The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*

Joe Realist;4630141 said:
One thing to me is clear today and I bet many share this opinon - I do not want to hear anymore statements from the Paterno famliy. Enough. Slip away already.

I can see where they are coming from.. but agreed. There's no need for it and its not helping anybody, not the victims, not themselves, not their dead family member. Its pointless.
Penn state deserves punishment for these reasons:

1) they ALLOWED Joe Paterno to become GOD there
2) he should have been retired 10 years ago but they did nothing
3) because they ALLOWED him to become god the football program became untouchable
4) The students and faculty went along with the board and administrators in all of this

Even now you have those like Roy who are basically hear no evil speak no evil see no evil

The University must pay for all of that. And must be shocked and hurt so that it is NOT forgotten and allowed to happen again some day.

And guess what Roy- life is not fair.
burmafrd;4630152 said:
so we never punnish a school is your basic reasoning.

That would be a simple, no. Im not saying the university should not be punished. Im saying why waste time hoping and rooting for the team now to fail.. the people to blame are gone, the rest are innocent students and new coaches who are going to be trying to bring a new attitude and respectability back to the program, and had nothing to do with anything that happened up there.
CanadianCowboysFan;4630142 said:
The penalties are fine except for the stripping of the wins. You cannot just erase wins and it is ridiculous given the alleged cover up didn't help the team win on the field.

If this cover up became known in 2003 for example instead of today, then Paterno would be out of a job and not accumulating wins.

I wasn't expecting the NCAA to go into the records books. Quite surprising especially since they went all the way back to 1998.
RoyTheHammer;4630161 said:
That would be a simple, no. Im not saying the university should not be punished. Im saying why waste time hoping and rooting for the team now to fail.. the people to blame are gone, the rest are innocent students and new coaches who are going to be trying to bring a new attitude and respectability back to the program, and had nothing to do with anything that happened up there.
Well, I'm seeing an awful lot of student and alums behaving a lot like how you are behaving; i.e. being total Joe Paterno apologists. I know I certainly won't be losing any sleep whilst those students and alums weep, wail and gnash their teeth over the coming decade or so.
Rogah;4630175 said:
Well, I'm seeing an awful lot of student and alums behaving a lot like how you are behaving; i.e. being total Joe Paterno apologists. I know I certainly won't be losing any sleep whilst those students and alums weep, wail and gnash their teeth over the coming decade or so.


Whatever dude.. i never and still am not saying that Joe Paterno is free from any wrongdoing in this case, only that the mob mentality that we've seen in reaction to this case over what he did compared to what the over 100 other people did that was just as harmful to the children victimized, if not worse, is ridiculous.

You say he gets more attention because he was a public figure.. and i say well no kidding. Does that mean he was more to blame? No. At the end of the day, each of these over 100 men and women involved have to look at themselves in the mirror and know they could have prevented, very easily, more children from being harmed. Yet no one is publicly outraged over any of them, only over the man the media is telling you to focus your anger on.

You can all deny that and say you're outraged by everyone involved, but it means nothing when all you come here and do is talk about one man. There are others out there who could have made the same choice as Joe, the same choice that all of you say you'd make, because its such an easy choice.. those people are still out there, not charged with anything, living normal lives, some still living right under the nose of the firestorm employed by the university still with 6 figure salaries.. yet no public outcry to punish them. You know, people who can still actually still be punished.

We say all we want is justice in this situation for those involved, well.. alot fo those involved are still around and still leading normal lives.. with no pitchforks and no stones being thrown at them by anyone.. even though they are right there for anyone to plainly see.

That's all im saying on the subject.. thank you to those who had a reasonable discussion about it. I appriciate that. Joe made a mistake, he knows what he did was wrong, he was remorseful for his role in this entire ordeal and he is gone now and has been judged accordingly by the one man who matters. The rest of us will have that day at some point.. until then, i pray for the victims, their families, and i hope justice is served to everyone involved who could have prevented this children from being abused, but didn't.
burmafrd;4630157 said:
1) they ALLOWED Joe Paterno to become GOD there

A telling example of just how much the media has an effect on our daily lives nowadays.
RoyTheHammer;4630202 said:

Whatever dude.. i never and still am not saying that Joe Paterno is free from any wrongdoing in this case, only that the mob mentality that we've seen in reaction to this case over what he did compared to what the over 100 other people did that was just as harmful to the children victimized, if not worse, is ridiculous.

What Joe Paterno did is not as bad as what Jerry Sandusky did. But Paterno is absolutely, POSITIVELY in the "top 5" of people to blame for this, he is not outside the "top 100" as you seem to think.

Where the frig are you even getting that "100" number from anyways?!?!?

BTW, stop with your "I'm not defending Paterno" bullcrap. Just about every statement you've made in here has been a defense of Paterno. Actually what you're doing is worse since you're just making bullcrap up.
RoyTheHammer;4630148 said:
Why would you hope that? This is the kind of stuff i don't understand.. the people that you blame arn't there anymore, yet you still want others who were innocent to suffer?

What sense does it make to victimize more innocent people in this situation?

Roy were you one of Sand mans bois

well we all which team will be at the bottom of the BIG TEN

love it that they strip the wins

NCAA slams Penn State, fines it $60 million

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -- The NCAA crippled Penn State football for years to come and practically tore Joe Paterno's name out of the record books Monday, erasing 14 years of victories and imposing an unprecedented $60 million fine and other punishment over the child sexual abuse scandal

The governing body of college sports shredded what was left of the Hall of Fame coach's legacy - the sanctions cost Paterno 111 wins and his standing as the most successful coach in the history of big-time college football - while dealing a severe blow to the university's gold-plated gridiron program

The NCAA ordered Penn State to sit out the postseason for four years, slashed the number of scholarships it can award and placed football on probation, all of which will make it difficult for the Nittany Lions to compete at the sport's highest level

Emmert said the penalties reflect ''the magnitude of these terrible acts'' and also ''ensure that Penn State will rebuild an athletic culture that went horribly awry.'

He said the NCAA considered imposing the ''death penalty,'' or a complete shutdown of the football program for a season or more, but decided to keep Penn State in the fold so that it could begin transforming a culture in which football played an outsized role. The NCAA also worried about the unintended consequences of a complete ban, he said

''Suspension of the football program would bring with it significant unintended harm to many who had nothing to do with this case,'' Emmert said. ''The sanctions we have crafted are more focused and impactful than that blanket penalty.''

By throwing out all Penn State victories from 1998 to 2011, the NCAA stripped Paterno of the top spot in the record book. The governing body went all the way back to 1998 because, according to the investigative report, that is the year Paterno and Penn State officials first learned of an allegation against Sandusky

So I heard they're moving the statue to the library as a reminder to keep quiet.
Vacating the wins is pretty much a joke, it might mean something 50 years from now when someone is reading a record book and has no idea JoePa was the leader.
Stripping the wins is silly though, you cannot change the past, they won the games. I can see putting an asterisk next to them or whatever, but Paterno was the coach for the wins and has won 400 games. Stripping the wins does not change that the Lions won those games.
The one thing all this proves is the NCAA is scared ****less of the TV networks.
jimmy40;4630313 said:
Vacating the wins is pretty much a joke, it might mean something 50 years from now when someone is reading a record book and has no idea JoePa was the leader.

yeah it is only in the future that it might mean something.

the players who played all know who won.
CanadianCowboysFan;4630314 said:
Stripping the wins is silly though, you cannot change the past, they won the games. I can see putting an asterisk next to them or whatever, but Paterno was the coach for the wins and has won 400 games. Stripping the wins does not change that the Lions won those games.

I agree this thing of striping wins and stuff is stupid. Now the rest of it means something and is a real punishment.
RoyTheHammer;4629913 said:
Was OJ convicted? From a legal standpoint, your case doesn't hold up.

Convicted? In criminal court, no. However, he was unanimously held liable in civil court for wrongful death.
RoyTheHammer;4630206 said:
A telling example of just how much the media has an effect on our daily lives nowadays.

once again deflecting blame
Mr_Bill;4630802 said:
Convicted? In criminal court, no. However, he was unanimously held liable in civil court for wrongful death.

Roy as usual. Interesting people he likes to defend
burmafrd;4630059 said:
By 2016 this program will be in the basement.

WV Cowboy;4630113 said:
We can only hope.

RoyTheHammer;4630148 said:
Why would you hope that? This is the kind of stuff i don't understand.. the people that you blame arn't there anymore, yet you still want others who were innocent to suffer?

What sense does it make to victimize more innocent people in this situation?

I have hoped that the Penn St. football program would be in the basement each season for the past 40 years.

I have always respected what the football team did on the field, .. but the cockiness, and the arrogance of Paterno, .. and the "we are better than you" attitude of the fans has always turned me against PS football.

I have always disliked PS, and the events that have happened over the past year have not improved my opinion of Penn St., .. trust me.

Nothing to see here, .. move along.

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