"The Walking Dead" Season 6 - Episodes 1-8

Only 3 episodes left before the mid season finale. Next episode is a Daryl/Sasha/Abe episode, but I'm struggling to see what they can fill the following episode with to not reveal Glenns fate. Maybe an episode about the girl who went over the wall? I think she's working with the wolves and don't think they're going to reveal much more with them until the finale though. I predict we find out Glenns fate in 2 weeks towards the end in some fashion and get more clarity in the finale.

I think they've milked the Glenn thing too long.

Last nights episode was rather lackluster IMO.
I think they've milked the Glenn thing too long.

Last nights episode was rather lackluster IMO.

i was flipping back and forth from the game and there just wasn't much memorable in this. well the game or the show to be honest.

maggie is preggars. yay. outside that the lady queen has given up, rick won't bury killers inside the walls (would that mean himself also if he were to die in all this?) and carl's best shot is to knock a kid over prompting an illegal overuse of camera angles and dramatic spins.

at this point i just don't care what happens to glenn. dead, alive, walker, or puffy the underoo man now i just don't care. it just doesn't matter anymore.

it just doesn't matter.

it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter....(anyone care to finish this odd quote?)
Only 3 episodes left before the mid season finale. Next episode is a Daryl/Sasha/Abe episode, but I'm struggling to see what they can fill the following episode with to not reveal Glenns fate. Maybe an episode about the girl who went over the wall? I think she's working with the wolves and don't think they're going to reveal much more with them until the finale though. I predict we find out Glenns fate in 2 weeks towards the end in some fashion and get more clarity in the finale.

TWD is officially a day time soap opera (at night).

Looking back.. This show jumped the shark season 2 episode 1.

What a meandering, no direction show. I'm done with it.

The dude in the bathroom on flight 462 is more interesting than entire seasons of TWD. LOL
i was flipping back and forth from the game and there just wasn't much memorable in this. well the game or the show to be honest.

maggie is preggars. yay. outside that the lady queen has given up, rick won't bury killers inside the walls (would that mean himself also if he were to die in all this?) and carl's best shot is to knock a kid over prompting an illegal overuse of camera angles and dramatic spins.

at this point i just don't care what happens to glenn. dead, alive, walker, or puffy the underoo man now i just don't care. it just doesn't matter anymore.

it just doesn't matter.

it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter...it just doesn't matter....(anyone care to finish this odd quote?)

If we win or lose?

Can't remember the exact thing without looking it up but I take it you are talking Bill Murray from Meatballs.
If we win or lose?

Can't remember the exact thing without looking it up but I take it you are talking Bill Murray from Meatballs.

close enough. you win the internet for the day. it was ending with "all the good looking girls will STILL go out with the guys from "insert rich kid camp name here". and falls to the floor.
I was looking forward to watching this episode after Dallas collapsed again, but it was a bigger let down then the defense last night.

I dont mind filler episodes but how about filling them with the story.

Like how did Rick get out of the RV?
Why didnt anyone tell him about the Wolves? I would of liked to have seen his reaction.
How did the Wolves get into the camp? Can the zombies get in there as well?
I was looking forward to watching this episode after Dallas collapsed again, but it was a bigger let down then the defense last night.

I dont mind filler episodes but how about filling them with the story.

Like how did Rick get out of the RV?
Why didnt anyone tell him about the Wolves? I would of liked to have seen his reaction.
How did the Wolves get into the camp? Can the zombies get in there as well?

You know after the whole long morgan back story episode

I completely forgot about the cliff hanger they left Rick in only for him to just be running and saying...open the gate. Maybe they go back to it, maybe not.

The only couple things of note in last nights episode IMO was

Maggie wanted to go out on her own and she almost got killed in the drain, if Aaron had not been there she probably would have been killed.

Aaron owned up to him being partially responsible for the wolves coming into the compound.
Why didnt anyone tell him about the Wolves? I would of liked to have seen his reaction.
Rick was told at some point. He told Diane that Carol could not account for one wolf after the attack. That wolf, as he explained to Diane, was the zombie that attacked her, which had crawled from underneath the house she was walking past to return the items her son stole from the storeroom.
How did the Wolves get into the camp?
I assumed it was the same way "Just Survive Somehow" Enid leaves and returns to the community. They climbed over a wall.
Can the zombies get in there as well?
It wouldn't shock me if Diane's son leaves the main gate open. He has a death wish.

On the other hand, why worry about zombies outside the wall when you have idiots inside the walls committing suicide?
Oh and at the very end of this episode.

Were they trying to zoom in on a part of the wall that had a long streak of rust down it as if it was a weak point that would come into play later?

I could not quite make it out but figured that was what they were going for at the end.
I was looking forward to watching this episode after Dallas collapsed again, but it was a bigger let down then the defense last night.

I dont mind filler episodes but how about filling them with the story.

Like how did Rick get out of the RV?
Why didnt anyone tell him about the Wolves? I would of liked to have seen his reaction.
How did the Wolves get into the camp? Can the zombies get in there as well?

given the way they're telling the story this year, look for how rick got out to be in the 2nd half season opener.
given the way they're telling the story this year, look for how rick got out to be in the 2nd half season opener.

What if we find out that glenn pulls up in the dumpster and parks it next to the RV and Rick climbs out the top and jumps down onto the dumpster....Only problem would be why Rick came running to the gate by himself without the dumpster.

Hmmm...I smell a scooby doo mystery.
Oh and at the very end of this episode.

Were they trying to zoom in on a part of the wall that had a long streak of rust down it as if it was a weak point that would come into play later?

I could not quite make it out but figured that was what they were going for at the end.

That was bizarre, it looked like a hole with blood pouring through it to me.
What if we find out that glenn pulls up in the dumpster and parks it next to the RV and Rick climbs out the top and jumps down onto the dumpster....Only problem would be why Rick came running to the gate by himself without the dumpster.

Hmmm...I smell a scooby doo mystery.

the only way that could happen is if the dumpster had no bottom just small wheels to allow a skinny asian to get in it but not a dead white american and he could fred flintstone it forward looking through a little porthole. that or maybe a minibike in the dumpster where he can ride it all while pushing the dumpster along for protection!

ok, so this wasn't much of a stretch after all...
Glenn's Fate by DallasEast

(Flashback slated for the next episode)

The scene opens in a woodshed. The woodshed is occupied by one of the wolves who is an acoustics engineer that discovers an audio frequency which attracts zombies. It's a frequency only zombies can hear.

The engineer decides to test his discovery on the zombies in the quarry, goes there, and discovers they're all gone! So he tracks them to the small town and turns on his equipment in his car at the moment Nicholas blows his brains out. The zombies do not react immediately, so they begin feeding. Then, almost instantly, the entire herd stops, turns, and slowly follow the engineer's car out of town.

The camera pans from the multitude of zombies marching away from the dumpster and settles on Glenn's face. Glenn's eyes are round as saucers. He hears the frequency...

On the next episode of AMC's The Walking Dead, Daryl cries as he spots Glenn shuffling by his hiding spot in the woods. AMC's ratings increase among females 18-49. Norman Reedus's contract balloons by 150%.
Glenn's Fate by DallasEast

(Flashback slated for the next episode)

The scene opens in a woodshed. The woodshed is occupied by one of the wolves who is an acoustics engineer that discovers an audio frequency which attracts zombies. It's a frequency only zombies can hear.

The engineer decides to test his discovery on the zombies in the quarry, goes there, and discovers they're all gone! So he tracks them to the small town and turns on his equipment in his car at the moment Nicholas blows his brains out. The zombies do not react immediately, so they begin feeding. Then, almost instantly, the entire herd stops, turns, and slowly follow the engineer's car out of town.

The camera pans from the multitude of zombies marching away from the dumpster and settles on Glenn's face. Glenn's eyes are round as saucers. He hears the frequency...

On the next episode of AMC's The Walking Dead, Daryl cries as he spots Glenn shuffling by his hiding spot in the woods. AMC's ratings increase among females 18-49. Norman Reedus's contract balloons by 150%.


Maybe that's why ratings have taken a hit... Daryl's screen-time this season has taken a big hit so far.
the only way that could happen is if the dumpster had no bottom just small wheels to allow a skinny asian to get in it but not a dead white american and he could fred flintstone it forward looking through a little porthole. that or maybe a minibike in the dumpster where he can ride it all while pushing the dumpster along for protection!

ok, so this wasn't much of a stretch after all...

Saw some cartoon on Facebook that was basically Glenn doing the dumpster like the fred Flintstone mobile
Saw some cartoon on Facebook that was basically Glenn doing the dumpster like the fred Flintstone mobile

so the writers are just giving us time to come up with something so they can write it in real quick and get back to glenn...

sneaky i must say.

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