The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*


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Yakuza Rich;4629896 said:
Good Lord. :bang2:

Those conclusions are based on evidence and facts involving the case and based on Freeh and his company that helped him with the investigation stellar credentials and decades worth of experience.

It goes along with any other type of investigation that law enforcement does. While it would be great to get a clear confession or irrefutable proof in a case, often times solid evidence with conclusiions drawn from experts with years of experience and an excellent track record is more than enough to convict a person.

They never found the murder weapon for the Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman murders. They never had any actual witnesses to them being murdered. But, the evidence pointed to the conclusion that OJ murdered the two. Same with Rae Carruth.

Freeh's report is rock solid.


Was OJ convicted? From a legal standpoint, your case doesn't hold up.

As for a rational standpoint, when Freeh did his report, he found actual evidence incriminating Curley, Schultz, and Spanier in a cover up. The only one he didn't find actual evidence of a cover up on out of the 4 he named was Joe Paterno. There was an email about Curley speaking to Joe. After that conversation.. Curley sent an email to Spanier at some point saying he talked with Joe and had given the matter further thought of his own, and considering everything he wanted to not tell the cops. Spanier gave approval for that plan, and Schultz concured. What then occured is that Freeh's opinion was that Joe told Curley not to go to the cops.. that's what he thinks happened.

Is that a reasonable conclusion to draw? Sure. Do we know that's what Joe told Curley to do? Nope.

Is it possible Joe could have said something along the lines of, "Listen, i've known this man for years and he seems like a good guy."? I think that's reasonable as well. Doesn't mean he told Curley that they should cover it up and not go to the police.

Hell, Joe went to the university police head with the initial information he received.

All im saying is we want to crucify one man based on an opinion.. for something that's completely out of character with the rest of his life. Not what the media said about the rest of his life, what his actions were from the rest of his life.. while leaving everyone else involved completely out of line of the buzzsaw. Its ridiculous.

Cue the "you loves da JoePaws" nonsense..


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Maybe instead of tearing down the statue, they could just turn it around... so Joe can continue to look the other way.


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I am shocked and saddened by the NCAA slap on the wrist. Joe Pa and the other scum harbored a child predator for decades solely for economic gain. Joe in particular is a despicable human. He was a complete phony that was more interested in cash than kids. The greedy SOB milked Penn States for an additional 5 million after he was busted for covering up for predator.

Penn State football should have been shut down for a minimum of 4 years. They should have been forced to repay all the revenue earned from football at least back to 1998. It's not like his protege just starting raping children in 1998. It started long before that.

Does anyone know if Sanduskys wife has been charged with child endangerment yet? All of the horrible people involved in this need to rot for the rest of their lives in a cell, hopefully being raped nightly.


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BrAinPaiNt;4629649 said:
The death penalty is considered 1 year of NO football. This is worse than that.
While there's no pre-determined, exact forumla for the death penalty, the only time it has been implemented for Div-1A football is SMU. They lost 1 year of football, 1 additional year of home games (they voluntarily cancelled the entire season instead) and a loss of 55 scholarships. SMU lost 55 scholarships per year for 4 years (they were essentially fielding an intramural football club) whereas Penn State has only lost 20.

I'm not so sure that this is worse than that.


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Wimbo;4629943 said:
Maybe instead of tearing down the statue, they could just turn it around... so Joe can continue to look the other way.
:laugh1: Then the media will latch onto stuff like, "Joe Paterno's moons Penn State from the grave."


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RoyTheHammer;4629682 said:
Ahem.. again, its 90 total scholarships.
Saying 90 depends on how you calculate it. PSU's scholarship allocation is reduced by 10 this year plus 20 a year for the next 4 years for a total of 90 "scholarship-years" (EDIT: Or, according to some reports, it is a 4 year loss of scholarships with 10 this year and 20 each subsequent year for a total of 70 - not 90 - "scholarship years" lost).

If you want to use SMU as a comparison, SMU lost 55 a year for 4 years for a total of 220 "scholarship-years".


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Rogah;4629976 said:
Saying 90 depends on how you calculate it. PSU's scholarship allocation is reduced by 10 this year plus 20 a year for the next 4 years for a total of 90 "scholarship-years"

If you want to use SMU as a comparison, SMU lost 55 a year for 4 years for a total of 220 "scholarship-years".

Thanks, Rogah. That does clear things up pretty nicely.


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GloryDaysRBack;4629977 said:
Espn also now reporting 40 scholarships

Do people still think the same about the sanctions? I think it's too light

I was hoping that they would halt everything football related for an entire season. Meaning, cancel the season on top of everything else. PSU got off lucky if you ask me.

I could care less if Penn State ever plays football again.


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Fletch;4629984 said:
I was hoping that they would halt everything football related for an entire season. Meaning, cancel the season on top of everything else. PSU got off lucky if you ask me.

I said the same thing..

Not many agree


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RoyTheHammer;4629982 said:
Thanks, Rogah. That does clear things up pretty nicely.
I should note that all I can do is report what I've heard, mostly from ESPN. But I did hear a report that it was a 4 year scholarship reduction with 10 initially then 20 a year for the next 3 years (for a total of 4 years) which calulates to a total of 70 (not 90) "scholarship-years" lost.

One thing's for sure, even the mediots are having a hard time getting their facts straight. :D


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Rogah;4629989 said:
I should note that all I can do is report what I've heard, mostly from ESPN. But I did hear a report that it was a 4 year scholarship reduction with 10 initially then 20 a year for the next 3 years (for a total of 4 years) which calulates to a total of 70 (not 90) "scholarship-years" lost.

One thing's for sure, even the mediots are having a hard time getting their facts straight. :D

Ahh, well we all know that's nothing new, haha.


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Rogah;4629989 said:
I should note that all I can do is report what I've heard, mostly from ESPN. But I did hear a report that it was a 4 year scholarship reduction with 10 initially then 20 a year for the next 3 years (for a total of 4 years) which calulates to a total of 70 (not 90) "scholarship-years" lost.

One thing's for sure, even the mediots are having a hard time getting their facts straight. :D

See if you can calculate the number of scholarships lost based on this information I posted ealier straight from the NCAA web site.

joseephuss;4629808 said:
This is from the NCAA's own web-site.

Four-year reduction of grants-in-aid. For a period of four years commencing with the 2013-2014 academic year and expiring at the conclusion of the 2016-2017 academic year, the NCAA imposes a limit of 15 initial grants-in-aid (from a maximum of 25 allowed) and for a period of four years commencing with the 2014-2015 academic year and expiring at the conclusion of the 2017-2018 academic year a limit of 65 total grants-in-aid (from a maximum of 85 allowed) for football during each of those specified years. In the event the total number of grants-in-aid drops below 65, the University may award grants-in-aid to non-scholarship student-athletes who have been members of the football program as allowed under Bylaw


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I just can't wrap my head around why Paterno, Spanier, Curley,, and Schultz never once interviewed or talked with Sandusky about rumors about him sexually abusing kids, not once...I guess they simply didn't want to know, even though they knew there was something wrong.


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03EBZ06;4629997 said:
I just can't wrap my head around why Paterno, Spanier, Curley,, and Schultz never once interviewed or talked with Sandusky about rumors about him sexually abusing kids, not once...I guess they simply didn't want to know, even though they knew there was something wrong.

Do we know that none of them ever talked to Sandusky about it?


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RoyTheHammer;4630000 said:
Do we know that none of them ever talked to Sandusky about it?

I wonder how many others involved with Penn State and the Second Mile are also child predators? Maybe is more to this than the big bucks they were making by covering for Sandusky. Maybe they were part of the club.


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joseephuss;4629996 said:
See if you can calculate the number of scholarships lost based on this information I posted ealier straight from the NCAA web site.
First of all, we need to establish that the term "grants-in-aid" is just a fancy way of saying "scholarship". Teams are limited to 85 scholarships, and they are also limited to no more than 25 scholarships for incoming students (i.e., you can't stockpile scholarships and give all of them to the Class of 2017 in order to create some sort of juggernaut down the road).

My interpretation of the information you've presented from the NCAA is that Penn State will lose 20 scholarships per year for a total of 4 years (starting in 2014) for a loss of 80 "scholarship-years". Some are saying they are losing 10 immediately and THEN 20 a year, but apparently that is wrong (and I admit to misinterpreting it myself earlier).

So reading what you wrote, I am putting the number at 80, not 90. But don't no one go betting the farm on my numbers. :D

EDIT: By the way, the way I interpret these punishments, PSU doesn't lose a darn thing for this season in terms of scholarships. They won't be making any postseason appearances, but they could still field the same football team they were otherwise planning to.

Yakuza Rich

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RoyTheHammer;4629913 said:
Was OJ convicted? From a legal standpoint, your case doesn't hold up.

Yes it does.

Because you would have to be a fool to believe that OJ did not do it and have the same foolish, stubborn belief of the jury to think that OJ was innocent. Not only that, part of the reason OJ was found not guilty is the jury probably did not want another Rodney King style riots which crippled the city of LA.

Was Rae Carruth convicted?

Hey, no actual proof he paid people to kill his wife and unborn child. Just things like evidence and facts which could lead to people, particularly experienced law enforcement, to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Carruth was guilty.

Is that a reasonable conclusion to draw? Sure. Do we know that's what Joe told Curley to do? Nope.

OJ was found with blood in his Bronco matching DNA evidence. But, we have no real proof that he was actually at the crime scene and never discovered the murder weapon. Is that a reasonable conclusion to draw? Sure. Do we know that's what OJ did?

I guess not in your book.

Is it possible Joe could have said something along the lines of, "Listen, i've known this man for years and he seems like a good guy."? I think that's reasonable as well. Doesn't mean he told Curley that they should cover it up and not go to the police.

No, Paterno just never said a thing about it since 1998. Not to mention the stockpile of evidence that Freeh had from handwritten notes to millions of e-mails. I tend to trust a man who was a US District Court judge and a Director of the FBI to have the mountain of evidence and come up an accurate conclusion of what really happened.

Hell, Joe went to the university police head with the initial information he received.

No, Paterno did not.

Schultz is a beancounter. He does NOT have legal arresting authority in the state of Pennsylvania. He was there to oversee the budge of many departments, one of which was the State College Police Department. And according to those who have spoken about him, he does not even have the authority to hire or fire people in the State College PD.

It's essentially like going to the accountant of a police department to report a crime.

All im saying is we want to crucify one man based on an opinion.. for something that's completely out of character with the rest of his life.

It's not out of character. Dr. Vicky Triponey was not allowed to discipline Penn State football players when they got into fights with normal students while she served as Chief Disciplinarian at the school. When she pressed the matter further, she was told that Paterno said that he would stop all fundraising until he got his way and eventually forced Triponey out of the school. And she has e-mail proof of this happening.

In 2008, ESPN questioned Paterno over the arrest of 46 different football players (and IIRC, one of whom assaulted and undercover cop) along with the 163 counts that were brought forth against them since 2002. That's an average of about 8 players and 27 counts per year.

What was Paterno's response?

He claimed it was a 'witch hunt' and walked off in a huff.

What was Paterno's response when the Sandusky story and his coverup broke?

A 'witch hunt' and walked off in a huff.

This was NOT out of character. It's completely IN CHARACTER with who the person Joe Paterno was. He made sure to protect his players from being punished by Dr. Triponey, just like he made sure to paint Penn State as the victim when 46 different players were arrested in a 5-year span in the so call 'squeeky clean' football program.

Cue the "you loves da JoePaws" nonsense..

It's not nonsense because you have continued to insult our intelligence with your own nonsense. And the reality is that it is clear that you honestly think that Paterno did nothing wrong and is being railroaded, you just don't want to say that in order to save face.

You have tried to protest Paterno's innocence, then trivialized his role, claim that people here would have done the same thing, and now are arguing a report conducted by a man who was a Director of the FBI for 10 years all the while denying the fact that there is proof that Paterno would go as far as to stop fundraising if he couldn't 'discipline' unruly players himself.



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Rogah;4630022 said:
First of all, we need to establish that the term "grants-in-aid" is just a fancy way of saying "scholarship". Teams are limited to 85 scholarships, and they are also limited to no more than 25 scholarships for incoming students (i.e., you can't stockpile scholarships and give all of them to some incoming class to create some sort of juggernaut).

My interpretation of the information you've presented from the NCAA is that Penn State will lose 20 scholarships per year for a total of 4 years (starting in 2013) for a loss of 80 "scholarship-years". ESPN's report seem to suggest they are losing 10 immediately and THEN 20 a year, but apparently that is wrong (or I am misinterpreting their report).

So reading what you wrote, I am putting the number at 80, not 90. But don't no one go betting the farm on my numbers. :D

I just needed another set of eyes on it because it started becoming very blurry after a while.

I still come up with 90. The cut down from 25 new scholarships to 15 begins in 2013 and last through 2017. The limitation of 65 total scholarships doesn't start until 2014 and runs through 2017. So 10 in 2013 and then 80 more over the following 4 years.


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RoyTheHammer;4630000 said:
Do we know that none of them ever talked to Sandusky about it?
I'm just going by Freeh's report.

Do you know if they did?