Sticky: The official Dak sucks thread


Armchair QB
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I pray to the Almighty that Dak gets extended......just to see you meltdown epically! 100%!!! Just because of you.
Only Gen Zers have this mentality. The team is more important than a player. This player has had a decade to figure it out and he is who he is. The pressure gets to him, it's obvious. If we want a superbowl this is the perfect year to change the culture, change the HC and change the QB.


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A big problem with Dak is that he usually does not come out playing on fire, but is terrible in the beginning of games. It's like he has to warm up to the game that's why we get a lot of 3 and outs on the first drive. But that means if the defense isn't showing up we're going to get behind and we're not a good come from behind team.


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If Dak cared about this team, he would accept a far lower salary and give the team another two years as we see if Lance or a draft QB can take over. Instead, I think he will ask for the moon with $ and Jerruh will hand it over.


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Told you somebody woukd say it.....yards yards yards
Come on, who is this

Exactly just like 2016
Disappeared the entire first half against a garbage secondary, then finally in the 4th started a comeback and everyone says "oh wow he played so great but the defense let us down just look at his yards." To his credit 2016 was closer, but he had literally the best run game and oline in football at the time.

Defense def sucked in both, but being paid that much to put your team in a hole almost every playoff sucks.


Well-Known Member
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Told you somebody woukd say it.....yards yards yards
Come on, who is this

Well he needs to change his name because Samson was described as the wisest man in the Bible. And that tweet was written by a complete idiot. LOL

but if you look at his @, it's MSSTsurvivor.
Guy obviously has some connection to Mississippi State. maybe he was a 3rd string lineman on Dak's teams there and got to experience firsthand the incredible leadership and intangibles that we keep hearing about. It obviously had a lasting effect on him.


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Fans like this are morons. Who didn’t know down 27-0 in the second quarter that Dak was going to put up numbers and GB was going to switch to a prevent defense to avoid big plays? They gave Dak those drives in exchange for chewing up clock.
Exactly.... most of those stats came in the 4th quarter in prevent defense. Also he is lucky there were not two additional INTs.

Dak over Dallas fans are the worst.


Well-Known Member
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Told you somebody woukd say it.....yards yards yards
Come on, who is this

Yards in garbage time against their backups. And he also threw at least 3 other balls that were dropped by GB defense.
He was awful. Even Dak himself said he sucked. Yet his stans still defend him.
They are delusional hero worshippers. Ignore. Them.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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If Dak cared about this team, he would accept a far lower salary and give the team another two years as we see if Lance or a draft QB can take over. Instead, I think he will ask for the moon with $ and Jerruh will hand it over.
In the end you're going to see that Dak only cares about Dak. He doesn't care enough about the team to make personal sacrifices.


Star Power
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A big problem with Dak is that he usually does not come out playing on fire, but is terrible in the beginning of games. It's like he has to warm up to the game that's why we get a lot of 3 and outs on the first drive. But that means if the defense isn't showing up we're going to get behind and we're not a good come from behind team.
This is just an illusion. Dak plays great against garbage opponents. When things aren’t working against tougher defenses he just doesn’t have the skill nor grit to overcome them. When the team is down big and the defense loosens up, he starts to look “good”. This is why people claim he’s a stat padding QB. It comes against either terrible teams or against the good teams when the game is already over and the defense has loosened up to kill clock instead of allowing for the big play.


Well-Known Member
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A big problem with Dak is that he usually does not come out playing on fire, but is terrible in the beginning of games. It's like he has to warm up to the game that's why we get a lot of 3 and outs on the first drive. But that means if the defense isn't showing up we're going to get behind and we're not a good come from behind team.
I think he was caught on mike during the warm up stating I have to get into a rhythm early, something to that effect.


The Excellence of Execution
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Fumbling a gimme FG snap was a pretty huge choke job. It made the ending of the fictional North Dallas 40 into a reality.
Was that as a QB? To me, that’s an ineptitude of the coaching staff to not have someone take that responsibility.


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In the end you're going to see that Dak only cares about Dak. He doesn't care enough about the team to make personal sacrifices.
Yes, sadly I agree. He will stand up in the press conference and speak on winning and leadership while taking sums of money we can only imagine and making sure the team is hamstrung for years. Dak is only about Dak….and Tad lol.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Baloney. You were supporting Dak during this season. I remember your posts. You even were going after those posters berating Dak. Then lately, you switched back to your old self.
He's making a list, and checking it twice.
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice.
AC-Clause is coming to town!

:) Sorry it snowed in Dallas last night...


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"We'll go forward learning these lessons and continue to improve"

- says the 20 year old kid stuck in 6th grade due to not passing the advancement tests

Gangsta Spanksta

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He's a leader when the organization's doing well (good motivator), but he crumbles when the onus is on him to personally step up hence the difficulties when trailing and in late game comebacks when his only success is a TD (ok at delegating, say moving the chains for a FG, but if HE has no easy out, then it tends to end badly).
Is he a leader, according to players, because he says what they like to hear in the locker room. Or is he a leader because he says some things they don't like to hear on the field to make sure everyone is playing up to expectations?