The Walking Dead (S5) - First half of season thread

Why was Maggie not concerned about Beth?

Good question.

There's never been a lot of "sisterly love" between the two characters. Beth didn't seem too worried about Maggie while touring the country with Daryl and Maggie was all about finding Glenn.

Many siblings aren't close in real life and probably wouldn't be in a zombie apocalypse.
Soooooo, next episode is called "Slabtown" so looks like you guys are probably right in that it will probably be an entire show for Beth and another group of survivors in what looks to be Atlanta.

As for another guess of who the Mystery Contestant is for next new cast member when introduced with throwing this out there but do we know for certain that Terminus Mary (Denise Crosby aka Tasha Yar) got deaded by those walkers that Carole let in...? Just wishing because I would loooooove if she somehow stays on the show for more than a minute.
I am NOT being mean when I say this but from previous threads and this one I have to ask if you are being serious with some of the things you post. I don't know if you really don't watch the show, if you do watch the show but just somehow completely miss on obvious things or if you are just trying to troll people.

Again, not being mean but I just don't see how you can be so far off and miss so many obvious things.

I think you might be better off watching the talking dead show afterwards to get a little insight that you seem to be missing.

I do watch it and am not trying to troll anyone.

I just believed at the end of last season (and still do believe) that there is going to be a twist as to why she left Daryl. Why wasn't there a scream if she was abducted, for example.

I guess we will find out soon enough if next week's episode explains her disappearance.
I do watch it and am not trying to troll anyone.

I just believed at the end of last season (and still do believe) that there is going to be a twist as to why she left Daryl. Why wasn't there a scream if she was abducted, for example.

I guess we will find out soon enough if next week's episode explains her disappearance.

She got kidnapped, deal with it.

Especially since right before she yelled "I'm not leaving you!" when they were surrounded by walkers.

Hate when people try to outsmart everyone with theories that make 0 sense, supported by 0 evidence.

As for "Slabtown"' someone on a forum posted this :

"Slabtown or Slab Town was a red-light district established in Atlanta in the 1840s, and located off Decatur Street. Largely built with abandoned concrete plates used in construction, called slabs. This wicked development was of great annoyance to the good citizens of Atlanta, as crimes were often committed there, and many of the young men fell into bad habits from frequenting Slabtown. In these places occurred scenes of debauchery and indecency that shocked the moral sense of the community."
Episode 5-4... 11-2-14

Do to my schedule I'm not watching it tonight... I'll catch it on on-demand.
Well, for this viewer this was the wrong weekend for a Beth episode. Oh well.
It was what I expected. They needed to set up the story arch for what comes next. These people are a little "off" to be certain.
Good episode, but if this was a relationship...massive case of blue balls. Thought it was going to tell more story. Pretty clear who's with Daryl now.

I'm thinking we're not going to be going to DC.
Wonder if they look at Carol and consider her not worth saving.

Given what was said in the episode about who gets saved/brought back, seems strange that they brought her back. Wouldn't look at her and think she's useful.
Wonder if they look at Carol and consider her not worth saving.

Given what was said in the episode about who gets saved/brought back, seems strange that they brought her back. Wouldn't look at her and think she's useful.

They bring back who they perceive to be weak. And they usually save that person if no one has any hidden agendas. (doc having beth kill the other doc)
Just watched the episode.

Sort of a yawn.

I think we did see who is going to emerge out of the weeds, following Daryl.
The episode was alright because we got to see what happened to Beth and we also saw some new survivors doing things in a totally different way in the hospital in Atlanta.

I think we will also find that the person with Darryl is going to be the kid who escaped when Beth was stopped.

The episode wasn't that great. It was a bit boring and it was just introducing a whole lot of people that we just really aren't going to like. The kid who got away when they escaped is really the only person you can sort of like and even he can't be completely liked now that he just left her by herself.

I get why he did and I understand why the doctor does what he does but it's just added stuff to make the people in that group less liked. I really don't like the cop lady but that's obviously the role they want her to take.

I am curious now about what's going to happen when Carol wakes up and the bigger concern for me now is that I'm afraid we are about to go into a string of 3 or 4 episodes without any of the main group being used or mentioned. Next weeks show clearly is going to be about Abraham and that group so you've got 2 straight right there and I've just a feeling that the following week will be about Carol and Beth.

It's going to be very interesting to see how that lady keeps order when Carol wakes up because she isn't going to go for being smacked around or told what she can and can not do. I don't think she will anyway.
Did anyone see Talking Dead? They were still going along with the beginning explanatation of them "saving" Beth. And that was with the Beth actress there. I thought it was made clear at the end when they showed all their vehicles. That they were the ones who took her from the house when she was with Daryl.
The episode wasn't that great. It was a bit boring and it was just introducing a whole lot of people that we just really aren't going to like. The kid who got away when they escaped is really the only person you can sort of like and even he can't be completely liked now that he just left her by herself.

I am curious now about what's going to happen when Carol wakes up and the bigger concern for me now is that I'm afraid we are about to go into a string of 3 or 4 episodes without any of the main group being used or mentioned. Next weeks show clearly is going to be about Abraham and that group so you've got 2 straight right there and I've just a feeling that the following week will be about Carol and Beth.

Yep, the show doesn't do flow as well when an entire episode focuses on just a character or a small group of characters other than the Tyreese/Carol episode last season.

By this point we automatically assume any large group of people "our group" meets up has a leader that's ***** up. LOL!

Woodberry, Terminus, The governor's new group, the hospital group.
Did anyone see Talking Dead? They were still going along with the beginning explanatation of them "saving" Beth. And that was with the Beth actress there. I thought it was made clear at the end when they showed all their vehicles. That they were the ones who took her from the house when she was with Daryl.

Those were the people who snatched her.

The person who has returned with Darryl isn't going to be Beth, or Carol.

It's going to be that kid that got away when he and Beth tried to escape. That's what's going to lead Rick and his group to find Beth and Carol. They're going to find out that the kid knows where Beth is and they're going to make him show them where she is.

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