The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

OK... here's a new perspective. It's not one I came up with, but boy it makes sense...

"It was Glenn that got the bat during the show, leading up to Negan, there were black POV shots throughout the episode. it was the victim's prospective in the back of that van waiting for something to happen. When the doors finally opened the prospective changed from POV to show Daryl and company tied up and filed out to join rick.

Glenn was the last one out - it was his prospective looking out at the back of the van.

The episode was called last day on earth, so it was Glenn's last day on earth and we the viewers got to see what it was like from his shoes."

I read an article earlier today that had fleshed this idea out a little more:

I can't believe I didn't pick this up the first time I watched the finale. (It's similar to when David Chase used first person POV to establish Tony Soprano's perspective in the restaurant.) I think this is the strongest case for it being Glenn. It's not often that they choose to shoot from this viewpoint so it has to mean something. If it's not Glenn, then it has to be someone in the van.
I read an article earlier today that had fleshed this idea out a little more:

I can't believe I didn't pick this up the first time I watched the finale. (It's similar to when David Chase used first person POV to establish Tony Soprano's perspective in the restaurant.) I think this is the strongest case for it being Glenn. It's not often that they choose to shoot from this viewpoint so it has to mean something. If it's not Glenn, then it has to be someone in the van.

It's interesting if nothing else.

Certainly narrows down the list of possible victims.

And it had to be one of the last folks out of the van. As we saw in the image, there is a "head" in front of the person who's offering the perspective.
So you think they knew where Rick was going ahead of time? I don't see how.

Do you think that they chased the guy, dragged him into the middle of the road and just waited there? What was their reason to wait? Why hold off on killing the guy until they hung him over the bridge?

It was clear from the previous episode that the Saviors have been watching Alexandria. The party Carol ran into were out scouting and knew where she came from.

Clearly they have had pockets of scouts out observing, and used the walkie-talkies to let Negan know when people left and the direction they were headed. That is how they easily caught Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, and Rosita. It is how they herded Rick and the RV where they wanted them so that they could surround them. There is a reason that the last road block had the trees, because Negan's group blocked it way in advance because they knew that at some point Rick would make a trip to Hilltop. That is why the numbers kept getting bigger at each encounter. They knew all the possible routes and blocked the quickest with the smallest group so that if Rick attacked that small group and kept going, the larger numbers were free to hit Alexandria. If Rick didn't force the issue, they knew they could move in to block the other routes and catch them where they had no chance to fight.
Do you think that they chased the guy, dragged him into the middle of the road and just waited there? What was their reason to wait? Why hold off on killing the guy until they hung him over the bridge?

It was clear from the previous episode that the Saviors have been watching Alexandria. The party Carol ran into were out scouting and knew where she came from.

Clearly they have had pockets of scouts out observing, and used the walkie-talkies to let Negan know when people left and the direction they were headed. That is how they easily caught Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, and Rosita. It is how they herded Rick and the RV where they wanted them so that they could surround them. There is a reason that the last road block had the trees, because Negan's group blocked it way in advance because they knew that at some point Rick would make a trip to Hilltop. That is why the numbers kept getting bigger at each encounter. They knew all the possible routes and blocked the quickest with the smallest group so that if Rick attacked that small group and kept going, the larger numbers were free to hit Alexandria. If Rick didn't force the issue, they knew they could move in to block the other routes and catch them where they had no chance to fight.

I don't think they were waiting for Rick when the librarian guy was in the road. They were in the middle of torturing him when Winnebago Rolled up. I do agree with you that they have that whole area scouted out. The guys that intercepted Carol told her they were on their way to Alexandria. Dealing with Rick and his group is definitely a priority for Negan.
I read an article earlier today that had fleshed this idea out a little more:

I can't believe I didn't pick this up the first time I watched the finale. (It's similar to when David Chase used first person POV to establish Tony Soprano's perspective in the restaurant.) I think this is the strongest case for it being Glenn. It's not often that they choose to shoot from this viewpoint so it has to mean something. If it's not Glenn, then it has to be someone in the van.

The article is interesting and all, but the show went out of its way to mimic the Negan from the comics. They had his costume custom made to perfectly match, the actor looks remarkably similar, a lot of the speech is directly out of the comics, etc. Why would they take a key factor of what makes Negan who he is and change it after going through all of the trouble of copying him? The legwork in that article is good, but the guess is way off base in my eyes. It's definitely Glenn or Daryl and since Daryl was at the front, it's probably Glenn.
The article is interesting and all, but the show went out of its way to mimic the Negan from the comics. They had his costume custom made to perfectly match, the actor looks remarkably similar, a lot of the speech is directly out of the comics, etc. Why would they take a key factor of what makes Negan who he is and change it after going through all of the trouble of copying him? The legwork in that article is good, but the guess is way off base in my eyes. It's definitely Glenn or Daryl and since Daryl was at the front, it's probably Glenn.

And certainly there could have been some side-switching between the time they took the perspective shot from inside the van to when they open the door.

Obviously whacking Michonne would be a biggie but that would have all sorts of ramifications on later episodes.

Glenn getting out last speaks volumes.

The problem is the top of the head in the one shot is Glenn's head. The hair is kind of spikey, and Daryl's hair is plastered down.

The problem is the top of the head in the one shot is Glenn's head. The hair is kind of spikey, and Daryl's hair is plastered down.

Boy, that's not a lot of spikey hair though. And you don't know which direction their head is turned.
It's interesting if nothing else.

Certainly narrows down the list of possible victims.

And it had to be one of the last folks out of the van. As we saw in the image, there is a "head" in front of the person who's offering the perspective.

That is Glenn's head.
Boy, that's not a lot of spikey hair though. And you don't know which direction their head is turned.

And based on the depth in the van, it can't be Daryl because he is clearly right by the door and against the wall. That head is farther back and in the middle.
And based on the depth in the van, it can't be Daryl because he is clearly right by the door and against the wall. That head is farther back and in the middle.

But they could have moved before the door was opened.
I looked at the first person POV shots just during the eanie meanie scene last night and didn't think they were all from the same person. Can look again later, but remember thinking the first one was Aaron. The second time the bat was pointed at the screen, I couldn't tell for sure who it was because the bat was no longer being pointed at characters in the order they were sitting. Also, each character had a third person shot during that scene. That was the main thing I was looking for.
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They are getting exactly what they are Zaprudering everything, even though they told us that they shot it with multiple POVs and did so on two nights. Night one was from Negan's perspective, so all the reaction shots were from the first night. The second night was from behind the group looking at Negan for his monologue. I doubt that anything clearly points to who got Lucilled. They shot it for red herrings, the sound stuff means nothing because it can all be reactions from the others, because by the second hit there is not going to be any noise coming from the victim except for maybe gurgles.
You guys all fell for it hook line and sinker......Who shot JR?......

People die on this show, even with all the magic dumpsters and miracle healthcare.....

They should have shown it......we put up with a lot and deserve it.....cliffhangers are cheap tricks.....
You guys all fell for it hook line and sinker......Who shot JR?......

People die on this show, even with all the magic dumpsters and miracle healthcare.....

They should have shown it......we put up with a lot and deserve it.....cliffhangers are cheap tricks.....

You're right. But I consider this more interesting than the episode itself. LOL!
I can dig it.......I just hate being taken for granted....I'll be back this Fall without the tricks.....I've been in since the beginning.....

"Fear TWD" starts up this Sunday... It's not as sharply written but it's something to watch with zombies. :)
The article is interesting and all, but the show went out of its way to mimic the Negan from the comics. They had his costume custom made to perfectly match, the actor looks remarkably similar, a lot of the speech is directly out of the comics, etc. Why would they take a key factor of what makes Negan who he is and change it after going through all of the trouble of copying him? The legwork in that article is good, but the guess is way off base in my eyes. It's definitely Glenn or Daryl and since Daryl was at the front, it's probably Glenn.

I agree with you ROH88.

The writer has it wrong on who it is (but I do find his first person POV theory interesting of the victim being in the van) because of what you pointed out with the lengths they went to bring Negan to near exactly as he is in the comic. What Negan doesn't do would eliminate Michonne and Rosita. Daryl being in the front would leave Glenn.
It's definitely Daryl being shown in the POV shot. He starts out hunched over towards the middle of the van and leans back to the side of the van as the door opens.

First is from the van door opening, and the last two images are incremental frames - the end of one shot followed by the beginning of another.

Glenn can't be that sneaky.

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