The NFL world is freaking out about a rumored, potentially damaging Dez Bryant video that no one kno


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This rumor is damaging the Cowboys brand as well as Dez's opportunity for endorsements.. I dont think Jerry is that dumb or that cold hearted. If there was a rumor that Dez had missed curfew on road games or had been late to team meetings than maybe but this is too serious for Jerry to have been behind. Also if their was belief that Jerry was behind it Florio would be ALL OVER it

It would hurt Jerry if it's a negotiating tactic. I can't see how it would hurt Dez. But I think a ton of fans wouldn't even be bothered by it IF Jerry was behind it, they would accept it as part of the sport.


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Tell you what, I listen to sports talk radio in NY all day at my desk or in my car (sales). Mike Francesa is a big time Cowboy hater...except during the Parcells years....because those two are buddies.

But anyway, I appreciate how he handled this Dez thing today. A caller called in and said he wanted to talk about "this latest thing with Dez and the video".

Francesa stopped him in his tracks and said...
"We've all heard the rumor about this video. But until this alleged video is released, there is no video. If they have a video, then show the video. Until then, I am assuming there isn't one and we're not talking about it on this show".

Good for him. But that wasn't what he implied a few days ago.


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Tell you what, I listen to sports talk radio in NY all day at my desk or in my car (sales). Mike Francesa is a big time Cowboy hater...except during the Parcells years....because those two are buddies.

But anyway, I appreciate how he handled this Dez thing today. A caller called in and said he wanted to talk about "this latest thing with Dez and the video".

Francesa stopped him in his tracks and said...
"We've all heard the rumor about this video. But until this alleged video is released, there is no video. If they have a video, then show the video. Until then, I am assuming there isn't one and we're not talking about it on this show".

sounds like a professional. just leave it to the forums and blogs and smut rags to do the non pro work i guess.


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Good for him. But that wasn't what he implied a few days ago.

He has been known to talk out of both sides of his mouth. But thats what he said late this afternoon. I was impressed. Who knows, maybe someone in the the law dept for CBS Radio Inc told him to be careful.


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And you guys better believe that the dirtbags on WIP in Philly are having a field day with this rumor. Good thing those clowns are not judge and jury.


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It would hurt Jerry if it's a negotiating tactic. I can't see how it would hurt Dez. But I think a ton of fans wouldn't even be bothered by it IF Jerry was behind it, they would accept it as part of the sport.

If he was, We lose Dez for sure. No way he stays.


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It would hurt Jerry if it's a negotiating tactic. I can't see how it would hurt Dez. But I think a ton of fans wouldn't even be bothered by it IF Jerry was behind it, they would accept it as part of the sport.

Is it part of the sport though? Heck, is it part of how Jerry would do business? Dez is perhaps the most popular player on this team and he would risk losing many fans doing this?


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1049 the Horn in Austin said that Dez's older agents knew about this tape and paid the people the money to keep them quiet. However, once the new team came in, the money stopped and the chtf. I think that's what blacksportsonline said earlier, right?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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It would hurt Jerry if it's a negotiating tactic. I can't see how it would hurt Dez. But I think a ton of fans wouldn't even be bothered by it IF Jerry was behind it, they would accept it as part of the sport.

I certainly wouldn't.
I work for myself, but I have to have people buying what I'm making otherwise I'm doing the 9-5 and people like J Jones are the people I have to deal with day to day.
Rich guys who have that nose for money and want to make more dangit! More! More!

Fine. I can dig it, but if any of those guys try to mess with me and what I do in that sense?
No way.
Not only would I not have it, but every writer I even casually know would be up in arms and the Union... don't get me started on the Union.

And that's the point I'm lazily coming to: The NFLPA.
Jerry is too smart and connected to get crossed up with the Player's Union.
That's almost like trying to stand up to the IRS.

No. This is not Jerry's doing. Way too messy. This is being done by a lesser intelligence.


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1049 the Horn in Austin said that Dez's older agents knew about this tape and paid the people the money to keep them quiet. However, once the new team came in, the money stopped and the chtf. I think that's what blacksportsonline said earlier, right?

That's where the horn probably read it too....


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please make it stop.



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I certainly wouldn't.
I work for myself, but I have to have people buying what I'm making otherwise I'm doing the 9-5 and people like J Jones are the people I have to deal with day to day.
Rich guys who have that nose for money and want to make more dangit! More! More!

Fine. I can dig it, but if any of those guys try to mess with me and what I do in that sense?
No way.
Not only would I not have it, but every writer I even casually know would be up in arms and the Union... don't get me started on the Union.

And that's the point I'm lazily coming to: The NFLPA.
Jerry is too smart and connected to get crossed up with the Player's Union.
That's almost like trying to stand up to the IRS.

No. This is not Jerry's doing. Way too messy. This is being done by a lesser intelligence.

I tend to lean more on this line of thinking as well as the minutes keep passing. No way Jerry is dumb to do something like this. Everybody would be on top of this and free agents would not sign here either.

Just to add. It doesn't add up with the first tweet either. He was saying past people in his life have been shut off and they don't like that. Dez isn't talking about Jerry here.


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I certainly wouldn't.

Not only would I not have it, but every writer I even casually know would be up in arms and the Union... don't get me started on the Union.

And that's the point I'm lazily coming to: The NFLPA.
Jerry is too smart and connected to get crossed up with the Player's Union.
That's almost like trying to stand up to the IRS.

Totally agree. The NFLPA was outraged when they suspected Bucs head coach Greg Schiano leaked info about Josh Freeman and his substance abuse treatment. You cant mess with that union. Not as strong as the baseball union, but close.


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We live in a country where hackers can access nude celebrities on a moment's notice yet they can't access a supposed video from Walmart.

To be fair wal mart probably has far more advanced security than celebrities' iTunes accounts


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To be fair wal mart probably has far more advanced security than celebrities' iTunes accounts

Their customer service and employees don't represent that well.

Which is why I stopped going there years ago. I'll spend the extra money at Publix, Target, or Best Buy.


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1049 the Horn in Austin said that Dez's older agents knew about this tape and paid the people the money to keep them quiet. However, once the new team came in, the money stopped and the chtf. I think that's what blacksportsonline said earlier, right?

Yeah but this whole story has bounced all over the place who knows.


Well-Known Member
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I certainly wouldn't.
I work for myself, but I have to have people buying what I'm making otherwise I'm doing the 9-5 and people like J Jones are the people I have to deal with day to day.
Rich guys who have that nose for money and want to make more dangit! More! More!

Fine. I can dig it, but if any of those guys try to mess with me and what I do in that sense?
No way.
Not only would I not have it, but every writer I even casually know would be up in arms and the Union... don't get me started on the Union.

And that's the point I'm lazily coming to: The NFLPA.
Jerry is too smart and connected to get crossed up with the Player's Union.
That's almost like trying to stand up to the IRS.

No. This is not Jerry's doing. Way too messy. This is being done by a lesser intelligence.

Man I would think so but it does make me wonder.