The Security Guard Decided To Press Charges On Zeke After All **merged**


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Amen (and I’m not even religious ;)). I don’t understand how other people don’t see this, it really is mind blowing.

Everything you said is 100% accurate minus the bar fight. I can tell you with 99.9% certainty he laid that DJ out, at least according to someone I know who works very “closely” with that club and was told laughingly by an employee there that said something along the lines of “hell yeah, Zeke hit him, I saw it and cleaned up the blood”. A couple others here who know people that work there said the same. Also, just look at the entire’s pretty obvious IMO. Lack of security cameras, lack of witnesses in popular crowded club, DJ gets laid out in a crowded club and no suspects? Lol. DJ is acquaintances with Zeke, doesn’t know who hit him but does know enough to give the police false contact information and disappears fr months after the incident.

I’m no detective but I’m pretty sure if I walked in and knocked that same DJ out on that same night then I wouldn’t have made it 5 feet towards the exit and there would be plenty of security footage and iphone footage. If that happened at a bar in Philly there would be more than enough evidence and flip side, if that were a Philly player here I’m sure the witnesses would be lined up around the block. Zeke barely keeps skating by and if he doesn’t change (not saying it can’t happen) it will eventually catch up to him. Speaking partially from personal experience.

I’m 100 percent sure he didn’t hit that dj. I know people who work there and hang there all the time. Elliott didn’t need to hit him.


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Huh? I know you like to push buttons but are you saying that the guard mouthed off to Zeke which gave Zeke the right to put his hands on him?
He said something that caused zeke to turn around and approach him. If you saw the tape it is indisputable.


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I can't say I actually ate the bologna sandwich or the chips. I gave it a hard pass. I call it the jail diet. Be careful traveling between Austin and Dallas. Years ago I got arrested on the way back to Austin because I let my CCL expire and had a handgun in the car. That is not actually a crime in Texas because you're allowed to travel between counties with a firearm but the cop didn't know that. The charges were eventually dismissed but it cost me 2K in lawyer fees and my $900 pistol was mysteriously lost. Anyway, they drove me about 45 minutes to a place called "Cleburne". That made the Travis County jail look like a country club and the food looked even worse. Strip searched and told to spread 'em. I spent over 48 hours in that craphole.

That place is still the same to this day


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Wow. Going all lawyer and physics on me. How about we be honest and ditch the *********? What would you do if someone knocked you down?
Make sure there are witnesses, call the cops and get them lawyers primed and ready ASAP.
Then some friends show up at said person's door 2 years later, on the anniversary.


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People who dissect the video try to portray it that way just like some try to say he didn’t throw a shoulder into the security guard. Based on the video, no, there’s not enough evidence and he got lucky. Based on common sense and some of the people that have commented here, he’s guilty as sin.

Put it this way, it would be like saying that big pile of white stuff in front of Odell wasn’t coke. Can you prove it? Nope. Common sense says otherwise. Of course even if it was coke, they would have to prove he was using it which would be impossible. Again, Zeke got lucky and the fact that he was under investigation at the time and still had the balls or stupidity to do that tells you all you need to know, just like this latest incident. Guy was suspended for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and walks up to a security guard and puts his hands on him! Mind blown.

What’s even more surprising, or maybe not, isn’t the fact that Zeke initiated contact with this guy and has been in a few other incidents, but how many people vilify the security guard. Ok, say the security guard is trying to take advantage, great. Who cares? What about the guy that is actually on our team and who is continuously getting in trouble? There’s only a few that argue Zeke didn’t even touch him, and a few more that think he shouldn’t be disciplined but most agree he shouldn’t have put his hands on someone else.
I know someone who knows someone who heard someone say the guard faked the fall. :lmao:


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Well maybe Zeke should've just apologized. I know this is a crazy outside the box idea for some Cowboys fans.

He did to the kid and in public, but not to the kids satisfaction. I mean I know it’s a crazy idea for you to understand it has already been done.


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This is where we’ll agree to disagree. Honestly, if this guy truly thinks he was wronged then I don’t think money matters, so yeah, I still think he would sue a guy making 35K a year.

I’ve never sued anyone but there have been things I’ve done, that I understand a lot of people wouldn’t do, just based on principle whether it made things worse for me or not. It may not have been the smartest decision but sometimes I don’t let things fly that others would and vice versa. I’m sure there’s a lot of people who would make a big deal out of something I would consider minor.

Point is, none of us know this kid or his motivation. All we do know is Zeke was wrong by putting his hands on him first and that he asked for a sincere apology. That’s literally all we know and I’m not going to accuse him of being on a money grab based on that and the fact that Zeke happens to be a rich dunce.

You are lying to yourself Aria we all see it. There is not a chance in hell this dude would sue a guy who made 35k a year.


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I don't. Working 12 hours on Friday, only to go home, grab a bite, and head to the second job for another 8...Nah, I'm good.
In a weird way it was like therapy for me. I had issues with aggression and had to temper it for the job. Helped put things in perspective.