the rest of the season, and then do their due diligence in vetting the next head coach.
that will make things worse....the team is 6-4 no matter how you cut it and then you cut a coach...great...and Richard is not all that...he is a screamer and a yeller and you like him, but lets not forget his unit sucks and is directly responsible for 3 of our I have ZERO faith in Richard...


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Garrett has had 10 years to produce results. Is the output on the field equal or better than the talent on the roster? If so-- you have a god coach. If it is less-- then your coaching staff is an issue.

This is not a new thought. This has been declared for years. This staff does less with more than any team in the league. Collin is just saying what everybody knows. Everybody except JJ that is.

And that is the issue. JJ's ego. There is a psychological principle called the point of return. In a belief system, it costs an individual less to continue down a chosen course of action-- EVEN IF CONFRONTED WITH FACTS THEY MADE A MISTAKE-- because to admit they were wrong and do what is necessary to go back to where they made the error is too costly. In essence-- it causes too much dissonance to admit a mistake, so people often follow their destructive beliefs and decisions to their destructive conclusions.

That my friends-- is the situation with JJ. He desperately wanted his red headed boy to bring glory back to Dallas. He still believes he is one oil drill plunge away from the gusher and to quit now would be to miss out on a fortune. Therefore-- JJ looks for any silver lining available to defend sticking by Garrett-- despite the evidence in his face. Because to admit he was wrong about Garrett-- would be to admit the obvious. He has failed miserably as a GM for nearly a quarter of a century.


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Everybody knows it except the guy with the power to end it. Jerry said this morning we need to use Zeke more:facepalm: I just wish he'd quit hiding in back of the curtain. Cut the strings on Garrett and just come out and coach the team. Who knows? Maybe Garrett would be a good coach if JONES the "ghost" coach would stop coaching. I know you guys may roll your eyes but think about why Jones keeps getting puppets for head coaches. You can control a puppet but a real coach isn't gonna put up with Jones at all. A complete failure at GM AND "ghost" COACH FOR NEARLY 25 YEARS.


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There is no logic involved. It's a question.
Nothing complicated here.

If he wins the Superbowl do you still move on from him?

You stated championship coach. He would thus be a championship coach. But if you believe he only got there on "talent".

Hence the question.

The follow up question was what do you think about Andy Reid?


America's Cowboy

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I bet most of those sports show hosts never played sports. If they did, they very likely sucked. So all of you who follow and believe every word they say are believing in and following people who most likely never played the sport or sucked at playing sports.

Oouuf! Like Bill Parcells said, "He sucks you right in. Consider yourself sucked!" :laugh:


Just Dez It
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no he’s not
Marty was a good coach
Garrett is trash
Marty was good at the regular season, but couldn't get it done in the playoffs. I'm no Garrett fan, but I still recognize the double digit win seasons. I just don't think he can get the Cowboys any further.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Wrong! Not if your eye is on the big prize! The clapper will never get there. NEVER!
I agree. We can get anybody as coach that can keep us relevant. Jerry will never let the franchise go the Cleveland route. If we want to win anything though we actually need a coach not a game manager.


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that will make things worse....the team is 6-4 no matter how you cut it and then you cut a coach...great...and Richard is not all that...he is a screamer and a yeller and you like him, but lets not forget his unit sucks and is directly responsible for 3 of our I have ZERO faith in Richard...
I think the D has gotten worse since Richard got here.


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That was wordy but thats cool.
This isnt about the play calling or any of the X's and O's. Its about leadership and accountability. Its about demanding excellence. Many of JG failings could be related to Jerry Jones neutering any coach he has since Jerry is effectively coaching this team. We have an obvious organizational structure problem.

The rest of what you said about keeping JG because Nick Saban failed is a losers mentality no matter how you slice it.

This is the type of thinking that would have JG clapping for another 20 years with no real success. Let him waste Dak's career like he did Romo's.

It's not about who you replace him with at this point. Its just about replacing him and demanding excellence. Otherwise you are demanding mediocrity and thats what you will get.

I absolutely did not say 'Keep JG because Saban failed.' I didn't say 'Keep JG no matter what'. Let me try to be more clear:

Change simply for the sake of change is rarely the answer. There are no sure-fire replacements available to replace Garrett (or any other head coach). That isn't to say I wouldn't support a change if we fail to make the playoffs or get past the wildcard round. I would, but there's no guarantee we'd get better than we currently have.