The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

It's definitely Daryl being shown in the POV shot. He starts out hunched over towards the middle of the van and leans back to the side of the van as the door opens.

First is from the van door opening, and the last two images are incremental frames - the end of one shot followed by the beginning of another.

Glenn can't be that sneaky.

Then where is Michonne? She is between Daryl and Glenn and you can see the wall of the van where she would be sitting if that is Daryl. I am telling you this crap is a gimmick to get people guessing.
Then where is Michonne? She is between Daryl and Glenn and you can see the wall of the van where she would be sitting if that is Daryl. I am telling you this crap is a gimmick to get people guessing.

There's merit to what you posted.

But also I think it's safe to say whoever got clobbered was one of those four and everyone else can be taken off the list.
There's merit to what you posted.

But also I think it's safe to say whoever got clobbered was one of those four and everyone else can be taken off the list.

i think all the talk and bantering back and forth is what they wanted - and they got it. yay for them.

however, i also think that trying to determine from the angles and views who was killed is just passing the time and even if right, it was luck. i don't think they filmed it in a manner that would be giving away the 1 thing they wanted you talking about for 6 months.

so carry on, i suppose. :)
i think all the talk and bantering back and forth is what they wanted - and they got it. yay for them.

however, i also think that trying to determine from the angles and views who was killed is just passing the time and even if right, it was luck. i don't think they filmed it in a manner that would be giving away the 1 thing they wanted you talking about for 6 months.

so carry on, i suppose. :)

You're right about the angles. I admit that I'm looking for clues which - yay they got me too. I even looked to see how the breath is coming out of Negan's mouth. It's moving to his left during his speech but moving to his right when the POV changes. So yep they're just screwing with us.
OK... here's a new perspective. It's not one I came up with, but boy it makes sense...

"It was Glenn that got the bat during the show, leading up to Negan, there were black POV shots throughout the episode. it was the victim's prospective in the back of that van waiting for something to happen. When the doors finally opened the prospective changed from POV to show Daryl and company tied up and filed out to join rick.

Glenn was the last one out - it was his prospective looking out at the back of the van.

The episode was called last day on earth, so it was Glenn's last day on earth and we the viewers got to see what it was like from his shoes."

That's a good spot. Makes some sense for sure.
The only one acting like it was his last day on Earth was Eugene.

Well you have to remember being brave is something very new to Eugene. He's been a coward this entire time. He's not going to be ready for things quite like this, just yet. Glenn, Rick, Daryl etc. these folks have been through so many close calls, terrible moments that they're not as quick to show fear or to break down.

I feel bad for poor old Eugene. He wants so bad to be tough, to be brave, and he's working toward that. He's just not there yet.
Do you think that they chased the guy, dragged him into the middle of the road and just waited there? What was their reason to wait? Why hold off on killing the guy until they hung him over the bridge?

It was clear from the previous episode that the Saviors have been watching Alexandria. The party Carol ran into were out scouting and knew where she came from.

Clearly they have had pockets of scouts out observing, and used the walkie-talkies to let Negan know when people left and the direction they were headed. That is how they easily caught Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, and Rosita. It is how they herded Rick and the RV where they wanted them so that they could surround them. There is a reason that the last road block had the trees, because Negan's group blocked it way in advance because they knew that at some point Rick would make a trip to Hilltop. That is why the numbers kept getting bigger at each encounter. They knew all the possible routes and blocked the quickest with the smallest group so that if Rick attacked that small group and kept going, the larger numbers were free to hit Alexandria. If Rick didn't force the issue, they knew they could move in to block the other routes and catch them where they had no chance to fight.


People some how have missed the fact that Negan has had them scouting, watching, and observing the movements of Alexandria.

That's why he tells Rick about how he sent his men to kill them after Rick had killed their men.

He's been watching for a bit now and learning. Negan is not an idiot. He doesn't just randomly run up on people without any thought or planning.
Well you have to remember being brave is something very new to Eugene. He's been a coward this entire time. He's not going to be ready for things quite like this, just yet. Glenn, Rick, Daryl etc. these folks have been through so many close calls, terrible moments that they're not as quick to show fear or to break down.

I feel bad for poor old Eugene. He wants so bad to be tough, to be brave, and he's working toward that. He's just not there yet.

and never will........He gone......his legacy will be the bullets and Sasha will name the baby Eugene...

People some how have missed the fact that Negan has had them scouting, watching, and observing the movements of Alexandria.

That's why he tells Rick about how he sent his men to kill them after Rick had killed their men.

He's been watching for a bit now and learning. Negan is not an idiot. He doesn't just randomly run up on people without any thought or planning.

Agreed. It's alluded to. You are right!
A side note on Eugene. When we see him he had clearly been beat up, couple that with how Negan singled out a sick Maggie and then pegged the Rick and Carl connection leads me to believe that Eugene broke and gave up info. In a weird way that cowardly act may have made him a target with Negan...thus the, "Damn, you took it like a champ", when the POV showed eye contact even after the first hit. Eugene had one last cowardly act and then in death found the bravery he lacked.
Then where is Michonne? She is between Daryl and Glenn and you can see the wall of the van where she would be sitting if that is Daryl. I am telling you this crap is a gimmick to get people guessing.

Confusion goes away when you see that's not the van's side wall, but the full width of the back of the van (the back of the van isn't all door, as is shown in the last pic, it's space Daryl is leaning on). The POV shot sways from the right side of the van more towards the center as if someone has been leaning over, sitting up at center, and the van doors open. From that centered position, you don't even see the entirety of Daryl's head furthest left, so it'd be impossible to see Michonne since she's sitting more parallel to the POV than Daryl.
hard to tell if any of those in the poloroids are women which would negate negan never hitting women. :)
Found an interesting theory as to when/how the walking dead will end. Let me know what you all think :)

What we are doing is exactly why they should have shown it. It's going to be beaten to death for 6 months until we are numb to the act. When it finally does happen, instead of it being a massive shell shocked moment, it's just going to be a ln I told you so moment.
What we are doing is exactly why they should have shown it. It's going to be beaten to death for 6 months until we are numb to the act. When it finally does happen, instead of it being a massive shell shocked moment, it's just going to be a ln I told you so moment.

If it's Glenn... which is exactly why it won't be Glenn. The comic book readers expect it to be Glenn and most of the non comic book readers are buying into what the comic book readers are telling them.
OK... here's a new perspective. It's not one I came up with, but boy it makes sense...

"It was Glenn that got the bat during the show, leading up to Negan, there were black POV shots throughout the episode. it was the victim's prospective in the back of that van waiting for something to happen. When the doors finally opened the prospective changed from POV to show Daryl and company tied up and filed out to join rick.

Glenn was the last one out - it was his prospective looking out at the back of the van.

The episode was called last day on earth, so it was Glenn's last day on earth and we the viewers got to see what it was like from his shoes."

This actually makes me hate the ending of the show a lot less. It makes sense, though I'd argue they did a poor job getting the idea of the first-person flashbacks across. I'd considered all of those shots as 3rd person glimpses into what's been going on with the prisoners to remind the audience that there was more than just Rick's party in jeopardy. If it was supposed to be a first-person view of one of the characters' final day, that's not a bad device to use. And it then makes more sense that it would end with a fade-to-black with the baseball bat.

Ok idea, poorly executed if that's the case.
If it's Glenn... which is exactly why it won't be Glenn. The comic book readers expect it to be Glenn and most of the non comic book readers are buying into what the comic book readers are telling them.

It doesn't really matter who it is. Every scenario is going to be beaten to death. We're also going to get tons of updates during filming and most likely rumors leaked. Not to mention we will have had 6 months to accept the fact that somebody dies. There will be no shock and very little impact which is the exact opposite feeling the comics had.

What evidence we have supports that premise.

Which is why they'd be stupid to kill Glenn, it is what everyone is expecting to happen at this point, and defeats the entire cliffhanger premise. The only way the 6 month wait has a payoff is if the victim doesn't fit into the theories and comes as a surprise.

And if we take into account that Negan knows about the group...he singled out Maggie, knew Carl was Rick's son, it would seem he'd know about Rick and Michonne. If they want a surprise, that would have an extreme emotional impact on Rick and the group, than Michonne would be the logical victim of Lucille.

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