***The MEGA-SUPER-DUPER..Vince Young Thread***

I think Jerry should pull a Ricky Williams type trade for Vince Young.

I am very glad everyone that is overreacting to a great performance by a growing QB is not the GM of this football team.
Alexander said:
I am very glad everyone that is overreacting to a great performance by a growing QB is not the GM of this football team.

Alexander said:
I am very glad everyone that is overreacting to a great performance by a growing QB is not the GM of this football team.

Well, it's not really everyone. I think everyone in this thread is detailing the lunacy of a plan to get Young. I'm pretty sure NFL defenses aren't going to fall for the "Have all recievers run 40 yards downfield, while I stand in the backfield and allow my blockers to manhandle USC's D-line, and THEN take off for 30 yards" play.
superpunk said:
Well, it's not really everyone. I think everyone in this thread is detailing the lunacy of a plan to get Young. I'm pretty sure NFL defenses aren't going to fall for the "Have all recievers run 40 yards downfield, while I stand in the backfield and allow my blockers to manhandle USC's D-line, and THEN take off for 30 yards" play.

We dont need Vince Young. Ok, he won a national championship, now we should put our future on the line and send away our entire draft picks for a guy who hasnt played a down in the NFL, yes i said... the National Football League. Its better we fix our O-line and get a QB that can sit in the pocket and dissect the opponent. That is what a QB should do to remain durable in this league. Look at Vick, all that running is getting to him now, he is not getting any younger and the older you become, the more your knees weaken. Look at McNabb in Philly and all the other running QBs, how many surgeries have they gone through and do you think it doesnt cause some wears and tears on their body and hampers their durability. I wont even agree to a sign and trade for Young, not to talk of a Ricky Williams type deal. Fix the O-line and any good QB will complete passes and make plays. QB is not our problem and if we should look to the future and draft a QB, I want a QB that will be healthy and productive for 10 or more years.
Vince Young is a superior athlete and an excellent QB. Unfortunately, this isn't the time for Dallas to bail and draft him unless you say the team is purely rebuilding. Parcells wants to compete for a Championship next year; Young won't be ready for at least three years and that's if he comes out.

Drafts that produce only 1 or two contributers = 5-10 seasons. 1999- Dat, Ekubust and Page. 2000- three cornerbacks who were barely NFL players. 2001- Wasted effort on Quincy Carter. 2002- Roy Williams, Andre average Gurode, and nobody.

We are competitive now because of the 2003, 2004, and 2005 drafts. Dallas can't throw out the chance to get better in 2006 because of a man-crush on Vince Young.

Still, if it happened, I'd be excited to have a guy like that on the team, but I'd be disappointed for the veterans hoping for a chance to make a run.
Qwickdraw said:
Are you sure that's your objective opinion as a football fan or a biased take influenced by your love for UT?

Michael Jordan is the greatest to ever play his game...
let's not get out of hand.

He'll already belong to an NFL team in 07.

Well I'd say it's an objective opinion considering I'm not a UT fan.

And I never said anything about Young being the greatest of all time of anything. Is it possible to say someone reminds me of someone great w/o automatically being accused of calling that person great?

C'mon. He reminds me of Jordan cuz of the way he WILLS his team to win. Not cuz of his statistical accomplishments.


Vince Young is a lot like Michael Vick in that they make themselves look great but everyone else look worse.

First of all, how many people did Jordan make look great? Scottie Pippen? That's about it.

Second of all, I'd say those RBs for UT look pretty good. So does that TE. Sweed has his moments as well. Young doesn't have Roy Williams to throw to out there.

My point still stands.
Rack said:
Well I'd say it's an objective opinion considering I'm not a UT fan.

And I never said anything about Young being the greatest of all time of anything. Is it possible to say someone reminds me of someone great w/o automatically being accused of calling that person great?

C'mon. He reminds me of Jordan cuz of the way he WILLS his team to win. Not cuz of his statistical accomplishments.


First of all, how many people did Jordan make look great? Scottie Pippen? That's about it.

Second of all, I'd say those RBs for UT look pretty good. So does that TE. Sweed has his moments as well. Young doesn't have Roy Williams to throw to out there.

My point still stands.

I think Vince Has IT as well...I just hope they keep him away from a mic...I just can't stand to watch or listen to him talk.

Now I will disagree about one thing.

MJ made pippen look good, Kerr look good, Paxton look good and many of his team mates on the bulls look good when he was there.

I am not comparing young to MJ or Vick...just throwing that out there.
ravidubey said:
Vince Young is a superior athlete and an excellent QB. Unfortunately, this isn't the time for Dallas to bail and draft him unless you say the team is purely rebuilding. Parcells wants to compete for a Championship next year; Young won't be ready for at least three years and that's if he comes out.

Drafts that produce only 1 or two contributers = 5-10 seasons. 1999- Dat, Ekubust and Page. 2000- three cornerbacks who were barely NFL players. 2001- Wasted effort on Quincy Carter. 2002- Roy Williams, Andre average Gurode, and nobody.

We are competitive now because of the 2003, 2004, and 2005 drafts. Dallas can't throw out the chance to get better in 2006 because of a man-crush on Vince Young.

Still, if it happened, I'd be excited to have a guy like that on the team, but I'd be disappointed for the veterans hoping for a chance to make a run.

3 years ago parcells said he had no time to groom a young qb. that puts him on a timetable and tells you his objectives right there.

now, 3 years later you say we don't have 3 years to invest in a young qb so we can compete this year? we've just gone through 3 qb's in 3 years and now our ol needs an overhaul. if we have a good year we'll get about what we got this year. you can say "if breaks go our way" but they usually even out and we tend to forget the time we won via "breaks" and focus on losing and correcting those. so we do, again, it'll even out.

i'm amazed at people who say you need to give bp his 3-4 years but he won't get a young qb cause he doesn't have time to groom him, yet here we are 3 years later saying bp needs another year or two with what got us here to begin with.
Well I agree with that. I just don't think Young HASN'T made his teammates NOT look good.

Plus, if you want to talk about a player that made his teammates better players, no one, and I mean NO ONE, tops Magic Johnson.
please please NO Vince Young
we have Drew and Tony they will be fine for now
Rack said:
... first of all, he obviously needs work on his mechanics. That's a given.

But one thing he has that you can't work on is "It". And he has an over abundance if "it". The reason I wanted Leftwich instead of Newman is cuz he had (has) "It", and Young has a lot more of "it" then Leftwich had (in college).

If there's one person that Young really really reminds me of it's Michael Jordan. The guy just refuses to lose. He absolutely wills his team to win.

I wouldn't mind trading a few picks and players to pick up Vince Young in '07.
I'll say this I was very impressed with the game he played last night and the one I watched him play against TT.

That said I just don't see his game translating to the NFL. I think he will have trouble playing from under center. I think the college teams who use mainly the shotgun are really hurting these QB's.

When in the shotgun you are able to watch the play develope more so than when dropping back from under center. I just have this feeling with his speed he will not give plays time to develope and run more than he needs to, or he will rush his throws and have many many INT's.

If he stays in college (which he needs to do) then I'd like to see mack Brown have him work more from under center so he will be a little more accoustemed to it granted there is no way the win a national title if he does play from under center next year but it would help VY greatly when he does reach the NFL. If he waits until he gets to the NFL to work on that aspect of his game he will be a bust.....
I think some may miss one of the points, if not the main point, of the thread.

If Bill is gone, if the coach we get is not really a huge name coach, if Jerry wants to sell tickets....would jerry, as a gambling man and one who wants to sell his product....would he try to trade up to get vince young?

I think jerry is the type who likes shiny objects.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I think jerry is the type who likes shiny objects.

He's not alone there...by the way, nice guitar !
I'll be the one, Jerah, we need Vince Young, he's what we is missing on the offense along with some linemen, make it happen, we've screwed the Texans before, remember we got Aaron Glenn. A guy like this only comes along about every 20 years, he's got it all, legs, arm, smarts. Yes I live in Austin, no I didn't go to UT and I don't own anything orange, but you can't live here and not notice this guy, even the USC coach was stunned...
Vince Young hasn't declared.

No controversy.

Who cares???
iceberg said:
that was cold, jarv. brain, you gotta admit that was funny!

It's not funny when you are married to a woman that likes shiny objects....and the money to get those shiny objects comes out of your own pocket. :mad: :laugh1:

Now...off to the draft zone.

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