The luckiest person of the last 100 years

Still havent even touched on Elvis' movie acting which is what to me makes him the trump card.

Can sing? check
Can act? check
Can write music? check
Can play multiple instruments? Check
Can dance? Check
Was in the military? Check

Its like there wasnt anything he couldnt do nearly.

Live to a rip old age is one!
Achievement isn't about luck. Like say, Mark Cuban. His billions from was luck, not his achievement. His technology was garbage and he got a sucker (Yahoo) to buy it for a ridiculous amount of money.

Agree on Cuban.

If there was ever a "one-trick-pony" it was him.

Now folks cling to him like he's some kind of business guru.
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Any votes for.....

Jeter? He's done very well for himself, but with respect to luck, he was the handsome captain and all-world shortstop for the most famous team in sports. My reason for disqualifying Jeter vs the musicians - he doesn't look like an amphibian...
Any votes for.....

Jeter? He's done very well for himself, but with respect to luck, he was the handsome captain and all-world shortstop for the most famous team in sports. My reason for disqualifying Jeter vs the musicians - he doesn't look like an amphibian...

Right, but the last sentence in the OP clarified that he was talking more about achievement. So if we're talking about that kind of achievement...
Politicians, any, Canada or the there a profession on earth that you can produce so little in tangible positive results and keep your job?
Greatest band ever. Paul McCartney is a world treasure. As is John and George. Ringo, not so much ;)

I agree Paul, John and George were a step better than Ringo but Ringo was definitely important to the makeup of the band...absolutely love the Beatles, seeing McCartney in Detroit at the new Little Ceasers Arena...
I've always felt that Joe Kennedy had fortuitous luck. Made an estimated $500 million off prohibition. Put all his children through the most prestigious schools, from toddlers to college (save Rosemary; she's a whole other fascinating story), started a political dynasty of descendants.

Now, his children, not so lucky. Three sons killed too early, one a future President (Joe Jr., "the anointed one"), JFK, and RFK. And JFK Jr.

Still, with a political dynasty that still is going strong -- from the wealth and go-getter, capitalizing brain of Joe Sr., pretty dang lucky. :)

was it luck or good business sense?

I would say Trump. No way would he ever have won an election to be President of the USA if he ran in any other cycle and against anyone other than Clinton.
was it luck or good business sense?

I would say Trump. No way would he ever have won an election to be President of the USA if he ran in any other cycle and against anyone other than Clinton.
Luck that prohibition existed and that he was never arrested. I still mentioned his go-getter personality and Capitalistic tendencies :)
This isn't who I would chose but he'd have to be right up there:

John Wayne.

He was the lead actor in 142 movies– An astounding total.

He was an icon when he was alive and is still an icon almost 40 years after his death.

but a lead actor in mostly bad movies ;)
but a lead actor in mostly bad movies ;)

Certainly some support that same point of view.

Yeah, he basically played the same character in every he was in, but for many going to the theater– That's exactly what they wanted.

Luv John Wayne flicks myself. I could care less about his acting ability. I watch because I want to see John Wayne be John Wayne.

And many of those bad movies made a lot of money. JW was a draw.

Arnold can't act either, but the same thing applies... People go to an Arnie movie because they want to see Arnie be Arnie.

Dwayne Johnson is in the same area now.

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