The Video Game Thread

Xbox released a six-part docuseries about the history and evolution of the console. I'm 4 episodes in, they're calling them "chapters", and it's been an informative and fun watch. Really interesting to hear about all the behind-the-scenes action that took place in order to get the console to come to fruition.

The show is both on the Xbox homepage (where I originally discovered it) and on YouTube. I'll drop the link to Chapter 1 for anybody interested in checking it out.


Epic Games Store is giving away a game each day until December 30th again:

The first game given away was Shenmue III but that giveaway is already over:

The second game given away is Neon Abyss and you can still claim it til 10 CT:

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Well, I just finished the Halo Infinite campaign. Absolutely fantastic game. I loved every second of it. Now, and I don't always do this with games, I am going to go back through the map and find all the hidden items. I just love the map, graphics, and how you can traverse the map so much that I'm going for 100%. :D
I already own the 10th free game, Prey. I highly recommend the experience. Enjoy!


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