The Video Game Thread

So, I feel kind of stupid, but I was chatting with the wife about my quest and she reminded me (I totally forgot) that we still have a Wii system. So I found a decent deal on a Wii guitar and 2 Guitar Hero games last night on eBay. Looks like I can also use that guitar on my desktop for Clone Hero, so, win win! Pretty bad when you have so many consoles you forget you have a Wii laying around.

So, I feel kind of stupid, but I was chatting with the wife about my quest and she reminded me (I totally forgot) that we still have a Wii system. So I found a decent deal on a Wii guitar and 2 Guitar Hero games last night on eBay. Looks like I can also use that guitar on my desktop for Clone Hero, so, win win! Pretty bad when you have so many consoles you forget you have a Wii laying around.

Unf I think everyone who has a Wii has forgotten that it is laying around somewhere.

I feel you though, opened up a closet a few weeks back; 2 ps2 systems, an original Xbox, 2 360s, 2 ps3s (the fat one and the later version), xbox one, ps4 that crapped out, and now the ps4 pro was added.

Might want to get rid of some of this stuff lol (probably keep the fat ps3 and the ps4 pro cuz it's still relatively new but that's about it) I could see the fat ps3 being a bigger niche item down the line due to the backwards compatibility with ps1/2.

Speaking of older systems, I was completely unaware of the gamecube craze until more recently. Evidently that's the only way to play certain titles so they're in very high deman on the secondhand market. So if any of you guys still have one, could make a pretty penny on ebay selling it off.
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You're not alone. Although I've intentionally used grenades on myself too. In the old game Team Fortress Classic I would use grenades to help propel my player across maps; rockets worked too. :cool:

That's funny. My friends and I also have a running joke involving grenades. We prime & hold a grenade and release it so it explodes right in the other friend's face, then in voice say, "Nice catch!" :D
Here's a video showing what I was talking about in TFC and how movement changed after each patch:
Unf I think everyone who has a Wii has forgotten that it is laying around somewhere.

I feel you though, opened up a closet a few weeks back; 2 ps2 systems, an original Xbox, 2 360s, 2 ps3s (the fat one and the later version), xbox one, ps4 that crapped out, and now the ps4 pro was added.

Might want to get rid of some of this stuff lol (probably keep the fat ps3 and the ps4 pro cuz it's still relatively new but that's about it) I could see the fat ps3 being a bigger niche item down the line due to the backwards compatibility with ps1/2.

Speaking of older systems, I was completely unaware of the gamecube craze until more recently. Evidently that's the only way to play certain titles so they're in very high deman on the secondhand market. So if any of you guys still have one, could make a pretty penny on ebay selling it off.

I actually do still have a GameCube that works. But I can’t find all my old games lol
I don’t hate on games that are mainstream and popular, but I do lament how you can look at top 10 lists like this and totally understand why we don’t get more unique titles. Gotta follow that money.

Good points.

I looked at that list and thought to myself. No wonder Rockstar is taking their sweet old time with GTA 6

(Red dead 2 was a masterpiece, but still....)
I don’t hate on games that are mainstream and popular, but I do lament how you can look at top 10 lists like this and totally understand why we don’t get more unique titles. Gotta follow that money.

I do, in my humble opinion PC gaming in particular has been generally speaking dumbed down especially compared to what was available 10-20 years ago. For example League of Legends which is very popular and is noting more than a dumbed down RTS/MOBA game for the masses, compared to something like Age of Empires 2 which is basically a 20 year old game and last i checked their were 25,000 people still playing the Definitive Edition on Steam.
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Battlepass and vehicle skins/wheels/ ect..

I paid 10 bucks for a Dallas Cowboys car the other day.

I forgot to mention. Red Dead online recently sucked me in for $20 as I needed gold bars to unlock some of the professions. And I didn’t feel like grinding out the money so I just coughed up the $20 to buy some gold bars and unlock that content.

Micro transactions frustrate me greatly but it’s a smart business model. No doubt about it.
I forgot to mention. Red Dead online recently sucked me in for $20 as I needed gold bars to unlock some of the professions. And I didn’t feel like grinding out the money so I just coughed up the $20 to buy some gold bars and unlock that content.

Micro transactions frustrate me greatly but it’s a smart business model. No doubt about it.

Yup, they'll definitely get you. I don't normally give in but I definitely have. Modern Warfare got me. My favorite color is white and one of the gun packs they had in the store was an all white rifle and pistol. Grrrrrrr..............FINE..................I'll buy it!! haha

I can say I am at least glad to see the loot boxes go away. Those were the worst.
It really is absolutely incredible how well GTA V has done considering all of the craziness its been all of the online play. I absolutely guarantee you most poll gamers from 8 years old to 88 they would say GTA 6 is their most anticipated game ever, and I personally think its the most anticipated game of all time.

I dont care what gender the protagonist/antagonists are/is. Gonna be the day...I will never forget all my moments of them all. I played the top down on pc with my buddy in junior high. Lol...I swindled a few buddies into a PS2 slim and then played San Andreas with them...shady but worth it. Jk I got them back. Those were the days...
I do, in my humble opinion PC gaming in particular has been generally speaking dumbed down especially compared to what was available 10-20 years ago. For example League of Legends which is very popular and is noting more than a dumbed down RTS/MOBA game for the masses, compared to something like Age of Empires 2 which is basically a 20 year old game and last i checked their were 25,000 people still playing the Definitive Edition on Steam.
I can see that. Increasingly over the last generation, you have to go to the Indie scene to get the original stuff.

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