Somewhere in the darkness, Saviors speak in hushed voices of a monster few have lived to tell the tale of. A person capable of ruthless, unspeakable acts of evil. A person they only know of by a single name and a faint smell of baked cookies.
That name is Carol.
And it's probably dead certain Maggie is a goner. This show can't have two babies. Either she dies, the baby dies, or both die like Laurie and Judith in the comics. Slice on the t-shirt was foreshadowing. Father Gabriel can look after only so many babies at once off screen.
hell right now they have to introduce characters just to have someone to kill. what's scary is how easy it's gotten for them. priest included.
carol in this episode was all cerebral until it was time to change. intel gathering, plotting, and in the end NOT wanting to kill so even shes getting tired of it. the only time she was the carol of old is when maggie almost got a c-section. yea, the same procedure she almost quit the series when she had to do it.BOOM threat gone.
found out about the group that got blown to bits and their relative history. nice usage of history by carol.
but yea, i've not read the comics from a friend here at work has and he said there's a LOT of these people in this group. but then again, in the comics this group didn't have bullets anymore.
Agreed. Atleast as long as the governer story line went.
In regards to who gets Negan'd...i really think it's going to be Carrol. I know that doesn't work with the comics and not killing females...but She seemed really off on the Talking Dead last night, and gave me the impression that she was upset about her run coming to an end.
It won't be Maggie. At least not this season.
She'll be a huge part of the story next season, with the Hilltop.
If she is killed it will not be by Negan, unless they decide to completely destroy a part of the character. Which I highly doubt they will.
She could get killed, by one of his people, but it won't be Negan killing her.
In the comics, isn't Negan put in jail?
They're already making Maggie into a leader.
Yeah they're already building toward that, which is good, because she becomes a vital leader and part of the Hilltop.
It's the one reason I'm still thinking Glenn is definitely in play here for Negan to kill. They've been foreshadowing this for a while too. Going all the way back to last season when Glenn picked up that baseball bat and was talking about life with Rick. When they were at that community, where Tyrese got bitten.
His death absolutely pushes Maggie along on her development in the comic. It would certainly serve that purpose on the show as well.
I'm still wondering if it might be Darryl though simply for the shock factor and the factor of making Negan so hated (As they should be looking to do) with the largest part of the fan base. The death of Glenn is so iconic in the comic because he's like the little brother, loved by all, in the group that had been together since the beginning.
For fans of the show, at least the largest part of the fan base it seems, Darryl is the guy. There is no better way for Negan to set his tone on the TV, and become the most hated person possible, then if he kills Darryl.
Good reasons for both. I am definitely interested to see how it goes. My son has a theory as well, since he loves both the comic and the show. He's thinking it might be two people that Negan kills as payment. In the comic, when he kills Glenn, it's payment for Rick and his people killing but a few of his men. In the comic they didn't even kill 10 of Negans people before he's introduced.
In the TV show they've killed WAY more then that. So he was thinking, and I could see this being true to the character as well, that he might kill two people (of which he thinks will be Glenn and Darryl) as payment for all the people that Rick and his group have killed.
There's also the little matter of another big time death that happens even before the arrival of Negan that I feel like they're most likely going to put into the show and they've been foreshadowing this death for a while now too.
This will all depend on how different the show wants to deal with Negan, in comparison to the comic.
In the comic Negan is not dead, though Rick and his people do defeat him. Rick locks him up in jail for a very significant amount of time. But he never kills him. At least not to this point. In the comic they've had him in jail until just recently when a disgruntled group member frees Negan. Now Negan is loose, and unaccounted for again.
So we'll see where the goes in the comic.
I'm very curious to see if they'll do this arc in that manner in the TV show as well with Rick not killing Negan when he gets the chance, instead capturing him and holding him captive. I hope they go this route, actually, cause there is a lot of great conversations between Negan and Rick, while Rick has him captured, that really build a new side to Rick.
The character of Negan is fantastic. If the TV show even gets it close to the comic it's going to be a very iconic character, IMO.
Everyone says they are negan so his real identity is hidden from enemies. It's a common practice in organized crime/gangs.
I'd like it to go that route... It would be drastically different than how things went down with previous adversaries who all ended up dead.
I would too. It would be unique to how they normally handle the really bad people in shows and most importantly there are some very interesting interactions between Rick and Negan during the 2+ years that Rick has Negan held captive in the comic book. (Note that 2 years of that is actually a time skip, so we don't actually see any of that)
There are a lot of people with Negan, the comic never even really lets you know just how many.
They do have guns and bullets though...just not a whole lot. They're mostly hand to hand weapons because that's what they've got at their disposal.
It's a very large group of people though with enough firepower to keep people from trying to get out of control or out of hand when they need to do something.
At least for a while.
I consider that sequence as maybe Rick's return to civilization.
There was something about the roadside encounter that made me think they didn't have a lot of anything.
That whole grandiose behavior and statement by that weasel that everything belongs to Negan... Then rattling off in detail down to inconsequential items.
So your post makes sense to me.