The Video Game Thread

Random, but this was the first year I played a NHL series more than Madden.

Just read Franchise mode may actually have restructuring. Hopefully RFA tenders will be back. Embarrasing how bad they've neglected franchise mode. I think 2008 was the last one that had ERFA/RFA tenders.
@Jammer, you still lurking around here?

The finally ported over Beat Saber to PSVR2. My sister has been hyping this game up to me for some time, so, when I saw it was available I finally pulled the trigger. It was worth it. Absolutely fun game. Looks great, can be challenging, and has music to really suck you into the game. I can see this being a great party game if you had a few friends over. They have quite a few music packs you can buy too (or you can purchase songs individually). I bought a couple packs already. Just wanted to throw that out there. Something you might like or be interested in.

If you bump up the difficulty level on some of the songs, and can make it through without failing, it's actually a pretty good little cardio workout. lol
Lol, I'm back. I am going to try that game. I haven't played hardly any PSVR2 game lately. I traveled to Dallas with my wife to visit my daughter and I brought along my PS5 with the PSVR2 with me to show my daughter. She has a large living room so I had plenty of room to play. We just redid my den so there is less room to use the VR unless I move some things around to make room. I want my wife to get into the VR thing put she has no desire. I have so many VR games to play, but I haven't done any of them. I can't help myself. I am usually good with my shopping, but not when it comes to games. :)
..I just loaded up Far Cry 6. Its Ok, n stuff.

Huge map, with tons of side quests, apart from main quest.

Blow things up, and...................Blow more things up. Bunch of vehichle to choose from.

You'll learn some good spanish in this one. Game takes place in south america.
I really like the Far Cry series. I know it's cookie-cutter scenario, but I like cookies so there's that. I've played every Far Cry game except the first one and Primal. I've played most of the DLCs as well. Not too long ago I played the DLC where you're in the "minds" of the antagonists of Far Cry 3-4-5. - Vaas Montenegro (FCry 3) Pagen Min (FC 4), and Joseph Seed (FC 5).

Those three were in the Roguelike format. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but ones I did, I enjoyed playing. You get the idea of the backstory through their eyes.
I know Hoofbite hated Dead Island 2, but I liked it for what it was, but barely. The game is not replayable to me. It's way too tedious. It's 90% melee combat and I'm not a fan of that but I drudged through it. My biggest complaint is you never clear a room of zombies. You think you clear an area but leaving a room for any length of time you will run into lots of zombies when you return. It prevented me for doing much exploring because no matter what you're doing to explore the area you are going to encounter zombies in droves. So boring doing that. There are a great many types of zombies and a variety of skins to showcase the variety. That was nice The game performed flawlessly on my PS5 and it looked great to me. Just too monotonous to play more than once.

I rented the game. Glad I didn't buy it.
Amazon has some great deals on SSD for PS5 right now. I just got a 2TB Samsung 980 Pro and a Sabrent heat sink for $116 shipped. There are plenty of other great prices too, I just decided to go with the Samsung.

What size do you have originally? I have a 1TB. I'm already moving old games to an external HD so I've started eyeing the 2TB with prices so low. Can you use the existing heatsink?
Lol, I'm back. I am going to try that game. I haven't played hardly any PSVR2 game lately. I traveled to Dallas with my wife to visit my daughter and I brought along my PS5 with the PSVR2 with me to show my daughter. She has a large living room so I had plenty of room to play. We just redid my den so there is less room to use the VR unless I move some things around to make room. I want my wife to get into the VR thing put she has no desire. I have so many VR games to play, but I haven't done any of them. I can't help myself. I am usually good with my shopping, but not when it comes to games. :)
I totally get that. I've got my wife to throw on the VR a few times, and while she does think it's pretty neat, she generally doesn't think it's as cool as I do. haha She has expressed some interest in Kayak VR, but I have yet to buy that one. I've bought a few VR games myself and it has been a bit hit or miss. Some have been great and some have been meh.
What size do you have originally? I have a 1TB. I'm already moving old games to an external HD so I've started eyeing the 2TB with prices so low. Can you use the existing heatsink?
I also have the 1TB. I do believe all the PS5 consoles came with "1TB". I quotation that as I think they technically came with 825TB, and after the software for the console, we only get something like 675GB of usable space. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my understanding.

As far as the heatsink, the PS5 does not come with an expandable SSD heatsink. It's just a metal blank that sits over the slot. There are some SSD sticks that you can buy that have a heatsink built on already (Samsung has a version of the exact memory I bought, but with the heatsink), but most do not come with one. If you order an SSD stick, make sure you either get one with a built on heatsink, or buy a heatsink separate. The Sabrent heatsink I bought, that is in my picture, had really great reviews and I've had zero issues with it so far.
I really like the Far Cry series. I know it's cookie-cutter scenario, but I like cookies so there's that. I've played every Far Cry game except the first one and Primal. I've played most of the DLCs as well. Not too long ago I played the DLC where you're in the "minds" of the antagonists of Far Cry 3-4-5. - Vaas Montenegro (FCry 3) Pagen Min (FC 4), and Joseph Seed (FC 5).

Those three were in the Roguelike format. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but ones I did, I enjoyed playing. You get the idea of the backstory through their eyes.
...I went and uninstalled Far Cry VI. It became so redundant, I was doing the same things over n over. The fun was already played out.

I rolled with Fallout 4. So far, its been a blast. Really enjoying it. Its also contains huge map to venture. But the sequences keep everything fresh.
...I went and uninstalled Far Cry VI. It became so redundant, I was doing the same things over n over. The fun was already played out.

I rolled with Fallout 4. So far, its been a blast. Really enjoying it. Its also contains huge map to venture. But the sequences keep everything fresh.
Been playing Fallout 4 on and off since launch. Never gets old. Did you get all the DLC as well? They are worth it
Been playing Fallout 4 on and off since launch. Never gets old. Did you get all the DLC as well? They are worth it
...haha.. right on, bro. Yes, i was able to buy the full edition during Xmas Steam sale last year. Such fun game. PipBoy idea is blasting. Love the fallout concept.
Dystopian world and you have to find ways to survive.
Review bombing for Starfield is gonna be crazy. Its already started and the game doesnt even release for another 80 days. I bet the Meta's will be in the 60's at launch until they can clean up the bogus negative reviews
...I just heard of Starfield coming out earlier this week. That's going to be a Kick-*** game for sure. AAA title.

My problem, I've yet to play Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk. Which I have both.

Though hope, Starfield is all it is by looking at it. ;).. As for the neg reviews. People just love to diss new things on horizon. They want attention. Will do anything to get it.
I totally get that. I've got my wife to throw on the VR a few times, and while she does think it's pretty neat, she generally doesn't think it's as cool as I do. haha She has expressed some interest in Kayak VR, but I have yet to buy that one. I've bought a few VR games myself and it has been a bit hit or miss. Some have been great and some have been meh.

I also have the 1TB. I do believe all the PS5 consoles came with "1TB". I quotation that as I think they technically came with 825TB, and after the software for the console, we only get something like 675GB of usable space. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my understanding.

As far as the heatsink, the PS5 does not come with an expandable SSD heatsink. It's just a metal blank that sits over the slot. There are some SSD sticks that you can buy that have a heatsink built on already (Samsung has a version of the exact memory I bought, but with the heatsink), but most do not come with one. If you order an SSD stick, make sure you either get one with a built on heatsink, or buy a heatsink separate. The Sabrent heatsink I bought, that is in my picture, had really great reviews and I've had zero issues with it so far.
You are correct on the available space on the console HD. I added a 1TB add on SSD and when I got it I had to buy a heatsink for it. I wondered if the heatsinks are universal for all the SSDs. I will have to check it out. I looked up the price of the SSD I added and it's only $60 now. I think I paid around $200 for it a couple of years ago. Technology marches on.
...I went and uninstalled Far Cry VI. It became so redundant, I was doing the same things over n over. The fun was already played out.

I rolled with Fallout 4. So far, its been a blast. Really enjoying it. Its also contains huge map to venture. But the sequences keep everything fresh.
I can understand the redundance of game play. I guess for me, it's mindless fun. I've been trying to play Fallout 4, but it's slow going. It hasn't hooked me just yet.
You are correct on the available space on the console HD. I added a 1TB add on SSD and when I got it I had to buy a heatsink for it. I wondered if the heatsinks are universal for all the SSDs. I will have to check it out. I looked up the price of the SSD I added and it's only $60 now. I think I paid around $200 for it a couple of years ago. Technology marches on.
Ahhhhh ok. I'm picking up what you're putting down now. Yeah, I'm not sure. Is assume all the heatsinks are universal, but I don't know that for certain.
Well, as soon as Microsoft's purchase of Activision finally gets approved, magically Activision patched all the matchmaking in the old Call of Duty games. I've been hearing the player count has been way up. Think I'm going to try and fire up Black Ops tonight and hop into a lobby. Black Ops is my all-time favorite COD game. Would be nostalgia overload running around in some matches in that game.
I can understand the redundance of game play. I guess for me, it's mindless fun. I've been trying to play Fallout 4, but it's slow going. It hasn't hooked me just yet.
I don't know if you play it on console, but on PC there are so many free, awesome mods you can easily add to the game that makes it incredible.
Including entire DLC sized add-ons and campaigns.
I haven't played it in a few years, but I remember adding a mod that put Godzilla in the game and you either had to flee, or face it with all you got while the NPC's freaked out.

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