The Video Game Thread


That is fantastic!! :laugh:
No sweat homie appr the overview. I think I'll hold off in that case...was more didn't know it was coming out and the nostalgia factor. tks again

So, the VR section isn't bad. I have a pretty good tolerance for motion but I could see where the flying in VR could get to somebody that gets motion sickness easy. Neat but nothing to really brag about. I've experienced plenty better VR gaming.

I'm a pretty big Respawn fan so I have hope for this!!
So, nevermind. Decided to give the Ace Combat VR one last hurrah before I send it back to Gamefly, and ugh, my head is spinning. Sat and gave it a solid 10-15 minutes and had to take the headset off. So much for my motion sickness tolerance.


I really liked the first one so this is a must buy and looks tight. I wonder if those cheat codes adv as pre order bonuses will eventually come to people who bought the standard game in a month or so? The handgun looked slick but now a days you never know; some games need patches for weeks or even months bf game alerting problems/glitches get fixed.
So what was the big gripe about Anthem again? Lack of content? I played for a couple hours today and it seems like a pretty fun game. I love the concept of being able to fly around and even hover. The graphics are gorgeous. So far I can't say I dislike it. There seems to be a big learning curve with so much in the game,but at this point, I see myself picking up a controller for the game again.
So what was the big gripe about Anthem again? Lack of content? I played for a couple hours today and it seems like a pretty fun game. I love the concept of being able to fly around and even hover. The graphics are gorgeous. So far I can't say I dislike it. There seems to be a big learning curve with so much in the game,but at this point, I see myself picking up a controller for the game again.
So what was the big gripe about Anthem again? Lack of content? I played for a couple hours today and it seems like a pretty fun game. I love the concept of being able to fly around and even hover. The graphics are gorgeous. So far I can't say I dislike it. There seems to be a big learning curve with so much in the game,but at this point, I see myself picking up a controller for the game again.

-Lack of content, definitely.
-Endgame is pointless because it is more efficient to play the same short level on easier difficulties rather than trying more challenging levels
-Loot drops are low and unrewarding
-Health is bugged to where you can start one mission and have 30 bars then the next you will have 12 using the same gear
-Weapons are bugged where the strongest weapon is the starting rifle, though I think this got fixed.
-Gear is broken where you are actually stronger if you take off your support gear slot because of how damage is cacluated; you are more powerful to have this equipment slot empty. Note this isn't a big but rather a result of how ****** the game's math and formulas are.
-Number of load screens and length of time is awful
-I thought the dialogue and cutscenes were cringeworthy, but that's a personal piece.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head. The Division 2 eats this game's lunch. The game launched unfinished with them hoping to cash in now and fix it later.

Interesting note on you saying the flying is the part you like. A few weeks ago a journalist interviewed about 30 BioWare devs about the 6 year development cycle hell. The top EA exec demoed the game after 4 years, told them it sucked, and that flying was the only part that was good, and this came after the flying was in and out and in out after several versions of the game over those 4 years.
-Lack of content, definitely.
-Endgame is pointless because it is more efficient to play the same short level on easier difficulties rather than trying more challenging levels
-Loot drops are low and unrewarding
-Health is bugged to where you can start one mission and have 30 bars then the next you will have 12 using the same gear
-Weapons are bugged where the strongest weapon is the starting rifle, though I think this got fixed.
-Gear is broken where you are actually stronger if you take off your support gear slot because of how damage is cacluated; you are more powerful to have this equipment slot empty. Note this isn't a big but rather a result of how ****** the game's math and formulas are.
-Number of load screens and length of time is awful
-I thought the dialogue and cutscenes were cringeworthy, but that's a personal piece.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head. The Division 2 eats this game's lunch. The game launched unfinished with them hoping to cash in now and fix it later.

Interesting note on you saying the flying is the part you like. A few weeks ago a journalist interviewed about 30 BioWare devs about the 6 year development cycle hell. The top EA exec demoed the game after 4 years, told them it sucked, and that flying was the only part that was good, and this came after the flying was in and out and in out after several versions of the game over those 4 years.

Ok, I can definitely see and understand a few more of your points after playing it more. The load screens can be extremely ridiculous. It's too bad because, imo, it could have been so much more (it being the game as a whole). I'll still probably mess around with it more before I send it back but I am definitely glad I didn't shell out $60 of more dollars for this game. The benefit of Gamefly. :D
Days Gone has been good, basically far cry with zombies and human camps. (8/10) Open world, rpg elements, the bike could ride a little tighter but haven't really done much improvements there yet. Solid exclusive, I'm not sure what IGN/Gamespot were thinking bc they rated it about the same as Crackdown 3 which is a very avg. game. I would pick it up when it drops to $40.00 but also no buyers remorse.
Days Gone has been good, basically far cry with zombies and human camps. (8/10) Open world, rpg elements, the bike could ride a little tighter but haven't really done much improvements there yet. Solid exclusive, I'm not sure what IGN/Gamespot were thinking bc they rated it about the same as Crackdown 3 which is a very avg. game. I would pick it up when it drops to $40.00 but also no buyers remorse.

I actually read a write up about the Gamespot review since it has apparently caused some controversy. I don't know if it's true, but the author is supposedly big into social justice politics, and apparently the game's protagonist offended her stances on these things.

Not trying to get political or say what's right or wrong. Just reporting some news I read.

She's also the person who gave a game a lower review score with IGN a few years back because the game had "too much water" in it.

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