The Video Game Thread

Building bases is what I found one of the cooler elements to Fallout. That game is a "real" RPG...definitely recommend it.

Humor/env is similar to Bioshock tbh but with all the rpg stuff. But I remember the convos were clever, and felt great defending one of your bases when under attack. You could be on the other side of the map and get a notice your camp is being attacked. Sometimes you don't care bc it's a weak camp with little value, but if it was a good camp with tons of housing/electricity/food/weapon stuff you would defniiely drop everything and go defend. HAlf itching to go back over here:D
when you guys are done with that check out The Outer Worlds and the DLC
Well, I'm in! lol It wasn't too bad at all to crack this thing open. Just to be safe for reassemble, I took pictures along the way and threw my screws in labeled envelopes to keep track of where they came from. Power supply is suppose to show up today, so, I will be eager to see if it works.

Also, sitting there staring at this Xbox open made me realize I should have bought an SSD to throw in there. I guess it's possible with a software update. Oh well, at this point I just want the thing to turn on and boot up. :D

You're a guy who I can appreciate. My background is in electronics, and I learned long ago when digital cameras came out is to ALWAYS take picture of the "before" so the "after" comes out like it's supposed to. Digital "film" is cheap. :)

The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words is so spot on.
I've been playing Doom (2016 version) mostly because it's something I can get on and off without much thought to where I left off. It's loaded off the disk and I have other games I play off the disk as well. It got really annoying swapping out disks every time I wanted to play a different game. I decided to download Doom from PlayStation. What a disappointment. The graphics were horrible and a lot of the audio was missing. Is that normal for downloaded games?

Maybe it is what is and I haven't noticed it before for other games.
I've been playing Doom (2016 version) mostly because it's something I can get on and off without much thought to where I left off. It's loaded off the disk and I have other games I play off the disk as well. It got really annoying swapping out disks every time I wanted to play a different game. I decided to download Doom from PlayStation. What a disappointment. The graphics were horrible and a lot of the audio was missing. Is that normal for downloaded games?

Maybe it is what is and I haven't noticed it before for other games.

Hmmm, doesn't sound normal. I've never really had a bad digital download on a console, but, that's not to say it isn't possible.
I've been playing Doom (2016 version) mostly because it's something I can get on and off without much thought to where I left off. It's loaded off the disk and I have other games I play off the disk as well. It got really annoying swapping out disks every time I wanted to play a different game. I decided to download Doom from PlayStation. What a disappointment. The graphics were horrible and a lot of the audio was missing. Is that normal for downloaded games?

Maybe it is what is and I haven't noticed it before for other games.
Yeah no something's definitely off Jammer. Digital should be exactly the same; sometimes feels the file size is bigger wo the disc to hold some of those gigs but I'm more talking to talk there, etc. I have both digitally and don't have those issues.
So, fired up Biomutant last night and played about an hour. I'm, uh, not sure how I feel about it yet. lol Part of my really likes it and the other part of me is feeling 'meh' about it. I'll give it some more time and see how I feel.
Spent some more time with Biomutant today. So. Much. Dialog. I just want to get into this game and explore the world and it feels like every 30 seconds I'm having to stop and talk to somebody or listen to the narrator tell a story. I understand the game trying to develop a backstory but I feel like they could have done it in a way that wasn't so cumbersome. Also, while some of the fighting is super fun, you run into bigger beasts to battle and it just feels so weird. Like you're just running around karate chopping at this big beast's legs. lol I'm sure I'm probably missing better ways to battle but for a novice's viewpoint it feels silly.

So, my conclusion: It does have some fun factor to it. I am intrigued enough to give it a little more time as I still have plenty to learn in ways of crafting and upgrading. The quick outlook on it though is that I am glad I rented this from Gamefly vs purchasing the game outright.
I had to factory reset my PS4 after it started acting a little weird. It has been fine since then, but I didn’t consider the capture settings defaulted back to record the party audio/chat as well.

What can I say? This is a damn good shot in Hunt. :laugh:

Very good shot, one of the rules of long range marksmanship is you dont shoot where they are, you shoot where they are going to be.
check out The Keef Crew video of "How sony fans reacted to Horizon Forbidden West gamplay!" on youtube. Can't post it here because of one word, but it made me laugh lololol
Just got done with the final boss in Sekiro. Probably took me 3 dozen tries, had to call it a night yesterday, but after a few attempts this morning I was consistently getting to the 2nd to last or the last phase so that was a good sign. Afterwards took care of an optional boss (more like an instant kill sequence). There is another optional boss that I can complete on this run. For the other remaining two optional bosses and other endings I'll have to start a new game + and make a backup of my save at the right times. Crazy that I deleted this game about a year ago since I was failing hard and now looking back those fights are easy lol

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