The reason for failure since Jimmy Johnson


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The point about Parcells not putting in the work is nonsense. He gave everything in the time he was here.
nah that yankee loser gave up and quit before he finished the job and cost us Payton because he never spke about abruptly quitting or im betting SP would have been the successor. IL never forgive that ex NYG quitter for early.1 more year and give SP a heads up hes feeling like quitting to stay and take over. nope he bent us over!!


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The point about Parcells not putting in the work is nonsense. He gave everything in the time he was here.

Exactly. He was only 63 when he took the job. He worked his tail off and had plenty of stamina.


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I never missed a Tuna Presser. So many great lines

For those of us old enough, John McKay was great as well
His best ever came after a game when TB looked really bad

He was asked
"Coach, what do you think of your teams execution?"

His reply was so great

"I am in favor of it."

LOL, great one love it, remember when tuna was talking to a reporter and he stopped a RB and ask him where he was going. LOL


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nah that yankee loser gave up and quit before he finished the job and cost us Payton because he never spke about abruptly quitting or im betting SP would have been the successor. IL never forgive that ex NYG quitter for early.1 more year and give SP a heads up hes feeling like quitting to stay and take over. nope he bent us over!!
moron alert


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This is now a gritty and more disciplined team in many facets, yet people here still complain. A lot of these ugly games with multiple mistakes we used to lose under Garrett. How quickly some people forget.

Some people are just miserable and always will be.
Some people are smarter about football than you are


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LOL, great one love it, remember when tuna was talking to a reporter and he stopped a RB and ask him where he was going. LOL

The RB was Anthony Thomas. I can remember it like yesterday.... 'Anthony... where are you going?'


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Cowboys head coaches since Jimmy.

Barry Switzer 4 years.
Chan Gaily 2 years.
Dave Campo 3 years.
Bill Parcells 4 years.
Wade Phillips 4 years.
Jason Garrett 10 years.

Parcells did an OK job but he had lost his stamina, drive to put in the work needed by a Head Coach. This is why the Cowboys haven’t had much success. It’s not the players. It all falls on Jerry the GM. I believe McCarthy has been his best hire so far. He’s changed the culture around the team. This team has a different feel. They’re not getting weaker going down the stretch, but stronger. The defense has some work to do, but they’ll be getting some players back soon. There’s a never give up attitude with this team. Dak’s put the team on his back when needed. There are fans who refuse to get on board because of the past but the past does not portend the future.
Unless the hc gets totally authority to hire and fire their own staff and the ability to cut a player (ie Curvin Richards), then all players and coaches all report to Booger. That along with having a gm in title only, continue to be our undoing. We may well have a hm playoff game and the curtains will be open to *** our team again, winning be damned.


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There is one person responsible for the failure since Jimmy Johnson and he has the same initials as Jimmy.

When you look at all these former coaches, what is the one common thread?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Cowboys head coaches since Jimmy.

Barry Switzer 4 years.
Chan Gaily 2 years.
Dave Campo 3 years.
Bill Parcells 4 years.
Wade Phillips 4 years.
Jason Garrett 10 years.

Parcells did an OK job but he had lost his stamina, drive to put in the work needed by a Head Coach. This is why the Cowboys haven’t had much success. It’s not the players. It all falls on Jerry the GM. I believe McCarthy has been his best hire so far. He’s changed the culture around the team. This team has a different feel. They’re not getting weaker going down the stretch, but stronger. The defense has some work to do, but they’ll be getting some players back soon. There’s a never give up attitude with this team. Dak’s put the team on his back when needed. There are fans who refuse to get on board because of the past but the past does not portend the future.
Jimmy quit....didn't know his respect from me.


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Pretty sure it's a curse. Anyone know where there is a volcano I could take Jerry too?

P.S. just kidding.... Unless you think it could work.


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Cowboys head coaches since Jimmy.

Barry Switzer 4 years.
Chan Gaily 2 years.
Dave Campo 3 years.
Bill Parcells 4 years.
Wade Phillips 4 years.
Jason Garrett 10 years.

Parcells did an OK job but he had lost his stamina, drive to put in the work needed by a Head Coach. This is why the Cowboys haven’t had much success. It’s not the players. It all falls on Jerry the GM. I believe McCarthy has been his best hire so far. He’s changed the culture around the team. This team has a different feel. They’re not getting weaker going down the stretch, but stronger. The defense has some work to do, but they’ll be getting some players back soon. There’s a never give up attitude with this team. Dak’s put the team on his back when needed. There are fans who refuse to get on board because of the past but the past does not portend the future.
Parcels went 10-6, 6-10, 9-7, 9-7, in four seasons. He quit because he got overruled on putting Romo in!


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Yet you continue to blame the QB. :rolleyes:

Except I don't. This is the part of the exercise where Rockport makes up stuff.

People will vouch for me. I have steadfastly claimed for years the biggest issue that faces the Cowboys is Jerry who has been the GM for 20+ years and delivered 3 playoff wins. He's bad at hiring head coaches and he and his son have no real concept of how to build a "team". They are pretty good at collecting star players and overpaying them, however. They view value through some sort of flash/entertainment prism. In other words, while much of the league has devalued TBs and put more value in interior DL play, Jerry would rather pay a TB than put real assets into the DT position. They think they can build a winner with JAGs in the middle.

Dak is what he is. A good QB, not an elite one. He's not consistent enough to be an elite QB. Basically when you make the postseason you just have to hope that Dak is about to enter one of his hot streaks (or is on a hot streak), which he has from time to time.


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Cowboys head coaches since Jimmy.

Barry Switzer 4 years.
Chan Gaily 2 years.
Dave Campo 3 years.
Bill Parcells 4 years.
Wade Phillips 4 years.
Jason Garrett 10 years.

Parcells did an OK job but he had lost his stamina, drive to put in the work needed by a Head Coach. This is why the Cowboys haven’t had much success. It’s not the players. It all falls on Jerry the GM. I believe McCarthy has been his best hire so far. He’s changed the culture around the team. This team has a different feel. They’re not getting weaker going down the stretch, but stronger. The defense has some work to do, but they’ll be getting some players back soon. There’s a never give up attitude with this team. Dak’s put the team on his back when needed. There are fans who refuse to get on board because of the past but the past does not portend the future.

Parcells was the best hire. Built the best team under his tenure. Kept UDFA Romo around until he became the starter. His major failing was as a DC. The game had passed him by. Should have been more of a Jimmy coach, doing personnel and game management. He built a legitimate contender that was then handed off to Wade, a better DC but a much poorer HC - though to be fair to Wade, he came in hamstrung with HC in Waiting Garrett already hired.

Garrett wasted years and years, but his commitment to bringing in OL did give us a dominant OL in the mid 2010s. Fredericks disease was a crushing blow to the franchise. But the defenses paired with the olines just weren't good enough, and Garrett was a game day disaster, costing us a game or two each year.


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nah that yankee loser gave up and quit before he finished the job and cost us Payton because he never spke about abruptly quitting or im betting SP would have been the successor. IL never forgive that ex NYG quitter for early.1 more year and give SP a heads up hes feeling like quitting to stay and take over. nope he bent us over!!
You must really hate Tom Landry.


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That's actually been disproven. What we learned in the following years is that Garrett was just that bad.

lol. You got a point there.

But Garrett's mere existence as HC in Training/Waiting undermined Wade, and I suspect Garrett purposefully did much of that on his own. He always struck me as corporate middle management, doing the best for Garrett, but not the team.

Not allowing Tony back in 2016 served Garrett more than anyone else. Made Garrett the "Don't Rock the Boat" pick to continue on with the new QB, instead of the guy inevitably dumped once Tony retired.

He tended to sign/keep assistants who were failed HCs or geezers, no threat to replace him, and he let go Eberflus, the up and comer brought in by Ryan. A pattern was seen.