The NFL world is freaking out about a rumored, potentially damaging Dez Bryant video that no one kno


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Hahahahaha Admit, you watched it bro.

I watched it, she got me into it. I won't even lie. hahaha

I wasn't going to call for your man card but now that I know you got into it I may have to. it was ok to watch because you were just lookin at the chicks.


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I hate rumors, I'll believe it when I see it. I can't believe that contract negatiations would be on hold because of a rumor, and if it's legit, what's the hold up and why has it taken 6 months or so to be revealed, and if there is a video with such described criminal activity that I have seen described as 5x worse than Ray Rice, wouldn't Dez be locked by now for murder?! , it's crazy and ridiculous, never a dull moment in the media.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I hate rumors, I'll believe it when I see it. I can't believe that contract negatiations would be on hold because of a rumor, and if it's legit, what's the hold up and why has it taken 6 months or so to be revealed, and if there is a video with such described criminal activity that I have seen described as 5x worse than Ray Rice, wouldn't Dez be locked by now for murder?! , it's crazy and ridiculous, never a dull moment in the media.

and if it's that bad then why would the Cowboys even franchise him?


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I wasn't going to call for your man card but now that I know you got into it I may have to. it was ok to watch because you were just lookin at the chicks.


Naw I was mainly watching for the chicks. She put it on, I'd be there and watch an episode or 2. with her. Not a whole series lol


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Well the time is up for the Terez Owens info to be valid. It is BS. He said he got the info from someone in Dallas who has been a good source before.

Also, the article from TMZ today about Dez' tweet did not include any info that they were in negotiations for the tape or any bits of anything to show they had a grip on this story - they don't and just grabbed the Dez tweet and ran with it as that's the best they can do. They could really get a ton of website traffic with just "We have spoken with someone who says they have the video." Yet they didn't do that - nor did they produce the video which this site would have probably managed to obtain by now. And then you have other sites wanting to pay for the video - but not having any way to talk to the owner of the video except through social media and articles posted to their site saying they want the video.

My point is that while there may be a video (and based on the responses from Dez and Schefter - who I consider on the level and extremely well connected, there probably is a video) no one has their hands on it except the person who has had it all along. And so the game is really being played on Dez, to get him on a payment plan. Or back on one.

This video will never see the light of day. And I'm ok with that because this is from 2011 and we've all changed and learned from our mistakes. Dez clearly has. The victim is apparently ok with it being under wraps as well, up until now anyway, and that is key. So pay the lady Dez and let's get back to football.
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Well the time is up for the Terez Owens info to be valid. It is BS. He said he got the info from someone in Dallas who has been a good source before.

Also, the article from TMZ today about Dez' tweet did not include any info that they were in negotiations for the tape or any bits of anything to show they had a grip on this story - they don't and just grabbed the Dez tweet and ran with it as that's the best they can do. They could really get a ton of website traffic with just "We have spoken with someone who says they have the video." Yet they didn't do that - nor did they produce the video which this site would have probably managed to obtain by now. And then you have other sites wanting to pay for the video - but not having any way to talk to the owner of the video except through social media and articles posted to their site saying they want the video.

My point is that while there may be a video (and based on the responses from Dez and Schefter - who I consider on the level and extremely well connected, there probably is a video) no one has their hands on it except the person who has had it all along. And so the game is really being played on Dez, to get him on a payment plan. Or back on one.

Then at this point Dez might as well come out with it on his own. No? I really doubt any thing is out there for now, that could change with some real evidence. Bigfoot exists but I have no proof.


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Well the time is up for the Terez Owens info to be valid. It is BS. He said he got the info from someone in Dallas who has been a good source before.

Also, the article from TMZ today about Dez' tweet did not include any info that they were in negotiations for the tape or any bits of anything to show they had a grip on this story - they don't and just grabbed the Dez tweet and ran with it as that's the best they can do. They could really get a ton of website traffic with just "We have spoken with someone who says they have the video." Yet they didn't do that - nor did they produce the video which this site would have probably managed to obtain by now. And then you have other sites wanting to pay for the video - but not having any way to talk to the owner of the video except through social media and articles posted to their site saying they want the video.

My point is that while there may be a video (and based on the responses from Dez and Schefter - who I consider on the level and extremely well connected, there probably is a video) no one has their hands on it except the person who has had it all along. And so the game is really being played on Dez, to get him on a payment plan. Or back on one.

This video will never see the light of day.

I agree with most of that except if there really was a video, someone would either know who has it or leaked what was on it by now. It has gotten too big.


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I agree with most of that except if there really was a video, someone would either know who has it or leaked what was on it by now. It has gotten too big.

Well it's a matter of money, and with the kind of people Dez has rolled with, of life and death. And then there is loyalty as well.


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My point is that while there may be a video (and based on the responses from Dez and Schefter - who I consider on the level and extremely well connected, there probably is a video) no one has their hands on it except the person who has had it all along. And so the game is really being played on Dez, to get him on a payment plan. Or back on one.

This video will never see the light of day.

I agree with your points....but with the above, if true, it is not very good for Dez' reputation.


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The pieces to this puzzle that have come out today regarding Eugene Parker making payments to the owner of the video - that makes sense. Contract talks did tank after Roc Nation came on the scene. Maybe Dez didn't tell Roc Nation about this video, decided he didn't want to keep paying that anyway and so here we are. Maybe Parker is getting even. I think that would be too career threatening on his part, and so it's more likely that this can be fixed by resuming the payments (if that's what it is anyway.)


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Whatever happen to Terez Owens saying yesterday he would publicy alologize if the video wasn't out today? Read that yesterday in the original thread. What a chump


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I agree with your points....but with the above, if true, it is not very good for Dez' reputation.

And that would all be backroom arrangements, with a public denial there is any video at all.

If accurate, Dez may finally tweet something along that line in the near future. Or do an interview.