The I'm done with TO thread.

Bleu Star

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Maikeru-sama;2473457 said:
Maybe I missed something. When did Terrell Owens pout?

Only the biggest detractors of one Terrell Owens can see the smallest inkling of what could be misconstrued as a pout. They're private detectives in disguise.


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Aven8;2473487 said:

Not for me.....I was all for getting this guy....I still like him....I'm just tired of him. He's worn out his welcome and we need a fresh start. Will he be missed.....probably (maybe a game or two) but does this team need it....Absolutely IMO.

How did he wore out his welcome? I guess you don't remember how pitiful we looked when he went down last season. The NFL is more than about stats. You will get your wish I imagine at some point when TO's time is done here. And you'll wish you have him back. Jason Witten is a great tight end and probably the best in the league. But he doesn't get half the single coverage he gets without TO.
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Bleu Star;2473481 said:



Wow. I don't think we've ever agree this much before. Scary.

It is weird... You always disagree...

And NYC...

Take the blue and silver goggles off.... It's distorting your sense of reality.

Tony IS the reason why this team plays well. That's a fact. He is the one from which everyone else feeds off of.


He also wont be spoken about in the same breath of the greats if he can't make good decisions in crunch time. His turnovers will tarnish his legacy.

Don Corleone

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No surprise. Some fans hate him, some love him, and some deal with him being on the team.

I'm in the camp that deals with him being on the team. You take the good with the bad and move on. I felt the same way about Deion Sanders. He does make some game breaking plays, but you have to accept the rest of his schtick.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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McCordsville Cowboy;2473470 said:
This thread blows....

T.O is the main reason Witten gets so many open looks...

No T.O , more FORCED balls to Witten

nyc;2473485 said:
I agree with the first, but not the second and third. As noted, Witten was a great TE before TO arrived. He didn't require TO to be able to get open.

There. I fixed it to make you happy. Understand now?


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Boysboy;2473476 said:
For the record, I saw that route Owens supposedly "gave up" on with Romo's first INT. I couldn't tell, but it looked to me like he ran a bad break on it, he didn't "give up" on it like most Zoners here said. It was an ill-advised throw to begin with.

Honestly-I think most of the Owens hatred stems from what he did to the Star at the turn of the century.

Seriously what TO is doing is what Chad Johnson or any other receiver in this league does. Its not about being "ME". He wants the ball because well stats show that when he has a big game we win. I can't even recall us losing after TO having a big game. So what he is saying makes sense. Feed him the ball. But don't force it to him. That's on Romo and Garrett. When there's 3 guys in coverage against TO I don't know why but Romo wants to get the ball there.


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rocyaice;2473466 said:
SMH. You guys can't be *****' serious. A loss to the Steelers and everyone wants to get rid of everyone. You guys are a *****' joke. Is this how it goes on this site? We want everyone gone?

This is pretty much a good synopsis.


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Don Corleone;2473508 said:
No surprise. Some fans hate him, some love him, and some deal with him being on the team.

I'm in the camp that deals with him being on the team. You take the good with the bad and move on. I felt the same way about Deion Sanders. He does make some game breaking plays, but you have to accept the rest of his schtick.

I'm in the same camp as you-I was against him coming here 2 years ago(admittedly, I threw up my hamburger the minute ESPN announced his signing).

However-I'm surprised by all this kneejerk MMBQ reactions after a very tough loss yesterday. There were numerous, albeit bigger factors of why we lost. We DID have a double digit lead in the 4th qtr, for crying out loud! We also had some very bad breaks against us, but I guess that's the nature of the beast, and we just have to move on.


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And let me say I have no problem with people wanting TO out of here. I have a problem with the timing of this nonsense. I didn't see a damn thing about TO being off this team last week. A loss to the Steelers and oh now he's a cancer? Now he's not worth it? Give me a break. Without his catch we don't even score that td yesterday. That was another forced pass by Romo.


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rocyaice;2473514 said:
Seriously what TO is doing is what Chad Johnson or any other receiver in this league does. Its not about being "ME". He wants the ball because well stats show that when he has a big game we win. I can't even recall us losing after TO having a big game. So what he is saying makes sense. Feed him the ball. But don't force it to him. That's on Romo and Garrett. When there's 3 guys in coverage against TO I don't know why but Romo wants to get the ball there.

Yep-if Romo has a weakness, it's forcing the ball into double coverage. I've seen him doing it on numerous occasions with Jason Witten, and remember last year in the Carolina game when Owens WENT DOWN, he continued to do it with other receivers as well.

I hope Wade Wilson continues to get on his case for this.


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rocyaice;2473514 said:
Seriously what TO is doing is what Chad Johnson or any other receiver in this league does. Its not about being "ME". He wants the ball because well stats show that when he has a big game we win.

a) Chad Johnson is certifiable and definitely a distraction and detriment to the Bengals. Maybe not the most positive comparison.

b) Hines Ward pretty much went catchless yesterday and Pittsburgh was struggling to move the ball for most of the game ... didn't see him going beserk on the sidelines or in Roethlesberger's grill at any point.

c) There may be other head case WRs in the league. I think the difference between those guys and TO is that their organizations don't give them cart blanche, much less bend over backwards to do everything they can to placate him because they're petrified he's going to blow up. When TO went to the sidelines crying and whining about not getting the ball at one point, I told my buddy "Watch, the first play of the next drive they're going to force it to TO whether he is open or not". First play for the next drive, Romo forces a back shoulder fade to TO, Pittsburgh is expecting it .. easy pick. This team feeds TOs ego and tries to make him happy at the cost of the overall team. He just needs to be treated as a cog in the wheel ... nothing more and nothing less.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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rocyaice;2473514 said:
Seriously what TO is doing is what Chad Johnson or any other receiver in this league does. Its not about being "ME". He wants the ball because well stats show that when he has a big game we win. I can't even recall us losing after TO having a big game. So what he is saying makes sense. Feed him the ball. But don't force it to him. That's on Romo and Garrett. When there's 3 guys in coverage against TO I don't know why but Romo wants to get the ball there.


Feed but don't force and reap the rewards. It's pretty simple. Perhaps JG will figure it out one day...

Those of you detracting from what TO brings to this team will rue the day that he took the field as a Cowboy when he's gone and the offense returns to normal. The guy doesn't have to catch a damn ball. Just him lining up is plenty enough to give opposing DCs fits. They have to game plan for him or they get killed. Bottom line. Keep dogging him though.. :rolleyes:

He says what you think but are afraid to say. It's all good.


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rocyaice;2473504 said:
How did he wore out his welcome? I guess you don't remember how pitiful we looked when he went down last season. The NFL is more than about stats. You will get your wish I imagine at some point when TO's time is done here. And you'll wish you have him back. Jason Witten is a great tight end and probably the best in the league. But he doesn't get half the single coverage he gets without TO.

Would it have mattered???? I'm sick of the "me first" attitude. We need to turn this team, into a team.

We have plenty of weapons to do it....Bennett, Witten, Austin, RW11, Felix, Baber, Choice, Crayton. Those guys are all team players IMO. Cutting loose of TO will give us the fresh start....and IMO will rejunivate our offense with a better attitude.

We're not going anywhere with the what's all the fuss about cutting the guy loose. I wouldn't have said this at the start of the year...but after watching it all's time.
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InmanRoshi;2473530 said:
a) Chad Johnson is certifiable.

b) There are a lot of head case WRs in the league. I think the difference between those guys and TO is that their organizations don't give them cart blanche, much less bend over backwards to do everything they can to placate him. When TO went to the sidelines crying and whining about not getting the ball at one point, I told my buddy "Watch, the first play of the next drive they're going to force it to TO whether he is open or not". First play for the next drive, Romo forces a back shoulder fade to TO, Pittsburgh is expecting it .. easy pick. This team feeds TOs ego and tries to make him happy at the cost of the overall team.

Who is they....?

Is Garrett throwing passes out there?


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InmanRoshi;2473530 said:
a) Chad Johnson is certifiable.

b) There are a lot of head case WRs in the league. I think the difference between those guys and TO is that their organizations don't give them cart blanche, much less bend over backwards to do everything they can to placate him. When TO went to the sidelines crying and whining about not getting the ball at one point, I told my buddy "Watch, the first play of the next drive they're going to force it to TO whether he is open or not". First play for the next drive, Romo forces a back shoulder fade to TO, Pittsburgh is expecting it .. easy pick.

You mean like how the Giants and hard*** Coughlin did NOTHING when Burress went M.I.A. in TC for the last 2 years when he didn't get the silver spoon in his mouth he wanted? You mean like how Jerry Reese and that hard-lined Giants FO GAVE INTO Burress' contract demands when he ALREADY signed a big fat one once upon a time ago?


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This is, by the way, the same TO that busted his *** downfield to throw a block to help Felix Jones get in the endzone on that long 60+ yard TD run.

Not sure where all the hate is coming from? You see him upset on the sidelines in a game where we only put up 13 points and should have won...I'm glad someone is getting fired up over there.


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InmanRoshi;2473530 said:
a) Chad Johnson is certifiable. Maybe not the most positive comparison.

b) Hines Ward pretty much went catchless yesterday ... didn't see him going beserk on the sidelines.

c) There are a lot of head case WRs in the league. I think the difference between those guys and TO is that their organizations don't give them cart blanche, much less bend over backwards to do everything they can to placate him. When TO went to the sidelines crying and whining about not getting the ball at one point, I told my buddy "Watch, the first play of the next drive they're going to force it to TO whether he is open or not". First play for the next drive, Romo forces a back shoulder fade to TO, Pittsburgh is expecting it .. easy pick. This team feeds TOs ego and tries to make him happy at the cost of the overall team.

Well don't make TO the scapegoat of that. What is TO yelling and screaming going to do? If he's covered don't FORCE HIM THE BALL. Have some common sense. Romo doesn't have to force throws. And I don't even see what kind routes they are giving TO. Looks like just straight routes. The coaches and Romo need to take responsibility. Don't make TO the scapegoat for forced throws.


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Aven8;2473536 said:
Would it have mattered???? I'm sick of the "me first" attitude. We need to turn this team, into a team.

We have plenty of weapons to do it....Bennett, Witten, Austin, RW11, Felix, Baber, Choice, Crayton. Those guys are all team players IMO. Cutting loose of TO will give us the fresh start....and IMO will rejunivate our offense with a better attitude.

We're not going anywhere with the what's all the fuss about cutting the guy loose. I wouldn't have said this at the start of the year...but after watching it all's time.

FWIW-we had a DOUBLE DIGIT lead in the 4th that was almost impossible to blow, especially with how anemic the Steelers O was going.

If the coaches were decently smart enough during that period, we wouldn't be having all these knee-jerk reactions all morning.:mad:


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rocyaice;2473547 said:

Well don't make TO the scapegoat of that. What is TO yelling and screaming going to do? If he's covered don't FORCE HIM THE BALL. Have some common sense. Romo doesn't have to force throws. And I don't even see what kind routes they are giving TO. Looks like just straight routes. The coaches and Romo need to take responsibility. Don't make TO the scapegoat for forced throws.

But ... but ... but if we don't force it to TO, TO gets angry.

You actually believe there's a single snap in the game where TO doesn't believe he's open?

the big 88

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your probably just pissed that we gave the game away yesterday... T.O never quits in a game, he might complain but in game he never pulls a Moss and quits. I'd be pissed too if my QB gave the game away like Romo did..