The Video Game Thread

CPU GMs are terrible. Offseason #2(2024) the Chargers let Herbert walk.
Don't cut Mack and/or Allen to keep your franchise QB. Just let him hit UFA.
Sure, my expectations are low, but for the talk of the new scale for value on players based on age, development and overall someone like Herbert will never hit FA. Also think 15 teams were over the cap that offseason too.
Playing Saints Row the last couple days. I'm so torn on this game. I don't like it, but at the same time I do kind of like it. Lol It has some super cheesy dialogue, the graphics aren't really that great, and the gameplay sometimes is frustrating. With that said, the map isn't bad, it can be fun to explore, and the missions are so cheesy that you almost want to see more. So, yeah, it does have some fun to it, the juvenile humor can be entertaining, but overall it's a bit stale compared to today's much better open-world gaming.
If you're a SoulsBourne style junkie like me the Wo Long Fallen Dynasty demo is free and available on the SeriesX and PS5 until the 25th. I highly recommend it.
Nioh 3 baby!! :D I did notice that and need to play it this weekend! I saw fightincowboy playing it and totally forgot about it until I saw your post.

I'm not loving the open world souls style with Elden Ring though it's a good game. It just feels fragmented to me, not that I understood much of the story from any souls game. But progression being so vague sometimes makes me just look to other options and probably only done about 60-70% of the main story.
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I've come around more on Returnal and would recommend it to any ps5 owners (Slammed more recently i know got one)

Now that I'm not playing it like a Doom game and trying to rush through it, I can appreciate what it's trying to accomplish...still suck on biome 3, but like the gameplay and atmosphere more so than my first go with it.

I like the new tower and co-op option which I will likely use to get me over this biome 3 hump to save that progression. That was a smart move on their part, on top of allowing you to suspend cycles so you're good run doesn't go to waste.
I've come around more on Returnal and would recommend it to any ps5 owners (Slammed more recently i know got one)

Now that I'm not playing it like a Doom game and trying to rush through it, I can appreciate what it's trying to accomplish...still suck on biome 3, but like the gameplay and atmosphere more so than my first go with it.

I like the new tower and co-op option which I will likely use to get me over this biome 3 hump to save that progression. That was a smart move on their part, on top of allowing you to suspend cycles so you're good run doesn't go to waste.
It’s nice to be able to skip, but my best runs were always replaying from the beginning to get all that extra firepower for the later areas.
Bought Ark on sale a few years ago so free is a good price. :thumbup:Be forewarned though, with all of the expansion maps the game weighs in at a whopping 320 GBs, just the base game/map is around 125 GBs.
Holy...! I worked on the largest HD hogging game back in the day that was a whopping 30 MB. We got hate mail about that.
I've been playing the latest NBA2K that just came out. Not normally something I would be interested in, but I actually needed to check it out for product comparison. I have to say...I'm pretty blown away and I haven't even tried out all the features. A lot of quality in this game. If you like NBA basketball, you should get it.
Bought Ark on sale a few years ago so free is a good price. :thumbup:Be forewarned though, with all of the expansion maps the game weighs in at a whopping 320 GBs, just the base game/map is around 125 GBs.
Holy...! I worked on the largest HD hogging game back in the day that was a whopping 30 MB. We got hate mail about that.

Funny, my buddy and I were just reminiscing the other day about game sizes back in the mid 2000s. How the Xbox 360 came with just a 20GB hard drive. He actually owned an Xbox Elite and those came with a whopping 250GB hard drive. I remember us saying "Dang, you'll never run out of space on this. That is SO much room for gaming!".
Ha! Fast forward to today and I have my Series S (with a massive 512GB drive lol) already filled up with like 3 games! :laugh:
Funny, my buddy and I were just reminiscing the other day about game sizes back in the mid 2000s. How the Xbox 360 came with just a 20GB hard drive. He actually owned an Xbox Elite and those came with a whopping 250GB hard drive. I remember us saying "Dang, you'll never run out of space on this. That is SO much room for gaming!".
Ha! Fast forward to today and I have my Series S (with a massive 512GB drive lol) already filled up with like 3 games! :laugh:
It is amazing how things have changed. I wonder how much developers are optimizing their builds. I know on some of my studios' projects, there are a lot of files getting included in the builds that don't need to be there. Mainly source art and video files. I hope the AAA studios are on top of that considering the size of their games.
Has anyone here heard about a game that just came out yesterday called Grounded? It's a cross between a survival game and an RPG. Think of the movie Honey, I Shrunk The Kids. Made by Obsidian.

I saw a review by IGN. The reviewer gave it a 9 out of 10. However, the reviewer cautioned that the game has a problem with crashes.
It's a LONG game. The reviewer said he spent over 100 hours playing the game, and he wasn't done yet.
Has anyone here heard about a game that just came out yesterday called Grounded? It's a cross between a survival game and an RPG. Think of the movie Honey, I Shrunk The Kids. Made by Obsidian.

I saw a review by IGN. The reviewer gave it a 9 out of 10. However, the reviewer cautioned that the game has a problem with crashes.
It's a LONG game. The reviewer said he spent over 100 hours playing the game, and he wasn't done yet.

Yep, been on my wishlist for a good while, it has very good ratings. Kinda on the fence about whether its worth 40 or not though.

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