The Video Game Thread

So, after saying Saints Row was just OK, I have been stuck on it since then. Haha!! After pushing through the initial stages of the game, it really grew on me. Definitely not a perfect game, by any means, but I've actually found myself really enjoying it. Getting pretty close to completing it. :D
DallasEast put a trailer for the new Last of Us coming out on HBO Max in the streaming thread. It reminded me that I have actually never played that game (and obviously not Last of Us II). So, I went and threw it on my Gamefly queue. I've heard nothing but great things about the game. I have just never got around to playing it.

Only problem is with MW2 and Gotham Knights dropping in a few weeks, and God of War: Ragnarok shortly after, I'm going to be a busy bee nerding out on those games. lol
DallasEast put a trailer for the new Last of Us coming out on HBO Max in the streaming thread. It reminded me that I have actually never played that game (and obviously not Last of Us II). So, I went and threw it on my Gamefly queue. I've heard nothing but great things about the game. I have just never got around to playing it.

Only problem is with MW2 and Gotham Knights dropping in a few weeks, and God of War: Ragnarok shortly after, I'm going to be a busy bee nerding out on those games. lol
Check out Callisto Protocol also. Looks awesome. It's from the original makers of Dead Space. Comes out Dec 2nd.
DallasEast put a trailer for the new Last of Us coming out on HBO Max in the streaming thread. It reminded me that I have actually never played that game (and obviously not Last of Us II). So, I went and threw it on my Gamefly queue. I've heard nothing but great things about the game. I have just never got around to playing it.

Only problem is with MW2 and Gotham Knights dropping in a few weeks, and God of War: Ragnarok shortly after, I'm going to be a busy bee nerding out on those games. lol

It is one of the greatest games ever! Im playing the remake as we speak bruddah! Ive platinumed it and beaten like 6 times before. That's how good it is. Glad you're dipping in lol
Epic is giving away Darkwood and Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove! :dance:
DallasEast put a trailer for the new Last of Us coming out on HBO Max in the streaming thread. It reminded me that I have actually never played that game (and obviously not Last of Us II). So, I went and threw it on my Gamefly queue. I've heard nothing but great things about the game. I have just never got around to playing it.

Only problem is with MW2 and Gotham Knights dropping in a few weeks, and God of War: Ragnarok shortly after, I'm going to be a busy bee nerding out on those games. lol
Oh yeah definitely give it a go. I didn't think I would like it, but it draws you in with great pacing and story telling. Reminds me a bit of Unchartered in terms of gun play and movement, but a bit crisper and much more gritty regarding the plot/violence. LOU2 has the better gameplay, but would space out those two games tbh if you tackle them.

Half forgot about all these should be great games coming out soon. Gotham Knights with the 30 FPS will be a bit to get used to, so will likely wait on a sale for that one. But Calisto and GOW will be my priorities.
Oh yeah definitely give it a go. I didn't think I would like it, but it draws you in with great pacing and story telling. Reminds me a bit of Unchartered in terms of gun play and movement, but a bit crisper and much more gritty regarding the plot/violence. LOU2 has the better gameplay, but would space out those two games tbh if you tackle them.

Half forgot about all these should be great games coming out soon. Gotham Knights with the 30 FPS will be a bit to get used to, so will likely wait on a sale for that one. But Calisto and GOW will be my priorities.
Yeah that is a super bummer that Gotham Knights is only going to be 30fps.
A Plague Tale: Requiem dropped today. Just booted it up on Gamepass and it is visually one of, if not the most, stunning game I've seen for this gen. I played the first one and was a tad bored but this game feels and looks amazing with a few gameplay tweaks here and there.

I also snagged Ghostbusters and ready to roll with a squad or as a ghost lol. Hearing great things.
Ok, I know some of you might be thinking "Really Slammed, you didn't know that", but I had no idea (until earlier this evening) that you could remote play your PS5 from your PS4. That's fantastic!!! Now if the wife is using the main living room tv, and I want to play a PS5 game, I can just remote play it from my mancave.


I’ve been obsessed with Rumbleverse. At first glance it looks like a Fortnite ripoff, but time with the game shows it be a battle royale with some pretty deep fighting game mechanics. Lots of mix ups and a priority system. It is hilarious if you’re looking for something new to try out with a buddy in the Duos mode.

Sorry for the music and editing. I recently started playing around with the app on PlayStation and have been having a little too much fun.
Got early access to Call of Duty MW2 campaign since I pre-ordered. I've been able to sink a few hours into it since yesterday. It's fantastic so far. It's obviously still a video game, but there are some "realistic elements" to it. There is a mission where you are in a forest and enemies are coming at you. They blend into the environment and are shooting at you and you really have to locate them. When you do, there are no hit markers when you shoot them, so you have to have faith you're hitting them or putting them down. I dig that. Then on the other side of the that, they have a mission where you are jumping from car to car while driving down the road. You then hi-jack vehicles, drive them all while you hang out the window, and shoot at enemies going down the road. lol So, you get a little bit of realism and fantasy in this game.

The graphics are really good and super crisp. In fact, my wife (who usually pays not much mind to video games) sat down and was watching me play for a little bit and made comment about how impressive the graphics were. I know the multi-player side isn't everybody's cup of team, but the campaign is really solid to play if you can rent it from Gamefly, borrow it from a friend, etc. etc.
This game looks like it has so much potential.

And, to my knowledge, this company is able to produce a game in the VR market, since it doesn't directly compete with Madden there. Well, because it already has.

Has anyone played this yet?

Oh, crap.. My bad. I didn't realize there was an entire thread dedicated to games...Feel free to merge it there.

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