Video: The Herd on Garrett


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Considering that "Puppet HCs" isn't a real thing, no matter how many times you pretend it's a proper noun, yes they do.

Every NFL owner wants a coach/GM who executes the owner's vision. It's fundamental in every business.
Jerry isn’t interested in winning if he doesn’t gain the credit he didn’t receive with Jimmy.

Yep, this is Jerry’s vision. To only win his way.

The rest of the leagues owners aren’t intent proving they are Football Guys. Lol


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I cannot think of a single move the front office could make to jump start this team more than firing garrett. not at the season's end. but now. today. make Richard the interim head coach for the rest of the season, and then do their due diligence in vetting the next head coach.


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Garrett is not an awful coach. Hes worse than awful. Hes mediocre. Awful gets you fired. Mediocre waste years and years.

That's been made obvious for sure. He's done just enough for Jerry to find excuses to keep him around.

But thankfully, Jerry's actions have made it clear that even his great patience has run out.


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Brilliantly said...
Nothing to add...
Watch it for yourself if you haven’t already.


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Jerry isn’t interested in winning if he doesn’t gain the credit he didn’t receive with Jimmy.

Yep, this is Jerry’s vision. To only win his way.

The rest of the leagues owners aren’t intent proving they are Football Guys. Lol
It doesn't matter if they want to be football guys or not. They all want to win with their own vision, and they all want to make money first.

The Cowboys are at no disadvatnage to the rest of the league because of that attitude. If anything, Jerry's willingness to spend on players, coaches, facilities, etc. gives them an advantage.


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We can do much worse as well looking around the NFL landscape. Much, much worse
Technically, this is true.

And while some may hate me for being "hypocritical" for wanting to stick with Dak before this season and wanting to replace Garrett, there is a HUGE difference between:
  • A forth year QB that has shown promise in every one of his first 3 years
  • A ten year HC that somehow is out coached and/or screws up something during almost every extremely important game during his time as HC
We could do worse. That is absolutely correct.

But after a decade, unless Garrett changes something THIS year, there is a mountain of evidence in support that Garrett is NOT a Super Bowl caliber coach.

Is the next HC of the Cowboys going to be better than Garrett? IDK, as no one knows for sure. But we will have moved on from an HC that, at least in Dallas, could not bring home a championship either.


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We've gotten pretty consistent around here with our feelings on Garrett.

He's completely dependent on talent and just along for the ride and gives us no advantages on Sundays.

He's just here and you're probably just a troll anyways because I don't know how anyone with any sense after a decade could still think this guy is of any kind of quality as a coach.

Dallas wins with talent and talent alone.

They've built their teams to basically overcome their coaching. Simple football, impose their will on the ground, and hope the talent overcomes.

The Romo Cowboys were no different.

Hope Romo and Dez bail out a terrible coaching staff with Romo's ability to buy time and Dez's ability to go up and bring down a football.

No one forced Romo to throw game losing picks in the playoffs. No one knows where we would have ended up had those not happened. You think Garrett coached Romo to throw it directly to a defender in the flat against those Commanders. C'mon man

NFL games are close, turnovers lose games.
It's not directly Garrett's fault Elliott fumbles the football right out the gate last game. Protect the football. Do we really need to search for some new innovative way to say "hold on to the damn ball?"

Do you remember Parcells coaching Romo to get the ball out of his hands. Why did it take years for Romo to realize check-downs were not a bad thing even with a HOF coach in his ear?

Sometimes players gotta play and execute. All coaches need talent to succeed to a greater/lesser degree.

Who are the coaches that have no perceived talent but are coaching their teams into the playoffs?

Do you think Andy Reid is a good football coach? Why or why not? Just curious


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Garrett sucks. Plain and simple. He is an awful game day coach and provides no strategic advantage.

His game planning is horrific and his clock management is even worse. His idea of just executing better is about the same level of coaching that players get when they are 5 years old. I wish I was lying, I am not.

You will even see it this week. You beat Tom Brady by playing press man to man defense. This is no secret. Everyone knows this. If you can get any push inside and you play man he struggles.

I will almost guarantee we will play a soft zone for the majority of the game. And I do not care if Marinelli makes the game plan. He is the head coach, tell him what to do.

But he won't do it. Garrett wants his coaches to fail so that he can have an out and he can survive another year. He is the ultimate saboteur.


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Except he's right and it isn't a loser's mentality.

Do you think teams hire head coaches and think, 'Man, there are SO many better options available, but let's hire this guy and see what happens?' They don't. Top shelf coaches are at least as difficult to find as elite QBs.

Everyone was enamored with Sean McVay until they weren't. The wunderkind coach of the Rams now has his team at 6-4. His offense lacks explosion and they've beaten only 1 team with a winning record, and that was the Saints in Week 2 when Brees left the game with his injury. I have no doubt, though, that many on here would have an orgasm if Garrett was fired and McVay was brought onboard.

Or the other 'argument' I read here all the time: 'In N.E., they would/wouldn't (fill in the blank), so we need a coach like that.' and 30 other teams. There's exactly one Belichick and we aren't getting him.

'WE NEED TO HIRE LINCOLN RILEY!' Yeah, because decent college football coaches always make good NFL coaches. Steve Spurrier (imo a MUCH better coach than Riley), had exactly zero success in the NFL. Nick Saban, maybe the best coach in the history of college football, failed in the NFL as well.

The truth is this: Our coaching needs to improve. Garrett has had ample time to prove himself and in several seasons he did just that. Romo went down and we fielded a 13-3 team. If we're going to blame Garrett when we fail, we have to give him props when we don't. Still, he's either been too slow/stubborn to transition our offense to a more 'modern' passing-based attack...OR....our QB wasn't quite ready to take the reigns of that style of offense. What's clear now is that Dak can lead whatever type of offense a coach wants to implement (except the Ravens playbook), which leads to the question:

Will Garrett and company take advantage of a now very confident Dak Prescott and a group of receivers who can all ball out, or will he and/or his staff continue to be hard-headed?

This season is far from lost. We still have an opportunity to make some noise in the playoffs if we can get there. If we don't make the playoffs, Garrett has to go. I don't know how deep our playoff run needs to be to justify keeping him, as games are often decided by plays where the coach has done everything right but a team loses anyway. No doubt we have to get to the divisional round, but it's possible we run into a buzz saw there. If he makes the NFC title game, he's staying for sure (I think).

Okay, that was long. I need to go make a living now.

You spoke on something that's been rattling around my head for a minute now. I'm sure by now you are familiar with the news regarding a meeting Garrett had with the team this past week leading up to the Lions. I think the topic likely might have been the overall direction of the offense and the resulting poor communication. My guess is he is becoming even more hands-off in the maturation process of Moore.

Coming into this season, I thought it was a shame Moore's maiden-voyage would be at a time where I thought the talent was the best it's been in years. And now with the way the mercenaries Cobb, Bennett and Quinn are playing, you have to hope this team is about to get hot at just the right time because I don't think we can extend all of them into 2020.

In another thread I just submitted, I pointed out I believe the Cowboys will "mollywhop" the Patriots. I said it there and I'll say it here, that doesn't mean I think they are about to go on a run, but it could be the nudge in confidence they need to do exactly that.

But coming back to the point: I think the big determination from the notorious meeting was that it was time to stop relying so much on Zeke and just simply start taking whatever the defense gives and do so aggressively.

There have been many plays that have been dissected over the last several days in the Lions game. Dak was electric, as was much of his supporting cast. But the play that stood out the most to me was the 2-point conversion call that I think put Zeke on the sideline.

Imagine you're the defense and you see Pollard back there. You're thinking misdirection, option-toss, rpo of some sort...but you are not thinking run between the tackles. And then that's exactly what the Cowboys did.

It was aggressive. It was creative. It was smart. And the personnel grouping could have not been better for what they really wanted to do.

Had Zeke been in there, that 2-point conversion likely does not happen.

So if you are looking for the needle-in-the-haystack indication that good things are coming, that might just be it.
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The fact we have a more talented team is reason to support Garretts influence with our dysfunctional ownership despite his game day flaws.

We have been a talent dependent franchise in the post Jimmy and Puppet era. Whoever can influence this Mom and Pop operation in building the best team has been the best puppets the last couple decades.

We should support a useless coach because we have a dysfunctional ownership that despite itself has put a lot of talent on the field. Talent that most analysts suggest has consistently under performed because of the head coach???? I am extremely confused by your logic.

Yes, Garrett has game day flaws, pregame flaws and post-game flaws. I will leave it at that because I would have to talk to his wife about late-night flaws, but we are close to writing the idiot as a complete failure.

I am sure that despite all of this, you still have some legitimate reason to continue to fund his retirement from the NFL.


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Colin has been on a Cowboys kick recently. I was listening to him yesterday. He was talking about how Dallas really is America's Team after Tom Brady was asked on his local radio show about if the Pats are the new America's Team. Brady said no way and that the Pats were the favorites of maybe six or seven states. Dallas has them all pretty much.


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What’s a loser mentality is to continually talk about fire your head coach when your in first place in your division in the middle of the season.
And an even bigger loser mentality is to be content w/ mediocrity and underperformance.


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[QUOTE="stasheroo, post: 9705458, member: 5952"

But he's not wrong at all on Garrett, just years behind the train.[/QUOTE]

Some here are still having troubles with the boarding process.


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[QUOTE="stasheroo, post: 9705458, member: 5952"

But he's not wrong at all on Garrett, just years behind the train.

Some here are still having troubles with the boarding process.[/QUOTE]

Thankfully their numbers are quite few. Most have finally gotten it at some point. The few remaining holdouts, and their opinions and knowledge of the subject matter, are noted accordingly.


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And an even bigger loser mentality is to be content w/ mediocrity and underperformance.
Yea he’d rather lose than get out of the way.

I’m still surprised with fans who don’t accept that Jerry is the root of the evil.