The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

Yeah they're always looking. They do have guns, they've got snipers and bullets and such, but they don't have nearly enough for the amount of people that he has. But they still do have enough to do damage and cause problems.

But yeah the one advantage that Rick's group has is that they do have more ammo, especially by the time they actually go to war with Negan.

These up coming arcs of the TV show is probably some of the most interesting and page turning arcs in the comic series so far. There is going to be a whole lot happen, in a relatively small amount of time. I would expect that next season is going to be filled with some absolutely insane episodes.

What will be interesting is if they do use the time-jump in the TV show... They've used some, but nothing near that long.
Yeah they're always looking. They do have guns, they've got snipers and bullets and such, but they don't have nearly enough for the amount of people that he has. But they still do have enough to do damage and cause problems.

But yeah the one advantage that Rick's group has is that they do have more ammo, especially by the time they actually go to war with Negan.

These up coming arcs of the TV show is probably some of the most interesting and page turning arcs in the comic series so far. There is going to be a whole lot happen, in a relatively small amount of time. I would expect that next season is going to be filled with some absolutely insane episodes.

Honestly, since season 1... For me... The last 2 episodes are some of the best ever.
I would like to see something technological that gets put back online.

Ie. Somebody somewhere.... Goes online.... A server is still running somewhere.... A wifi connection... Something.... They FaceTime or Skype with someone overseas in Europe,

I really want to get out of this bubble..... If only for a little while.
Gotta be done with this thread. Too many comic spoilers which have too much of a chance making it to the show. You`d think the spoilers in the title would refer to the show and what has been on it (ie don`t enter if you`re not caught up - just like most everywhere else).
What will be interesting is if they do use the time-jump in the TV show... They've used some, but nothing near that long.

For sure. And I believe if they continue down this arc (With of course the types of changes they've been making to the arc's as they've went) I do believe after the war with Negan they will do the two year time skip because it's vitally important to the development of all the characters.

Everyone changes a great deal during the two years of basically peace after they defeat Negan, before they run into their next threat. A threat that is unlike anything they've faced, although I wouldn't say it's as bad or anything as Negan but it's a new kind of threat, of terrifying.

I just finished up the third compendium book, which is the first 144 comic. They are currently through 152 so I'm now only 8 behind being completely caught up and so I'm at the point where this new threat has just been revealed and the lines have just been drawn. It's crazy and it is brutal.

But after Negan it just doesn't have the same pop, the same fear factor that dealing with him did. This new threat is dangerous, without question, and they're bad people but they just don't seem nearly as bad as Negan and his men did.

Now I just have to find somewhere online where I can read the comics that have come out because I have no intention of waiting for the next compendium to find out. These compendiums are 48 comics a piece so I'd be waiting about 4 years for the next one to come out.
Honestly, since season 1... For me... The last 2 episodes are some of the best ever.

They've been great. The whole second half of this season I feel like has been absolutely great. They've been building up this finale in just a fantastic fashion.

And I feel like it's going to pay off in a major way. I haven't looked forward to an arc of this show even close to as much as I'm looking forward to these next few arcs of it. These are, IMO, the best three arcs from the comics that are coming up.
Gotta be done with this thread. Too many comic spoilers which have too much of a chance making it to the show. You`d think the spoilers in the title would refer to the show and what has been on it (ie don`t enter if you`re not caught up - just like most everywhere else).

My bad man. I had seen comic spoilers in here before, from others, so I thought everyone knew that it was blending both. Again my bad.
Carol bails. She is stupid to think saying "don't come after me" is going to work.

ok - i know my memory isn't the best but where did 2-face come from again w/daryls crossbow? that just seemed like some random act of violence and took out yet another character i was getting to like in the chic.

in any event - carol is certainly having a hard time killing and this makes the least amount of sense. she had zero issue doing it at the prison for even a close risk of someone else getting sick. she's always been the "whatever has to be done will be done" person and i guess that got to her. at least they did play it out and show you a progression for character development and that was good.

as for leaving - we've not seen the last of her. but maybe - just maybe - she can grow some hair in the in between.

mullet man is getting pretty brave and just seldom makes much sense. but he can make bullets so all the rest can be forgiven. between this and morgan building the cell, it does look like negan will be thrown in jail after awhile per the comics.

this whole season is one of the best in quite awhile. the mood they set and the directing has been much more solid and ... surreal. fitting the tone of the season.

but at least daryl has his bike and crossbow back. but can't drive a stick. go figure.

ok - i know my memory isn't the best but where did 2-face come from again w/daryls crossbow? that just seemed like some random act of violence and took out yet another character i was getting to like in the chic.

Daryl came across Dwight and a girl in the first half of the season, while out on an expedition. He saved them from a group of people and in turn the two stole his bike and his crossbow. Dwight did not have the burn scars at that point.

This was the episode where Daryl found the fuel truck.
Last night's show gave an indication of how things can be different from the TV show to the graphic novel.
in any event - carol is certainly having a hard time killing and this makes the least amount of sense. she had zero issue doing it at the prison for even a close risk of someone else getting sick. she's always been the "whatever has to be done will be done" person and i guess that got to her. at least they did play it out and show you a progression for character development and that was good.

as for leaving - we've not seen the last of her. but maybe - just maybe - she can grow some hair in the in between.
My take: Carol is a protector and a defender. She'd move heaven and earth to remove the infected from her family in the prison or go commando on Terminus to get her family out of cannibal land.

Her blood runs cold only when she sees one of her own in immediate danger though. Her mindset is not that of a proactive killer. Wolves invading Alexandria? She guns them down without batting an eyelash but she won't track them down and snuff 'em out in the woods. She extends the same mentality to others. On one hand, she'll drill kids hard to kill walkers and humans threatening their lives. On the other hand, it tore Carol apart killing Psycho Lizzie, who she could have abandoned out in the middle of nowhere, but regrettably put out of her misery. Carol's a soldier of necessity but not she's not a mercenary.

Jerry, you are so wrong about Carol's hair. Man, talk about cold-blooded. :D:p
My take: Carol is a protector and a defender. She'd move heaven and earth to remove the infected from her family in the prison or go commando on Terminus to get her family out of cannibal land.

Her blood runs cold only when she sees one of her own in immediate danger though. Her mindset is not that of a proactive killer. Wolves invading Alexandria? She guns them down without batting an eyelash but she won't track them down and snuff 'em out in the woods. She extends the same mentality to others. On one hand, she'll drill kids hard to kill walkers and humans threatening their lives. On the other hand, it tore Carol apart killing Psycho Lizzie, who she could have abandoned out in the middle of nowhere, but regrettably put out of her misery. Carol's a soldier of necessity but not she's not a mercenary.

Jerry, you are so wrong about Carol's hair. Man, talk about cold-blooded. :D:p

The Carol-character is interesting.

She's killed more humans than anyone on the show and it's caught up to her.

Luv the character. Melissa McBride is top-shelf.

But I question the character surviving the season. My expectations are pretty low.
The Carol-character is interesting.

She's killed more humans than anyone on the show and it's caught up to her.

Luv the character. Melissa McBride is top-shelf.

But I question the character surviving the season. My expectations are pretty low.

I see two possible story arcs: One she dies, two the person who goes to find her will be Morgan and he will end up killing to protect her.
I see two possible story arcs: One she dies, two the person who goes to find her will be Morgan and he will end up killing to protect her.

Or she dies to save him. Or both. Those two are fairly well intertwined at this point.

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