The Video Game Thread

Submitted an offer on for a 77" LG CX. They countered with $2999, free shipping and no tax. Really tempted right now. It would come from a fully authorized LG dealer with the full warranty and everything. Someone talk me out of dropping 3k on a TV.

Do it! :D

Also, now I'm curious what is. Heading over to that now. lol
Submitted an offer on for a 77" LG CX. They countered with $2999, free shipping and no tax. Really tempted right now. It would come from a fully authorized LG dealer with the full warranty and everything. Someone talk me out of dropping 3k on a TV.

This always seems to throw water on any excitement I may be experiencing at the moment:D
Submitted an offer on for a 77" LG CX. They countered with $2999, free shipping and no tax. Really tempted right now. It would come from a fully authorized LG dealer with the full warranty and everything. Someone talk me out of dropping 3k on a TV.
Sweet deal. Gotta pull the trigger man. Hooking my 65 this weekend!
Hey @Ominous/Catch now I get PVP a little more after beating the Old Monk "boss" invader and getting to know that territory on (Latria) as the go-to spot for invaders. Seems pretty cool, and see where you'er not really coordinating anything in multiplayer headphones wise like say in a game of Madden or MKombat (now all the gestures make sense).

But I'm down if you need any help getting to white or want to test your character out. I got killed the first 2 runs on Old Monk then got the third guy invading...see you gotta use quicker weapons then the dragon bone or meat cleaver...why does everyone want to wear the bugles hat? lol One dude was trying to beat me using shields on both hands/not hands of god, this was something else (?) until giving up and grabbing his boss weapon to wipe me out after about 5 minutes of back n forth. Dude trying to kill me with shields...not cool! :D
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Submitted an offer on for a 77" LG CX. They countered with $2999, free shipping and no tax. Really tempted right now. It would come from a fully authorized LG dealer with the full warranty and everything. Someone talk me out of dropping 3k on a TV.
Ok, it is clear the only true friend I have here is @BigStar

I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Damn you guys!
I still kinda wanted you to pull the plug ;) Enjoy it!

I wish I went a little higher end on the tv purchase tbh and you need to with these systems to see the 120 FPS in action. Enjoy the silk and the butter :D
Finished up Dark Souls...that...Swamp! After that it was okay, and the final boss was pretty easy with the OP weapon I was using. Might test out the magic build stuff more in NG+ down the road and maybe go for the platinum trophy but was a great ride. Now gonna see what this Miles Morales half hour show is about :laugh:
Been bouncing between Cyberpunk and Cold War lately. I do have (via Gamefly) Mafia: Definitive Edition coming. I've heard some solid things about that game, so, we will see!

As far as Cyberpunk, I'm not sure if it is just me overthinking it, or the game got an update, but the game looks and feels a bit crisper. I do know there is supposedly a giant patch coming here shortly.
Finished up Dark Souls...that...Swamp! After that it was okay, and the final boss was pretty easy with the OP weapon I was using. Might test out the magic build stuff more in NG+ down the road and maybe go for the platinum trophy but was a great ride. Now gonna see what this Miles Morales half hour show is about :laugh:

Nice my dude. I had a crazy week and especially rough weekend (not in a good way) and am lagging. Still haven't even hooked my TV yet....but it shall be done! My backlog is nuts as well, Cold War, Cyberpunk, Morales, all the PS4 And Xbox stuff enhanced for SeriesX and PS5. Overwhelming lol. Demon's is top o the list tbough.
Nice my dude. I had a crazy week and especially rough weekend (not in a good way) and am lagging. Still haven't even hooked my TV yet....but it shall be done! My backlog is nuts as well, Cold War, Cyberpunk, Morales, all the PS4 And Xbox stuff enhanced for SeriesX and PS5. Overwhelming lol. Demon's is top o the list tbough.
Sorry to hear that my man, hope things settle itself out for you. Of course if you need any pointers/refreshers down the road just give me a shout. Keep ya head up!

This is a long video, but I was so absorbed by it I actually watched the entire thing.

No commentary or narration. It’s literally a 42 minute super cut of clips from interviews, previews, reviews, and gameplay in the build up and release of Cyberpunk.

I was very impressed. Thought provoking without specifically speaking. Pretty cool stuff.
So, I beat Cyberpunk today. It interesting......end to the story. Why I realize there are quite a few different ways to end the game, I definitely didn't expect the way I ended up finishing mine. The game did, however, allow me to go back to my last save point to where I can change the ending and roam the world. Thought that was interesting. Usually you can finish the story mode and still roam the world. Not really with this game. You have to go back to a certain save point. Oh well, it was a fun story. Now I think I will just roam around the map and check out some side missions in my free time.

I will have to watch the video Lutonio posted above.
So, I beat Cyberpunk today. It interesting......end to the story. Why I realize there are quite a few different ways to end the game, I definitely didn't expect the way I ended up finishing mine. The game did, however, allow me to go back to my last save point to where I can change the ending and roam the world. Thought that was interesting. Usually you can finish the story mode and still roam the world. Not really with this game. You have to go back to a certain save point. Oh well, it was a fun story. Now I think I will just roam around the map and check out some side missions in my free time.

I will have to watch the video Lutonio posted above.
It's a really fun game. Very unfortunate that it was so buggy. I hope a series doesn't get abandoned

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