Video: The Movie Trailer thread

Has anyone seen Fistful of Vengance?

Yeah, saw it about three weeks ago. It’s basically like watching the later Fast and Furious movies for martial arts, meaning if you want some time to kill and want an action-packed experience.

It was much better than the horribly disappointing Wu Assassin, which is the background of the movie. Completely different vibes.
I hope this isn’t another legacy/handoff attempt like they’ve done with Captain America and Black Widow. I’d rather see them develop new characters rather than just replacing established ones.

Definitely looks like it is. Did you watch the teaser?
Yeah. I have little interest in a Natalie Portman Thor in any future solo film so I hope that’s not the case. Dramas are her thing, not big budget sci-fi/fantasy films. She gets lost in the mix.
She wasn't too bad in the Star Wars movies...The writing was bad, but she did about as well as could be done, IMO.

That's not to say I'm interested in a female Thor.
I hope this isn’t another legacy/handoff attempt like they’ve done with Captain America and Black Widow. I’d rather see them develop new characters rather than just replacing established ones.

i have a bad feeling about this one
I caught the trailer before Doctor Strange 2 on Friday. It has been 13 years since the original. I thought Cameron waited so long in order to incorporate more up-to-date CGI so that the sequel would look superior to the original but I could not tell any difference. It looks fantastic though.
I can't wait. I mentioned in another thread about the theaters with the seats that move, spray water, and wind. I have never been to one, but I thought I might try it with this one. It seems like a good fit for when they fly over the water in the preview.

Has anyone seen a movie with these seats, and think it would be worth it
I caught the trailer before Doctor Strange 2 on Friday. It has been 13 years since the original. I thought Cameron waited so long in order to incorporate more up-to-date CGI so that the sequel would look superior to the original but I could not tell any difference. It looks fantastic though.

I’ll be interested to see how this one performs compared to the box office success of the original. Is there still a huge interest in the world(s) of Pandora?
I caught the trailer before Doctor Strange 2 on Friday. It has been 13 years since the original. I thought Cameron waited so long in order to incorporate more up-to-date CGI so that the sequel would look superior to the original but I could not tell any difference. It looks fantastic though.
I was actually thinking the CGI in the original looked better. I guess all the best CGI artists are busy fighting flat Earthers and moon landing disbelievers.
I was actually thinking the CGI in the original looked better. I guess all the best CGI artists are busy fighting flat Earthers and moon landing disbelievers.

I think the moon landing disbelievers are now known as the remote controlled erector set car on mars disbelievers

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