Video: The Herd on Garrett


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The big question is, is Jerry willing to step aside and quit meddling? I think we all know the answer to that, especially after watching his post game interview after the Minnesota loss. He has absolutely no business doing that. Makes me sick...
At least you accept our hopeless situation with Jerry. Not all fans do.


1st Round Pick
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Jerry has already agreed with ya'll. He stated his high expectations with this amount of talent and I assume that is why he hasn't provided another contract. I do believe he stated something about the NFC Championship game correct?

So sit back enjoy the season and see how it plays out. Sounds like a win/win situation for ya'll.

Improve or you're gone. A mid-season coaching change, just can't envision that happening. Our defense performing like last season and we are probably undefeated at this point.

A win Sunday I'll bet some different songs are sung.


We've gotten pretty consistent around here with our feelings on Garrett.

He's completely dependent on talent and just along for the ride and gives us no advantages on Sundays.

He's just here and you're probably just a troll anyways because I don't know how anyone with any sense after a decade could still think this guy is of any kind of quality as a coach.

Dallas wins with talent and talent alone.

They've built their teams to basically overcome their coaching. Simple football, impose their will on the ground, and hope the talent overcomes.

The Romo Cowboys were no different.

Hope Romo and Dez bail out a terrible coaching staff with Romo's ability to buy time and Dez's ability to go up and bring down a football.


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Contrary to the silly belief no one wants to coach here. Yes I believe he's telling the truth. The bigger question is for how long?
Maybe that’s what he believes?

I’m not sure why anyone would consider being a Puppet with Jerry one of the most desired venues in the country?

Most likely these type references include what was once a desirable venue.


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To drive this point home.....think back to 2003 with Quincy Carter, Antonio Bryant, Troy Hambrickhead, and company, then realize that Bill Parcells took that motley crew to a 10-6 playoff season, 1 year after a 3rd consecutive 5-11 record under coach Compost.

Could you imagine what a great coach could do with this roster?

The defensive talent is overrated, but better coaching would get so much more out of it.


Intramural Legend
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I’m not sure all fans realize Jerry isn’t interested in winning if a Named HC swooped in taking more credit?
This is true for every owner in the league. There is not one single owner who wants to win at the expense of running their team as a business. Not one. Jerry is about as close as it gets in that regard.

You're naive if you think there's an owner who would trade a Super Bowl for a year in the red.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is JG's last year if this team doesn't get to the NFC championship game at the very least IMO. Does my opinion count for anything, nope, nada, insignificant.

Here it is though, the Cowboys from top to bottom are one of the most talented teams in the NFL, loaded on offense and defense with talented players at the key positions. More talent than the Patriots BUT the Pats are 9-1 because the players are prepared, they have amazing game plans that shift each week depending on the competition and they don't kill themselves with bad penalties or conservative play calling. They are a go for the jugular team with Bellichik at the helm and the Cowboys are ankle biters with JG at the helm.

We're gonna see first hand just how much difference coaching makes. Better still, JJ is gonna see first hand the difference coaching makes. We have the talent to win this game but we will be out coached, out schemed and in the end, outscored. That's my prediction. Watch James White go off with screen plays against a defense that is horrible defensing screen plays. watch Brady to Edelman click time after time. We know it's coming, the coaches know it's coming but for some unfathomable reason we won't have answer.

To make it worse, my sister and her husband are huge Patriot fans and are so smug but they have good reason for their smugness.

Signed…. smug wannabe :)



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If the Cowboys are a sought after venue then why have we had all of these Puppets?


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This is true for every owner in the league. There is not one single owner who wants to win at the expense of running their team as a business. Not one. Jerry is about as close as it gets in that regard.

You're naive if you think there's an owner who would trade a Super Bowl for a year in the red.
Not sure how you arrived at this from my post? I didn't suggest Jerry wanted to lose money.


Intramural Legend
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Not sure how you arrived at this from my post? I didn't suggest Jerry wanted to lose money.
You said he's not interested in winning.

No owner is interested in winning beyond what it means for the bottom line.


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You said he's not interested in winning.

No owner is interested in winning beyond what it means for the bottom line.
Winning hasn’t been directly correlated with financial success this era .

And Jerry is only interested in winning his way. He tried winning Super Bowls with a Named HC but didn’t like sharing the credit or face of the franchise. Been stuck with Puppets ever since except when Jerry needed to bolster support for his new stadium.

Jerry wants to win more than ever but only his way.


Intramural Legend
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Winning hasn’t been directly correlated with financial success this era .

And Jerry is only interested in winning his way. He tried winning Super Bowls with a Named HC but didn’t like sharing the credit or face of the franchise. Been stuck with Puppets ever since except when Jerry needed to bolster support for his new stadium.
You are missing the point.

This is EVERY NFL owner.


1st Round Pick
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Contrary to the silly belief no one wants to coach here. Yes I believe he's telling the truth. The bigger question is for how long?

If they can get Bill Parcells they can get anyone they want.

The problem is Jerry doesn't believe in coaching. He has that 90's mentality. They knew what was coming and still couldn't stop it mentality.

Hiring Barry Switzer as his coach mentality.

Dallas will never open up their pocket book for a coach. They just want a coach that's easy for them to work with and lets them be involved with the team.


Intramural Legend
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No, not every NFL owner follows Jerry’s model of being a “ socks to jocks” GM insisting on Puppet HC’s.
Considering that "Puppet HCs" isn't a real thing, no matter how many times you pretend it's a proper noun, yes they do.

Every NFL owner wants a coach/GM who executes the owner's vision. It's fundamental in every business.