The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*

trickblue;4627118 said:
Penn State To Remove Paterno Statue This Weekend

NEW YORK (WFAN) – It seems the fate of Joe Paterno’s statue at Penn State has been sealed.

“Am told that Penn State plans to take down the Paterno statue this weekend,” Kim Jones of the NFL Network and WFAN reported via Twitter on Friday.

Paterno, fired by the university last year amid the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal, died in January. His legacy was further tarnished by a scathing report released last week by former FBI director Louis Freeh.

The Freeh report accused the former coach and other university officials of “repeatedly” concealing “critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse” in order to avoid bad publicity.

The amazing part of this is that perhaps no university was more identified with one individual than PS was with Paterno. Now they're going to have to scrub his name from existance.
As far as I know, bc it's all we've been allowed to know, is that 98 incident was brought to all of their attention, they deliberated and made a council decision to not do anything. As far as before that, in 2002 after that, I pray there weren't many more kids hurt by Sandusky. Again, that's all I know until the court docs and Freeh's findings are released.
Bman32x;4627393 said:
As far as I know, bc it's all we've been allowed to know, is that 98 incident was brought to all of their attention, they deliberated and made a council decision to not do anything. As far as before that, in 2002 after that, I pray there weren't many more kids hurt by Sandusky. Again, that's all I know until the court docs and Freeh's findings are released.

The 98 incident was actually brought to the attention of the local police, who then consulted with state police, an investigation was launched by the DA that included the state public welfare dept and agents, and they were the ones who decided that nothing should be done and that Sandusky shouldn't be charged with any wrongdoing.. not PSU officials.

Now, im sure PSU officials were aware of this situation, but after having state welfare agents say he did nothing wrong.. would it not be reasonable to think it was a false accusation and that Sandusky didn't do anything wrong.

So the incident in 2002, where McQueary was the only one to have witnessed it and acted like he didn't know that the child he saw was being molested and/or raped by Sandusky is the first known offense of Sandusky, and in my opinion, the only known offense, until someone shows me otherwise.

Not many people, i can't really knew how deep this crap went and how serious of a problem it was until recently when it all came out.

That being said, for this one incident alone, it was a tremendous lack of judgement to not go to the police by everyone involved. I agree with you on that.

As for the Freeh report, i can understand how he came to the conclusion he did about Joe wanting to take another route besides getting police involved, and i think its very reasonable.. however, there isn't evidence to show that that is, in fact, what happened. Its the opinion of Freeh that that's what Joe wanted to do.. so to state it as fact would be incorrect.
RoyTheHammer;4621665 said:
Not downplaying any of what Paterno chose to do in this situation. No other way to say it except he was flat out WRONG. I've said that many times, actually.

He could have "helped" stop many lives from being destoryed (possibly), is a more accurate statement. Police knew about Sandusky's behavior in 98 too and failed to do anything, so it could have gone down that way again and more children would have been harmed anyway.

Alot of people could have helped prevent more children from being harmed, im talking over 100.. and alot failed. Joe was one of them, indeed.

I 100% agree with this. No need to argue anymore. Many people failed, but Paterno gets the brunt of the ridicule, fair or unfair, because of the amount of power the man had at PSU.
Who cares what is done at Penn State?

It has no bearing on anything as far as Im concerned.
RoyTheHammer;4627130 said:
Sell it. Donate the money to child services.

selling it so some penn state allum so they can have the statue in their front yard really does nothing. Melt it down and donate the recycled materials to child services.
Manwiththeplan;4627722 said:
selling it so some penn state allum so they can have the statue in their front yard really does nothing. Melt it down and donate the recycled materials to child services.

Doesn't it do anything? You mean to tell me having it nowhere near campus and out of the media spotlight, it will have the same effect standing in some Joe Schmo's yard? does that make any sense? You won't get near as much money melting it down and selling it as you will selling it some some PSU alum or fanatic. So how is that helping the victims? Good grief.. what is it with some of you people idolizing statues as if they have such profound meaning. The statue means only what you perceive it to mean in your own mind. Its not doing anyone any harm where it is to be honest.. but if people want to make such a fuss over it, i have no problem taking it down.
melt it down and then make it into a monument of apology from Penn State to the victims and put it in the very same spot it was in.
I'm watching the Joe Paterno Statue coming down right now. It has been removed. Probably the best thing that could have happened.
They should donate the statute to the Smithsonian Institute. They could put it in the American History Museum as a way to spread awareness of what happened and to make sure that it isn't simply "erased" like it never happened.
casmith07;4628660 said:
They should donate the statute to the Smithsonian Institute. They could put it in the American History Museum as a way to spread awareness of what happened and to make sure that it isn't simply "erased" like it never happened.

sadly how many even KNOW about the Smithsonian any more.
burmafrd;4628672 said:
sadly how many even KNOW about the Smithsonian any more.

Smithsonian is amazing -- people need to take advantage. All of the museums are free (in the SI. The Newseum and Spy Museum are not Smithsonian Institute, and they're very expensive.)
Double Trouble;4627165 said:
The amazing part of this is that perhaps no university was more identified with one individual than PS was with Paterno. Now they're going to have to scrub his name from existance.
One would think that would be the next logical step, although the amount of total scrubbing remains debatable. Time will tell whether basically removing the statue is deemed as an adequate enough action for separating the university from Joe Paterno.
The NCAA is going to make an announcement regarding punishment tomorrow morning. According to some sources, it will not be the death penalty. However, before anyone gets disappointed that the NCAA is being too lenient, ESPN is reporting:

"The penalties, however, are considered to be so harsh that the death penalty may have been preferable, the source said."
Rogah;4628705 said:
The NCAA is going to make an announcement regarding punishment tomorrow morning. According to some sources, it will not be the death penalty. However, before anyone gets disappointed that the NCAA is being too lenient, ESPN is reporting:

"The penalties, however, are considered to be so harsh that the death penalty may have been preferable, the source said."

I, too, read that the discipline will be unprecedented.. only makes sense in a case like this.
DallasEast;4628703 said:
One would think that would be the next logical step, although the amount of total scrubbing remains debatable. Time will tell whether basically removing the statue is deemed as an adequate enough action for separating the university from Joe Paterno.

Erickson has come out already and said that Paterno's name will stay on the library.
Rogah;4628705 said:
The NCAA is going to make an announcement regarding punishment tomorrow morning. According to some sources, it will not be the death penalty. However, before anyone gets disappointed that the NCAA is being too lenient, ESPN is reporting:

"The penalties, however, are considered to be so harsh that the death penalty may have been preferable, the source said."


Very wow.
MichaelWinicki;4628711 said:

Very wow.
ESPN is doing their usual schizophrenic routine here, where they have multiple reporters reporting everything they know, even if they're all contradicting each other. Some reports are saying that it will be no more than the usual routine of loss of scholarships and bowl appearances.

I guess we'll find out in about 21 hours.
There were rumors abound that they would kill their football program.

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