"The Walking Dead" Season 6 - Episodes 1-8

Just watched it again. Glenn clearly is under the other dude who is getting eaten. Glenn has a short window to escape, either by sliding under the dumpster or getting covered in the other guys dead guts and slipping away by crawling under the zombie hoard. Glenn lives!
Just watched it again. Glenn clearly is under the other dude who is getting eaten. Glenn has a short window to escape, either by sliding under the dumpster or getting covered in the other guys dead guts and slipping away by crawling under the zombie hoard. Glenn lives!

Agreed on the point Glenn did survive. He was right next to the dumpster.
No find out if Glenn is still alive tonight? This Morgan episode is inconvenient.
Thought the same. I was going into it expecting it to be meh, but man was I wrong.

well, i'm not a huge fan of them jumping all around the timeline like they have been. to me, that's a gimmick that works well when lightly used, but like putting too much garlic on something, can kill when overused. in the 1st episode of the year i loved it. grew tired of it by last week but last night it fit. as far as i know we still are not 100% certain what happened to his wife and child, other than killed, as far as i know. in any event, something made him that crazy and had to be brought back and yea, i may have missed it told elsewhere. that or they'll say in 3 episodes and come back to it later.

to pull it out the way they did in this show last night was brilliant, i thought. morgan, lennie james is doing a phenominal job with this role and becoming one of my favorites. you could feel his anger and you could feel it subside as he turned back to "human" so to speak. i was glad they took an extra 30 minutes for it and allowed it to play out moreso than just a 60 minute episode. i do however hope they do NOT make it an entire season like the gov when he went on his own walkabout.

next week should be fun. find out i hope what happened to glenn but it looks like it will get milked as the previews showed maggie gearin up with a DO NOT STOP ME look on her face. she has faded this season as has carl. judith they just bring out when bored. :)

good show. a break from the panic fest of the previous 3 and now back to seeing how improbable the escapes are for rick and glenn.
I loved last nights episode...a little slow but the back story was needed.
The first few episodes this season have been full on pretty much non stop action. I figured all the people who are always complaining about not enough action would enjoy the first few episodes.
It was a good time to have a flash back piece even though it sucks because everyone wants to see the Glenn situation play out.

The episode itself was pretty good and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was nice to see how he learned the bowstaff but at the same time it is kind of funny to think he is some kind of Shaolin master level only after having a few lessons from a guy that we have no clue what level he was. But you have to suspend your belief some in these types of shows when it is a Zombie show and mostly make believe anyway.
I do hate when they come up with absurd ways people die. Morgan freezes and a guy that is supposedly an expert fighter with the staff and instead of hitting the walker he grabs Morgan and turns his back to the walker. I really cringe at the convenient out of character stupidity when the writers need them to be stupid.

In the long game I wonder who will end up being responsible for more deaths from poor decisions, Rick or Morgan?
Eastman said "all life is precious" but he didn't think his own life was so precious after he got ill from the walker bit. Did he have Morgan kill him?
Eastman said "all life is precious" but he didn't think his own life was so precious after he got ill from the walker bit. Did he have Morgan kill him?

The walking dead are not alive = no "life/lives" there to take.

I didn't care too much for episode. How Morgan came to be could have remained an "unexplained" thing. Too much spoon feeding.

Only thing I liked was "ptsd" work-in..... We are not supposed to kill. As humans that's not what we are... That's why soldiers come back fudged up.

But then that's the point of TWD... Not about zombies, it's about humans and how they deal with this... Fight to live... Survival of the fittest. Etc..
Eastman said "all life is precious" but he didn't think his own life was so precious after he got ill from the walker bit. Did he have Morgan kill him?

I think that its implied he did have Morgan kill him.

He was at peace with the fact that death at that point was inevitable.

So he just went about doing what he normally would do, until he couldn't anymore. No panic whatsoever after the bite.

This episode is probably my favorite of the series thus far.
I think that its implied he did have Morgan kill him.

He was at peace with the fact that death at that point was inevitable.

So he just went about doing what he normally would do, until he couldn't anymore. No panic whatsoever after the bite.

This episode is probably my favorite of the series thus far.

Thanks for clearing that up. I thought that is what they were implying when Eastman said "I'm ready" and then cut scene and we see him no more... just his grave as Morgan is walking away. Not my favorite episode but it was different. It served it's purpose of moving Morgan's story forward. Now we can get back to Glenn... dead or alive?
I think that its implied he did have Morgan kill him.

He was at peace with the fact that death at that point was inevitable.

So he just went about doing what he normally would do, until he couldn't anymore. No panic whatsoever after the bite.

This episode is probably my favorite of the series thus far.

I thought it was implied that he had a gun and he was going to do it himself. Like Andrea... Etc...
Glenn's probably alive. I've posted my thoughts about this several times recently. He should be dead.
I loved last nights episode...a little slow but the back story was needed.

I really can't disagree. It just seemed like a mighty bad time to slow things down considering everything that was going on.

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