The Walking Dead (S5) - First half of season thread

Super intense premier. The "bleeding" scene was as in your face as I can remember for this series. I'm looking forward to see how these people became such monsters. I guess hunger (read: survival) is a unstoppable and primal force.
Great ep. Carol has gone from maybe my least favorite character in the books to my favorite character not named Maggie on the show.

I am fearing a tiny bit that the show is planning a re-Governor storyline this season. Whole episodes dedicated to Gareth and his backstory until the inevitable confrontation with Rick. And then Rick is wrecked with guilt because someone's death could have been prevented if he had only killed the Gover...I mean, Gareth at Woodbur...I mean, Terminus like he wanted to do.

Kind of strange nobody went looking for Beth. I thought last season left off suggesting she was there.
Great ep. Carol has gone from maybe my least favorite character in the books to my favorite character not named Maggie on the show.

I am fearing a tiny bit that the show is planning a re-Governor storyline this season. Whole episodes dedicated to Gareth and his backstory until the inevitable confrontation with Rick. And then Rick is wrecked with guilt because someone's death could have been prevented if he had only killed the Gover...I mean, Gareth at Woodbur...I mean, Terminus like he wanted to do.

Kind of strange nobody went looking for Beth. I thought last season left off suggesting she was there.

See I don't think so. I do agree on getting more back story but I don't see Gareth being any where close in "evil" as the Governor.

What back story there was is meant to "soften" the view of Gareth.

There is evil coming, but Gareth isn't the main supplier of it.
Great first episode. Man it was in your face and intense. Rick was a beast but I liked how they still had him listening to Glenn and others and still showing a bit of humanity. I do think Rick was right though and they should have made sure Gareth was dead and not let him live.

I do agree with you Michael that he's not going to supply the real evil that's coming but I do think Rick deciding to listen to the group and not go back and finish them off will comeback to haunt them in that Gareth will show up and kill someone important to the group. Then Rick will be angry that he didn't do what he felt he should have done.

Also did Tyrese really beat the other guy to death or did he just tell Carol he did so she wouldn't go in there and kill him? I've got a feeling he didn't actually kill the guy. That's just a gut feeling there.

LOVED the way they showed Morgan at the end of everything there. I knew they were going to bring him back in somehow. That makes me very happy.

Carol was on point as well. She definitely earned her way back into the group and frankly I think she may have even earned her way back into me liking her. I'll admit that when she killed Karen and the other person, for what I felt like was no reason, I absolutely couldn't stand her and was glad Rick made her leave but I think she might have redeemed herself in my eyes all the way now. She started it last year by telling Tyrese the truth and letting him decide rather to let her live or die but I think the first episode brought her full circle back for me.

One thing I do wonder as well...what was the point of the baseball bat to the back of the head only to slit their throats when they could clearly still feel it? Just seemed overly brutal but maybe that was the point? Also did anyone else notice that the blond kid that they bleed first is the same guy playing The Penguin in Gotham? I didn't realize that last season when Rick and Carol found that kid with his girlfriend. I'd wondered if he got away or we were just to assume he died like she did.
See I don't think so. I do agree on getting more back story but I don't see Gareth being any where close in "evil" as the Governor.

What back story there was is meant to "soften" the view of Gareth.

There is evil coming, but Gareth isn't the main supplier of it.

Interesting. Matter-of-factness seems like the worst kind of evil. The scene at the blood trough, just there doing inventory.

I don't remember him from the books at all.
One thing I do wonder as well...what was the point of the baseball bat to the back of the head only to slit their throats when they could clearly still feel it?

To knock them out so they would just be still and bleed into the tub all nice and tidy like.
Also did anyone else notice that the blond kid that they bleed first is the same guy playing The Penguin in Gotham? I didn't realize that last season when Rick and Carol found that kid with his girlfriend. I'd wondered if he got away or we were just to assume he died like she did.

Yep, that was kid that got away in the episode that Rick banished Carol.

I didn't notice it at the time, but when I re-watched the episode last night Rick and he shared that "I know you" look at the trough.
Was the guy on the cutting table anyone of significance? The camera seemed to linger.

In case anyone missed it, the crazy face tattoo guy screaming, "we're the same" and the guy in the very end who hits Gareth with a flashlight were the same character. I'm guessing the real bad guy is similarly locked in a train car somewhere. Couldn't read the tattoos but just their existence is interesting. Had to have been done after arriving at Terminus, but who and why?
Was the guy on the cutting table anyone of significance? The camera seemed to linger.

In case anyone missed it, the crazy face tattoo guy screaming, "we're the same" and the guy in the very end who hits Gareth with a flashlight were the same character. I'm guessing the real bad guy is similarly locked in a train car somewhere. Couldn't read the tattoos but just their existence is interesting. Had to have been done after arriving at Terminus, but who and why?

The guy on the cutting table was Gareth's brother who was accidently shot and killed by one of the Terminites as Rick held him hostage.

I guess the point being it didn't matter who you were in the community... if you met your demise then you became meat.
Was the guy on the cutting table anyone of significance? The camera seemed to linger.

In case anyone missed it, the crazy face tattoo guy screaming, "we're the same" and the guy in the very end who hits Gareth with a flashlight were the same character. I'm guessing the real bad guy is similarly locked in a train car somewhere. Couldn't read the tattoos but just their existence is interesting. Had to have been done after arriving at Terminus, but who and why?

They were? That seems odd cause didn't he get killed by a Walker immediately after they let him out?
i need to pay more attention or something...feel like you all are talking about something I didnt watch when I know I clearly did haha
They were? That seems odd cause didn't he get killed by a Walker immediately after they let him out?

Yeah, odd but I think he was just kind of the muscle for the main baddie. His dying fast probably doesn't mean much.

The part of the "large man," as showrunner Scott M. Gimple called him, was played by Owen Harn, and was indeed the same man who was later devoured by walkers after his group invaded Terminus and was captured and held captive by Gareth's group.

"He's one of the dudes that took over Termius," executive producer and VFX guru Greg Nicotero tells The Hollywood Reporter. "At the end, when they go back into the train car and you see them, that's the same guy.
Yeah, odd but I think he was just kind of the muscle for the main baddie. His dying fast probably doesn't mean much.

Oh my bad man. I completely mistook which part you were talking about. I thought you meant one of the guys up by Gareth, when Rick shoots at them, during the Walker attack. It didn't dawn on me you meant the guy they showed in the last flash back was the one that Rick and them let out.

My fault.
There are so many potential clues that they dump on you in each episode of the TWD.

For example we know that Sam ended up in Terminus and was the first one to get the bat to the back of the head/throat slit finisher.

But we still don't really know how his girlfriend, Ana, ended up having one of her legs severed (prior to being eaten by zombies) in the episode where they met Rick & Carol. That's still a puzzle.

Then we have the group that the governor and his new group came upon and they left them alone, only to came back later to find that the group had been attacked and murdered.
There are so many potential clues that they dump on you in each episode of the TWD.

For example we know that Sam ended up in Terminus and was the first one to get the bat to the back of the head/throat slit finisher.

But we still don't really know how his girlfriend, Ana, ended up having one of her legs severed (prior to being eaten by zombies) in the episode where they met Rick & Carol. That's still a puzzle.

Then we have the group that the governor and his new group came upon and they left them alone, only to came back later to find that the group had been attacked and murdered.

I thought the idea about the group being dead, when they came back, was sort of a head nod that the Governor went in and killed them after the other guy wouldn't do it to take their stuff.

I always just assumed you were supposed to know that The Governor did it and it was indication of his turn back toward evil and his desire to destroy Rick and the prison.
I thought the idea about the group being dead, when they came back, was sort of a head nod that the Governor went in and killed them after the other guy wouldn't do it to take their stuff.

I always just assumed you were supposed to know that The Governor did it and it was indication of his turn back toward evil and his desire to destroy Rick and the prison.

No, I just don't buy that one, that the Governor did that. Yes, he was capable but there was nothing in the show's writing that gave even an inkling that he did it... no signs of captured goodies from the other camp... Nada. Plus at that point he was still pretty much on his own UNTIL after he killed the leader that replaced Martinez.
Also did Tyrese really beat the other guy to death or did he just tell Carol he did so she wouldn't go in there and kill him? I've got a feeling he didn't actually kill the guy. That's just a gut feeling there.

This is actually a good question. I'm suspicious also that the guy was left alive by Tyrese simply because I'm pretty sure there was no mention of him in the "Remembering those we lost" kind of segment on Talking Dead.
No, I just don't buy that one, that the Governor did that. Yes, he was capable but there was nothing in the show's writing that gave even an inkling that he did it... no signs of captured goodies from the other camp... Nada. Plus at that point he was still pretty much on his own UNTIL after he killed the leader that replaced Martinez.

It's possible he didn't. I just had the feeling it was the conclusion they wanted you to jump to based on the fact that he was in this struggle, internally at the time, with rather to be who he was or try and be someone different now.

The other possibility I've thought of is that it was the first forshadowing (I don't think I spelled that right) of the group that Darryl meets up with when he's on his own later in the year and then Rick goes beast mode on at the end of last season.
This is actually a good question. I'm suspicious also that the guy was left alive by Tyrese simply because I'm pretty sure there was no mention of him in the "Remembering those we lost" kind of segment on Talking Dead.

That i didn't know because I never watch the Talking Dead thing. But that's a pretty good catch and indication that the guy was not killed then as I suspected.

As people will recall that guy told them that there were more people out there ready to set off fireworks like him, as a distraction to the walkers, so my thought is that Gareth will round those few up, along with the guy Tyrese failed to kill, and they'll comeback looking for revenge.

I don't expect them to be a huge thing, or anything, but I am guessing the decision by Tyrese not to kill that guy and Rick deciding to listen to the group and not go back and finish them off will haunt them because when they do return they'll kill one of the big remaining members.

I'm thinking at this point Tyrese will die because of this and it will be partly at the hands of that guy he let live when he shouldn't have.
It's possible he didn't. I just had the feeling it was the conclusion they wanted you to jump to based on the fact that he was in this struggle, internally at the time, with rather to be who he was or try and be someone different now.

The other possibility I've thought of is that it was the first forshadowing (I don't think I spelled that right) of the group that Darryl meets up with when he's on his own later in the year and then Rick goes beast mode on at the end of last season.

I would sooner believe it was the group that Daryl hooked up with rather than the governor.

The governor always seemed to "hulk-up" before he killed someone... there was always a trigger that got him angry. I didn't see any sort of that with this un-named group.

The problem I have with it being Joe's group that murdered the un-named group is that there was no mention of a possible connection during his time with Daryl.

Also keep in mind the group of dead bodies with the signs attached, also found by the new governor group, that hasn't been explained.

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