The Video Game Thread

I don’t know how many people here play video games, but I posted another Off Top video. In this one I talk about all the original Xbox & PS2 games that I hope become backwards compatible on the Xbox Series X. And I’m on camera talking on this one. Enjoy!

Cool topic idea. I didn't know Xbox x would go back to the org. xbox games but would be cool for some nostalgia. Marvel Nemesis is a good one but licensing probably not. On that note, I want that 360 Wolverine game redone. Violent as hell but likely not unf. Jaws Unleashed and the Marvel v Capcom fighting games would be good OG games I'd add on.
Cool topic idea. I didn't know Xbox x would go back to the org. xbox games but would be cool for some nostalgia. Marvel Nemesis is a good one but licensing probably not. On that note, I want that 360 Wolverine game redone. Violent as hell but likely not unf. Jaws Unleashed and the Marvel v Capcom fighting games would be good OG games I'd add on.
They have some original Xbox games on the marketplace right now. I was able to buy Star Wars Battlefront 2, the Knights of the Old Republic games, Mercenaries and Ninja Gaiden again.

Marvel Nemesis is one of my honorable mentions in the video. Loved that game. I’m sure there’s all sorts of holdups in these situations, but it’d be cool to have it back. Jaws was a lot of fun too, from what I remember.

I never played that Wolverine game but my best friend beat it multiple times over. Same with the X2 Wolverine game on the PS2. He always sung their praises. I’ll finally play them if they become backwards compatible.
I wish I knew anything about that world but missed out growing up. Do you really need to know the story to enjoy?


It's a stealth sequel. You will be confused at the end of the game if you don't know the lore of FF7.
I don’t know how many people here play video games, but I posted another Off Top video. In this one I talk about all the original Xbox & PS2 games that I hope become backwards compatible on the Xbox Series X. And I’m on camera talking on this one. Enjoy!

You had a few games on there I could definitely get onboard with. Midnight Club was great and I absolutely loved Def Jam Fight for NY. I think my most desired game I would absolutely love to see get backwards compatible or even remastered is Need For Speed: Underground 2. Such a classic game. I spent hours and hours driving the streets of Bayview. :D
Cool topic idea. I didn't know Xbox x would go back to the org. xbox games but would be cool for some nostalgia. Marvel Nemesis is a good one but licensing probably not. On that note, I want that 360 Wolverine game redone. Violent as hell but likely not unf. Jaws Unleashed and the Marvel v Capcom fighting games would be good OG games I'd add on.

I thoroughly played X-Men Origins: Wolverine on my PlayStation 3, in fact it is the game I earned my first platinum trophy. The movie was universally panned, but the game was underrated. :thumbup:

You had a few games on there I could definitely get onboard with. Midnight Club was great and I absolutely loved Def Jam Fight for NY. I think my most desired game I would absolutely love to see get backwards compatible or even remastered is Need For Speed: Underground 2. Such a classic game. I spent hours and hours driving the streets of Bayview. :D
I was talking crap about every other racing franchise outside of Midnight Club there for a second, but I’m right there with lol I loved Underground 2. And I’m glad there’s someone else that appreciates Fight For NY. That game was a masterpiece.

This is your regularly scheduled reminder to be playing Hunt: Showdown.

-Here we have just found the boss on the map, so that's where the objective and money is. Another team is already fighting.
-I push in after hitting one guy, and get surprised when there are two of them inside. I don't think they were very good though.
-We're in Trios, and I heard their third player get killed earlier. While getting everything together, I hear a third team coming in. Sound is a big part of the game.
-The black coat guy gets lucky as I barely miss a **** with my pistol. I move inside and take a good spot with my shotgun. He pushes in not knowing where I am and isn't so lucky this time.
-OOPS, that's the boss. Maybe let's leave him alone for now.
-I heard a teammate get killed and look in that direction. The enemy is still there and rushes me with a saber. That's a one hit kill if he gets in close enough. Guess what is usually pretty good against melee weapons.
-I can hear another guy running around out there, so I set up in my spot. After a but, he comes running in with ANOTHER saber.
-I'm a little surprised my first shot misses. The second shot I didn't feel good about. He closes in the saber...
-...and somehow misses. I take the opportunity to reposition and put some space between us. At some point. Someone cracks open a jar of monster bees (yes, seriously) and I take some poison damage.
-I hear the saber guy back in the tunnel. I guess that he's going for a revive in the black coat guy, so I throw my dynamite in there.
-He's forced to run out to avoid the dynamite. We try the saber rush for a second time.
-Got him. I had to take a moment to let him know what I think of his team full calvary sabers trying to disrespect me like that.

All these players are gone. Like, gone gone. They have to use in game money to hire new hunters and buy new weapons.

Sorry for the long post. I can't recommend this game enough--whatever platform you're playing on.
I wish I knew anything about that world but missed out growing up. Do you really need to know the story to enjoy?

I have not played the remake. I did play the original like 3 times. It’s an amazing, amazing game.

you do not need to play the original to enjoy the remake. It’s the same story, but more in depth from everything I read.
What kind of headsets are you guys running? I have a wired RIG headset, and while they aren't bad (especially for the price) I've been kind of thinking about going wireless. The wire just has some inconveniences. If I want to run, say to the kitchen for a drink and keep conversation with friends, I'm having to tote my controller with me. Not only that but my dogs like to frequently roll up to me and say high randomly and sometimes they will accidentally grab the wire and rip the controller out of my hand. It can be annoying but I can't get mad at them about it. So anyway, anybody running a good wireless set?
What kind of headsets are you guys running? I have a wired RIG headset, and while they aren't bad (especially for the price) I've been kind of thinking about going wireless. The wire just has some inconveniences. If I want to run, say to the kitchen for a drink and keep conversation with friends, I'm having to tote my controller with me. Not only that but my dogs like to frequently roll up to me and say high randomly and sometimes they will accidentally grab the wire and rip the controller out of my hand. It can be annoying but I can't get mad at them about it. So anyway, anybody running a good wireless set?
I have been looking for a great wireless headset as well and every so often, I will think I found the perfect one as the reviews are so positive, then I start finding negative reviews and everything gets scrambled again.

The only two gaming headsets I have bought in the last couple of years are wired and those were the HyperX Cloud II and HyperX Cloud Alpha, yet I still use my speakers instead.

Away from gaming, I love my Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headset (microphone is horrible though), but I was fortunate enough to get an early firmware version that had great noise cancellation where future firmware updates were widely hated for greatly lowering the noise cancellation support.

Trying to find a good headset is very difficult because the quality of sound is highly subjective depending on the experience and preferences of the wearer. What sounds great to one person sounds horrible to another. Same goes for the microphones on those headsets.

In the past, you just had to buy "the expensive" brand/model to get the best wired headsets, but these days, there are sub-$100 headsets that sound better than $200+ headsets.