The Video Game Thread

Battlefield 2042 trailer is out. I like the fact that they didn't go overboard with the future aspect. Seems pretty realistic compared to other titles that have plasma guns and warp-speed ships only 20 to 30 years out.

I would love to get up a multiplayer map that gets tornadoes ripping through it. I gotta say.
Battlefield 2042 trailer is out. I like the fact that they didn't go overboard with the future aspect. Seems pretty realistic compared to other titles that have plasma guns and warp-speed ships only 20 to 30 years out.

Just watched. Is everything every BF wants and less of the pandering half baked garbage from the past 2 games. Can't wait to sink many days into this. For once in a very long time I can say Good Job Dice/EA, don't lose your focus.
I have the final Countdown clock here for the Digital Deluxe Ratchet and Clank. One of the main reasons I wanted the PS5 at launch. Best Console Graphics ever I've heard?!?! We shall see...
I'm looking forward to it because it's R&C, and it won't disappoint. At this point I expect solid graphics from a current gen AAA title that isn't trying to relive graphics from the 90s.

Btw I played the scarlet nexus demo yesterday, it is a very fun hack n slash with rpg elements. I died once, played a second time and walked through everyone this playthrough including the boss. After learning all the basic moves the game did feel a little too easy so I'm hoping there's a difficulty adjustment.
I'm out of the loop on this one. Why is it getting so much hype?
The same people who did Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro mixed with the George R. Martin influence. But really just being the sequel to Dark Souls and want to say it was delayed/cancelled/brought back and back n forth for years. So that's more of the internet hype tbh, the back n forth and rumors on whether it really ever existed, etc.

I would like a Bloodborne 2 but then that really didn't have nearly any story vs what I'm imagining Martin would sign off on with some real lore/story to follow.
Ratchet and Clank is my game of the year so far. The higher difficulties make this as hard as some of the best of em. The graphics are mind bending, and seriously anyone from all ages, from casual to hard-core can enjoy this. There's a reason they updated the haptic controls with the system update.

The Max performance settings if you have them.....WOW. Next Gen My Gaming Guru Gremlins!
Chivalry 2 is out across pretty much every platform. It’s a large scale battle game like Battlefield or Battlefront, but it’s all knights and swords.

It’s stupid fun — in a really good way.

Lol Good ol Dave
Control was good, definitely a fun game, but man that map was so confusing. But those who played Returnal and like the combat would like Control. Feels like that was their influence tbh wo the random number luck drops/rogue type game.

On the Returnal note, I see they're releasing a patch 6/14 that decreases the difficulty in all biomes. I dropped the game after getting stuck in Biome 3 and see I wasn't the only one. Their whole shtick was the diffic. so really must have had a drop off in player base to succumb to the pressure.
Lol Good ol Dave
Control was good, definitely a fun game, but man that map was so confusing. But those who played Returnal and like the combat would like Control. Feels like that was their influence tbh wo the random number luck drops/rogue type game.

On the Returnal note, I see they're releasing a patch 6/14 that decreases the difficulty in all biomes. I dropped the game after getting stuck in Biome 3 and see I wasn't the only one. Their whole shtick was the diffic. so really must have had a drop off in player base to succumb to the pressure.
Hopefully they release a patch that gives us difficulty sliders, I would crank it up. Sure I get whooped on in various parts of the game, but with the right build and weapon it's very do-able. I believe too many people run certain guns with trash rolls and then wonder why the game is harder than expected.
Ratchet and Clank is my game of the year so far. The higher difficulties make this as hard as some of the best of em. The graphics are mind bending, and seriously anyone from all ages, from casual to hard-core can enjoy this. There's a reason they updated the haptic controls with the system update.

The Max performance settings if you have them.....WOW. Next Gen My Gaming Guru Gremlins!
I play on game mode so my picture quality (colors/contrast) are a little down compared to normal, but I turned it off and put the fidelity setting on in the game just to see the difference and yes the visual improved a lot, but that 30fps feels like absolute garbage lol. I also tried to compare performance and performance with ray tracing, decided to leave ray tracing on - game still runs at 60fps and I'm perfectly fine with this. And obviously I put game mode back on, there's a clear input lag with it off. If you always play with game mode off you may be used to it, but with game mode on you can definitely pick up the difference.

The game menu said fidelity was the default which is strange because that's the 30fps option. I don't know if it defaults to fidelity for everyone else but it defaulted to ray tracing for me - not sure if it's because of the system settings I where I have performance mode selected to default and this game based the settings from that.
Hopefully they release a patch that gives us difficulty sliders, I would crank it up. Sure I get whooped on in various parts of the game, but with the right build and weapon it's very do-able. I believe too many people run certain guns with trash rolls and then wonder why the game is harder than expected.
I would prefer a save option, maybe around the start of a biome (I know you can shortcut around after beating the bosses) but think that would hold players for longer esp when you have the right parasites, health build up, astro figurine but then have something come up; I had the game crash a few times after doing this and just gave up at that point.

But I agree with the diffic slider option for the OGs who've already beat the game; give the hardcore types a reason to come back and compete against others on leaderboards or some other NG+ options
I would prefer a save option, maybe around the start of a biome (I know you can shortcut around after beating the bosses) but think that would hold players for longer esp when you have the right parasites, health build up, astro figurine but then have something come up; I had the game crash a few times after doing this and just gave up at that point.

But I agree with the diffic slider option for the OGs who've already beat the game; give the hardcore types a reason to come back and compete against others on leaderboards or some other NG+ options
One of their arcade games, super stadust, allows you to start, in planet mode, on any planet that you've completed from arcade mode, but you start fresh with no upgrades. And there's no save point or keeping upgrades on any mode you play. I'd imagine they're going for the same concept here in Returnal, except for selecting each biome they wanted to give you the option to start at the beginning or half way through. But yes giving us the option to start fresh on a biome would be helpful.

I don't remember or know if their other arcade games allow you to start at a later level. I believe they are working on a save point, but if they wanted this game designed this way then I say that's their vision. I understand wanting a save point, but they picked this for a reason.

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