***The Second Call/NonCall good/bad conspiracy etc thread***merged**

I don't recall saying I thought it would. I guess this is your attempt at extending the discussion, to what end I do not quite understand.

I didn't imply that you did. And if you don't want to participate further, you don't have to respond. Or you could say, "You know, I really don't feel like discussing this further." I can handle that.

Yes, I was laughing at Detroit fans last week. The main reason being it was over a penalty that basically would have resulted in a spot foul, with no guarantees thereafter.

This was a little bit different.

Is that hypocritical? Perhaps.

But the fact of the matter is this is an even more nebulous "rule" that honestly is so rarely enforced, it lends itself to more controversy.

The debate won't end. I wish it would. It would be nice if someone could explain this rule without sounding like a lawyer trying to take the letter of the law and spin it because they can.

Maybe it is time to bury this discussion. Peace.
This will live in the NFL history books as their worst blunder ever.

There are countless others in NFL history.

This one just seems worse because there was a cloud of controversy that followed the Cowboys into this game.

There is no way you can convince me that there was not intense pressure to avoid looking bad.

In this case, they chose to react to public backlash rather than face the questions of general officiating incompetence.

It is not any different than what happened with the Rice situation.

I swear the NFL brass must be like an emotional teenager when reading Twitter because that is how it seems they react to public outcry.
Watch from the 40 second mark of the clip, stare only at his left leg/foot. He plants so hard that a divet comes up off of the frozen tundra all while the ball is being advanced. Yet no divet when Dez originally jumps.

It's the very definition of a Football move, yet the replay booth requires clear proof that every aspect of the play and rules were not met. It shows a clear lung with forensic proof...the divet.

So bad.

Ive said the same thing all along, its proof of a lunge...
I left NBA-fandom as it became abundantly clear the league was engineering game results. Don't watch the games anymore.

What am I to think in recent years of the NFL?

Yes, I do think the NFL manufactures outcomes with vague rules. They can't control how the teams play, but they can play a role through the zebras. The rules are written vaguely for a reason.

Honestly it is getting painful to watch. I see great plays and watch the refs screw teams. The league claimed in. 2010 that the NFL is entertainment. So there you have it.
This statement scares me, because sometimes I really think it is true.

Then I might be like the 10 year old who finally found out that pro wrestling was really fake.

Oh I have no doubt that Blandino works for the mob and the zebras help dictate the outcome on behalf of the NFL. None whatsoever. There is far too much proof.
You're a Cowboys fan, so, of course, you're going to think and you're going to know the calls that went against your team. Other fans can say the same thing because they're more acquainted with their teams. I can't go down and list the bad calls against other teams because I'm not a fan of other teams. But I'm sure the Detroit fans can list calls that have gone against them, and Ravens fans, and Bears fans, and Eagles fans, etc.
Besides, I'm making a general observation.

The difference is, a lot of these calls couldn't go either way (Bryant getting pushed down by two different guys, Williams getting called for OPI for getting pushed into a defender, Parnell having his helmet ripped off, etc.) they were obvious calls that were obviously missed, tell me any plays like that from the Packers game?
I posted this somewhere last night but I think it bears repeating. There was so much talk about the poor put-upon Lions last week, the big bad refs picked up that flag on the PI call when everybody knows there were at least 435* infractions they could have called against the Cowboys on that play but they called none of them (*yes, that's sarcasm).

Then TMZ runs this pic of Blandino coming off Jerry's party bus and suddenly you have the NFL's VP of Officiating in what looks like a compromising position.


I had a feeling something like this would happen. We got screwed because Blandino overcompensated to prove he isn't biased in favor of the Cowboys.

Before you mock this theory, I need to warn you that I proudly wear tinfoil, in fact it looks good on me. If you don't at least consider this theory, I think you're being extremely naïve.
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Oh I have no doubt that Blandino works for the mob and the zebras help dictate the outcome on behalf of the NFL. None whatsoever. There is far too much proof.

You are going into tin foil hat territory.

That reminds me. Anyone remember "The Last Boyscout"?

It outlined a professional football game where free agency had ruined things and corrupt interests destroyed the sport.
There is no doubt the previous week weighed in, a significant extent in my opinion, people should be fired for the way these last two weeks have spiraled out of control re calls non callas explanations
It's simple. I don;t think any conspiracy was there…but the people in the review room in NY told him "You're not gonna give them a break again are you?"

Hey got scared and went with the group that ruled it incomplete catch ..

The ruling was down at 1-yard line..so they need an indisputable evidence that it was not…with the whole debate around the country that I've been listening/watching for the past 24 hours, I can't see how EVERYBODY in the review process agreed on one decision..That call should have stood

And you've pointed that out now about 10 times on this thread. Duly noted we're just like Lions fans. However, I started this thread to discuss real evidence and quotes from the head of officials proving his overturn was bogus. Care to comment on the facts or just repeat your same point yet again?
I haven't changed my mind. I'm addressing the issue in totality. I thought it was a catch. If it had stood, I could have accepted that - gladly. But it was overturned. And it didn't go our way. Such is life.

But my initial issue here is not to argue the call. Rather it is to point out that this isn't unique to the Cowboys. The Lions fans were saying similar things last week.
its time to just let this one go. The rule is terrible and needs changed, but I'm yet to hear a better wording for it.
First, I mention them because it puts this issue into proper perspective. The refs aren't out to get the Cowboys because other teams, namely the Lions, have experienced the same thing.

Second, anyone with a logical brain would know not to use "probably" in arguing with certainty. Anyone with a logical brain would understand you can't say what would or should have happened because we simply don't know. And unless you have a crystal ball that reveals alternate realities, then you don't know either.

Third, no, the entire world didn't consider it a catch. Many people are clearly divided on the play. Cris Carter, one of the best receivers in the history of the NFL, said it wasn't a catch. And to add perspective, if you understand that these type plays don't JUST happen to the Cowboys, it may allow your blood pressure to decrease a bit. Relax, there's no conspiracy against the Cowboys.

Probably was not used with certainty but in this case "most likely" would be the proper term. So most likely that would have been a TD and even you probably would have a hard time arguing that fact. But if want to debate that then by all means. I would not waste my breath in talking about such silly stuff like that.

You shouldn't either. You should stop listening to Lions fans. All they do is grumble over everything even though the calls were correct. Last weeks game was the correct call and still they had the chance to win it. Yet they make that as an excuse for why they lost. Thus they really don't have any credibility at all and you should not factor in their opinions one bit.

But like I said thats not the issue here. The issue here is the catch which there is controversy and still rages on till this day. I don't believe anything right now what the media says. They are in damage control and they are paid to say what they say. Ask Chris Carter if he was paid to say what he says and I can bet you that he was.

I weigh it with those that offered their opinions that doesn't have stake in the game and don't get paid saying stuff to sway the public. Odelle Beckham for one - he hates the Cowboys and has stated openly thats a catch.

Come on and stop being in denial that that wasn't a catch. Its so obvious it was. Sometimes you have to look at all the evidence and ask yourself the truth. I did that and come to the conclusion that is most certainly a catch and there is no ways to overturn that. Thus Dallas has a point in being cheated. Dez was cheated. The entire Cowboys nation was cheated.

Now the Lions got their explanation and upon further review that was the right call on that PI interference. It was supposed to be on the offense instead. We haven't had a true explanation from the NFL why that was overturned as a catch and until I do, I'm not going to take any excuses or lies from the media that that was not a catch. You should also. The media wants you to believe thats was not a catch. It helps with their damage control.
So we expect the NFL refs personel in the main office who don't have the brains to stay out of a compromising position with a team owner........to be able to make and explain calls in the course of playoff games..........that is expecting a lot.
Blandino needs to go period. He panders to the media and fans far to much to have such an important position in the NFL.
And you've pointed that out now about 10 times on this thread. Duly noted we're just like Lions fans. However, I started this thread to discuss real evidence and quotes from the head of officials proving his overturn was bogus. Care to comment on the facts or just repeat your same point yet again?

Actually, I was done. Do you wish to drag me back into the discussion and make my point an 11th time? :D
Mike Pereira was almost in tears out of fear that they would let the catch stand.

The first step is to get these retired refs OFF of the broadcast. Their opinions are like *******s, everybody has one.

These retired refs are nothing more than paid witness to testify on behalf of the defendant. Right now the NFL is trying to defend itself due to the veracity of their statements.

I know when their lying. They are. Thats why the networks would rather have the public see Mike Perera and Deblando keep talking rather than show and in depth summary on what actually happened during the catch.

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